Based on the "Science", i.e. remember those of us that question the vaccines are told that? Well where is the science when it comes to EVs?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
How many times were those of us that have been skeptical about "Covid," "Global Warming" and especially the source of a lot of "Science"...

Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars Must Be Electric by 2050 to Meet Climate Goals​

Well let's look at the "Science" i.e. economic science of first of all the headline... "Ninety Percent of U.S. Cars " HEY... what about U.S. trucks?????
Now let's look at reality which evidently "Scientific American" Biden Administration and frankly easily 99% of all Americans haven't considered.
Now I'm making a BIG NUMBER here:
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if Scientific American and Biden and all these idiots who spout "follow the science" REALLY "Follow the science" they would accept these numbers based on
The entire "Science community" seem to forget TRUCKS!
Seem to forget where does the electricity come from?
So what they are forgetting is the 12.4 TRILLION ADDITIONAL electricity that will flow through "transmission towers" to "distribution"
will cost if to be generated by nuclear plants, 860 plants will cost:
1) Construction taking 10 years at cost of $6.023 Trillion that will be passed on to the consumer directly or indirectly through the goods and services we use.
2) Construction of the addition transmission towers and distribution the cost I've not included here.
3) The annual operating costs at an annual fee of 13¢/KWH OR another $1.619 Trillion... again paid by us!!

So those of you that "follow the science"...(by the way I googled that dumb comment:..3.620 Billion results!) closely read the below based on "Scientific American"
that as I pointed out seemed only to concern with "cars".
But the conclusion folks is why haven't we heard ANYTHING about the nearly 300% additional electricity generating capacity?
Remember the utility companies don't care! They WANT you to use more electricity EVEN if it costs the average American household..(129,930,000 households will
be confronted with additional cost of this additional 12.461 Trillion kWh!
You are now confronted with the reality of "follow the science" and tell me how this will be achieved?
Oh in the meantime what do you think gas prices will do ??? If demand goes down, prices go down???

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Beside being horrible at the maths, enviroloons are schizoid...They want to demand that we all drive around in sparky cars, then prohibit the mining for the needed minerals.

Would be easy to laugh at their lunacy, were they not in charge of so much.
This is truly the MSM biased and ignorant news presentations. "Follow the science" is a farce! There is a way to migrate to EVs but this dumb ass president saying:

"I guarantee We Are Going To Get Rid of Fossil Fuels” September 06, 2019, 5:49 PM
Dems war on science is in full swing. Today a woke Dem PhD told an audience there's no difference between male and female bone structure, you can't tell the difference between a man and a woman's skeletons. This woke idiot was laughed out of the room. :auiqs.jpg:
Beside being horrible at the maths, enviroloons are schizoid...They want to demand that we all drive around in sparky cars, then prohibit the mining for the needed minerals.

Would be easy to laugh at their lunacy, were they not in charge of so much.
For some high IQs are unobtainable. Capitalism itself has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process. When the consumer owns the means of electric production, the game begins to mutate, including the game of lithium access.
Electric Cars violate >>>The Second Law of Thermodynamics.
In the end they use more energy and thus they produce more pollution.
The Crazy Climate Cult doesn't get it.

I'm just repeating a number that everyone should be aware of because that is the future for those people that believe EVs are the answer to climate change!

kilowatt hours ....that is how much electricity is needed if 90% of cars and trucks are EVs.
In 2023, the USA will generate about 5 Trillion kWh.
The average nuclear power plant takes about 10 years and $7 billion to build and will generate about 14 billion kWh per year.
To produce 12.5 trillion kWh per year for 90% of USA cars/trucks will require 860 nuclear plants built by 2050.
It takes 10 years to plan, get approvals and physically construct a nuclear a cost of $7 billion each!
A nuclear energy facility has a small area footprint, requiring about 1.3 square miles per 1,000 megawatts of installed capacity or
860 plants starting today to be done by 2033 are not even being planned in the USA today AND will need about 1,118 square miles.

Just a note...
Environmental groups, fearful of nuclear meltdowns and weapon proliferation, began lobbying governments to stop building new power plants.
In the US, the result was rafts of new safety regulations that made building and operating plants two to three times more costly.Jul 1, 2021

As of September 2017, there are two new reactors under construction with a gross electrical capacity of 2,500 MW, while 39 reactors have been permanently shut down.
That's it! Has any of these "EV" experts considered that?
Biden's building 200,000 EV chargers WILL NOT work if there is no electricity!
I really don't understand why these calculations haven't been more widely known!
There will NOT be enough electricity generated to run our economy by 2050!
Democrats support science except when it's an inconvenience to them -- e.g. they demand men can be women and that women are physically equal to men.
For some high IQs are unobtainable. Capitalism itself has an intimate relationship to the schizophrenic process. When the consumer owns the means of electric production, the game begins to mutate, including the game of lithium access.

I don't get invested in this issue. .. So I can't say if this guy knows what he is talking about. . .

I trust you would be able to verify if this is BS or not. . . 🤔

If so, this seems outrageous.
I'm just repeating a number that everyone should be aware of because that is the future for those people that believe EVs are the answer to climate change!
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kilowatt hours ....that is how much electricity is needed if 90% of cars and trucks are EVs.
In 2023, the USA will generate about 5 Trillion kWh.
The average nuclear power plant takes about 10 years and $7 billion to build and will generate about 14 billion kWh per year.
To produce 12.5 trillion kWh per year for 90% of USA cars/trucks will require 860 nuclear plants built by 2050.
It takes 10 years to plan, get approvals and physically construct a nuclear a cost of $7 billion each!
A nuclear energy facility has a small area footprint, requiring about 1.3 square miles per 1,000 megawatts of installed capacity or
860 plants starting today to be done by 2033 are not even being planned in the USA today AND will need about 1,118 square miles.

Just a note...
Environmental groups, fearful of nuclear meltdowns and weapon proliferation, began lobbying governments to stop building new power plants.
In the US, the result was rafts of new safety regulations that made building and operating plants two to three times more costly.Jul 1, 2021

As of September 2017, there are two new reactors under construction with a gross electrical capacity of 2,500 MW, while 39 reactors have been permanently shut down.
That's it! Has any of these "EV" experts considered that?
Biden's building 200,000 EV chargers WILL NOT work if there is no electricity!
I really don't understand why these calculations haven't been more widely known!
There will NOT be enough electricity generated to run our economy by 2050!
Have you gotten any of the $4,000 light bills you predicted we’d be getting yet?
Have you gotten any of the $4,000 light bills you predicted we’d be getting yet?
Are You and your other EV idiots driving EVs? Are any of the Trucks that move roughly 72.6% of the nation's supply chain trucks EVs?

Any new nuclear power plants completed? Planned? Constructed? That would be the cause of the $4,000 light bills ... DUMMY!
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