Base Closings Hidden Problems

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mrsx said:
Oh, I see. Well, that makes it more of an honor than I thought. Perhaps you could guide me to the light. I think of "ranting" as speaking or declaiming in a violent, loud, or vehement manner. Is that what you mean too? Could you show me where I ranted and how you would have expressed the idea in a way that would have been approved of by the ppl. I'm all for power to the ppl!

Nothing I could show you would change your mind. You are closed-minded and intolerant of beliefs which don't originate from your mind. Nothing I could show you in terms of YOUR quotes would satisify you. Instead of owning up to what you reply with, I'd see you whining about "I only said that cuz THEY....."

(shrug). Frankly, 'fixing you' isn't worth my time. Head-banging-against-wall.
-=d=- said:
No, you are not heading for the cellar, you are IN the cellar. Those who don't agree with the popular opinions of this board can do one of two things:

#1 Articulate their differences with insight and respect and data to back up their claims....


#2 Get their proverbial panties wadded, and name call - because their ego is too fragile to allow them to concede.

You chose option 2. Thus, the users of this board, of their own compulsion have decided your posts don't meet with 'approval'. They view your rants and whining as childlike, or insane, or ideas grown out of ignorance to 'reality' and/or common sense.


You LOVE Playing the vicitm, don't ya dude? :)
I am curious about the purpose of the conformity/credibility rating system. At first glance it seems to be an attempt at operant conditioning, “the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.” However, I doubt that can be the intended purpose because such behaviorist psychology is in conflict with the red-blooded, true-blue American patriotism that drives this board. It’s commie rats and socialst college perfessys that go in for that sort of thing.

What’s more, if the aim is to have the poster work for a higher reputation rating, the idea of red boxes and negative numbers is counter productive negative reinforcement. You can see the same psychology at work when one of the local wits calls a colleague “asswipe” or some such. It doesn’t make the scolded one retract: “Oh, golly! You are so right. I am an asswipe. What could I have been thinking? Thank you for telling me. etc. etc.” You don’t really see that reaction too much.

No, it think the purpose of the rating system is support group identity and enforce conformity in the voters. “She’s the bad one. She’s not like us. We are punishing her. Bad, bad bad! I’m glad I’m not like that. etc. etc.” Pretty standard mind control technique in authoritarian societies. The totalitarian systems of the 20th century all used this mechanism. It produced what Ortega y Gasset called “mass man.” It makes possible that “banality of evil” (words of Hannah Arendt) to be found in Auchwitz or Abu Ghraib. And the coolest part is that the suckers think they are the ones in control!
Oh well, you live long enough, you begin to see stuff the young satyrs miss.
mrsx said:
I am curious about the purpose of the conformity/credibility rating system. At first glance it seems to be an attempt at operant conditioning, “the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.” However, I doubt that can be the intended purpose because such behaviorist psychology is in conflict with the red-blooded, true-blue American patriotism that drives this board. It’s commie rats and socialst college perfessys that go in for that sort of thing.

What’s more, if the aim is to have the poster work for a higher reputation rating, the idea of red boxes and negative numbers is counter productive negative reinforcement. You can see the same psychology at work when one of the local wits calls a colleague “asswipe” or some such. It doesn’t make the scolded one retract: “Oh, golly! You are so right. I am an asswipe. What could I have been thinking? Thank you for telling me. etc. etc.” You don’t really see that reaction too much.

No, it think the purpose of the rating system is support group identity and enforce conformity in the voters. “She’s the bad one. She’s not like us. We are punishing her. Bad, bad bad! I’m glad I’m not like that. etc. etc.” Pretty standard mind control technique in authoritarian societies. The totalitarian systems of the 20th century all used this mechanism. It produced what Ortega y Gasset called “mass man.” It makes possible that “banality of evil” (words of Hannah Arendt) to be found in Auchwitz or Abu Ghraib. And the coolest part is that the suckers think they are the ones in control!
Oh well, you live long enough, you begin to see stuff the young satyrs miss.

wow...what I would give to spend just one DAY in your world...geesh...Not meant as an insult, but I bet you could make a given therapist VERY wealthy.



:tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil:
mrsx said:
......At first glance it seems to be an attempt at operant conditioning, “the behavior is followed by a consequence, and the nature of the consequence modifies the organisms tendency to repeat the behavior in the future.” ...... It’s commie rats and socialst college perfessys that go in for that sort of thing.

.....the idea of red boxes and negative numbers is counter productive negative reinforcement. ......

.....the rating system is support group identity and enforce conformity in the voters. ....... Pretty standard mind control technique in authoritarian societies. The totalitarian systems of the 20th century .......

It produced what Ortega y Gasset called “mass man.” It makes possible that “banality of evil” (words of Hannah Arendt) to be found in Auchwitz or Abu Ghraib. ......


Commie rats, socialist college perfessys, mind control, authoritarian, mass man, "banality of evil", Auchwitzh, Abu Ghraib....

All this from the USMB rating system.

When you go to a football game, and see the teams in a huddle on the field, do you think they are talking about you?
GotZoom said:
When you go to a football game, and see the teams in a huddle on the field, do you think they are talking about you?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

GotZoom said:
When you go to a football game, and see the teams in a huddle on the field, do you think they are talking about you?

-=d=- said:
:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:


:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
-=d=- said:
wow...what I would give to spend just one DAY in your world...geesh...Not meant as an insult, but I bet you could make a given therapist VERY wealthy.



:tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil: :tinfoil:
Thank you for pointing that out to me. I have learned so much about myself since the Lord Jesus Christ pointed the way to this BBS. I have wandered in the darkness, I have betrayed the entire Judeo-Christian system of ethics, I have allowed unspeakable evil to accumulate behind my refridgerator. But now, thanks to all the wonderful and wise patriots who have taken the time to show me the error of my ways, who have given unstintingly of their wit, wisdom and vast life experience, I see that *everything * has been my fault. It was I who shattered the loving peace of this cyber-Mayberry with my foul, demonic ravings. I scared the little children and caused your KY Love Gel to leak into the nightstand drawer.
There is perhaps no higher testament to the inherent goodness of the Republican Party than the fact that you have taken me, prodigal sinner and unworthy as I am, to your corporate bosom. You have washed away my sins with your tears of joy and now I am as the new BMW convertible leaving the showroom floor: smelling of fresh leather and rarin' to go. I wear my Scarlet Letter, the -304 proudly now. Not as a badge of shame but as the cross that will, after the 2006 congressional elections, be turned into my starry crown.
Thank you. Thank you all so much. God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
mrsx said:
Thank you for pointing that out to me. I have learned so much about myself since the Lord Jesus Christ pointed the way to this BBS. I have wandered in the darkness, I have betrayed the entire Judeo-Christian system of ethics, I have allowed unspeakable evil to accumulate behind my refridgerator. But now, thanks to all the wonderful and wise patriots who have taken the time to show me the error of my ways, who have given unstintingly of their wit, wisdom and vast life experience, I see that *everything * has been my fault. It was I who shattered the loving peace of this cyber-Mayberry with my foul, demonic ravings. I scared the little children and caused your KY Love Gel to leak into the nightstand drawer.
There is perhaps no higher testament to the inherent goodness of the Republican Party than the fact that you have taken me, prodigal sinner and unworthy as I am, to your corporate bosom. You have washed away my sins with your tears of joy and now I am as the new BMW convertible leaving the showroom floor: smelling of fresh leather and rarin' to go. I wear my Scarlet Letter, the -304 proudly now. Not as a badge of shame but as the cross that will, after the 2006 congressional elections, be turned into my starry crown.
Thank you. Thank you all so much. God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

I am more socially conservative than most GOP's ...however you are making no sense at all...When in the military and inS/East asia did I say when under me corp America...Hell no...I said "God help me"...I'm scarred...He did....and I am telling you for the last time....wake up...what you are learning in here is opinions of those who have been there and done that...I had you on ignore...just came back to wake you further comment from me will help you...only you can help yourself! :halo:
mrsx said:
Thank you for pointing that out to me. I have learned so much about myself since the Lord Jesus Christ pointed the way to this BBS.

I have wandered in the darkness, I have betrayed the entire Judeo-Christian system of ethics.

But now, thanks to all the wonderful and wise patriots who have taken the time to show me the error of my ways, who have given unstintingly of their wit, wisdom and vast life experience, I see that *everything * has been my fault.

It was I who shattered the loving peace of this cyber-Mayberry with my foul, demonic ravings.

There is perhaps no higher testament to the inherent goodness of the Republican Party than the fact that you have taken me, prodigal sinner and unworthy as I am, to your corporate bosom.

You have washed away my sins with your tears of joyThank you all so much. God bless you and GOD BLESS AMERICA!

I edited your post just a bit.

And you know, I think this is the first thing you have written that I absolutely agree with.

No thanks needed, but...

You Are Welcome.
GotZoom said:
I edited your post just a bit.

And you know, I think this is the first thing you have written that I absolutely agree with.

No thanks needed, but...

You Are Welcome.
Oh, Lordy! How you make these old bones shake with laughter. You lads are more fun than letting my kitty chase the laser pointer. What does any of this have to do with base closings? You poor lonely guys sit at your keyboards hoping for some sort of connection to fill the hole in your lives. I doesn't matter what I say, you can't ignore me and move on. There isn't anyplace for you to move on to. You are so lost and confused that you must hunch in the darkness waiting to pounce on anything in the futile hope of having someone admire your knowledge. It's a compulsion resulting from arrested emotional development. Why don't you just ignore me and move on? A few of you can, at least for a day or two, but there's always some poor geek who just has to say something - even when it means I win and he's a jerk. Watch this post and you will see.
mrsx said:
Oh, Lordy! How you make these old bones shake with laughter. You lads are more fun than letting my kitty chase the laser pointer. What does any of this have to do with base closings? You poor lonely guys sit at your keyboards hoping for some sort of connection to fill the hole in your lives. I doesn't matter what I say, you can't ignore me and move on. There isn't anyplace for you to move on to. You are so lost and confused that you must hunch in the darkness waiting to pounce on anything in the futile hope of having someone admire your knowledge. It's a compulsion resulting from arrested emotional development. Why don't you just ignore me and move on? A few of you can, at least for a day or two, but there's always some poor geek who just has to say something - even when it means I win and he's a jerk. Watch this post and you will see.



  • $scaredkitty.jpg
    26 KB · Views: 108
GotZoom said:
I edited your post just a bit.

And you know, I think this is the first thing you have written that I absolutely agree with.

No thanks needed, but...

You Are Welcome.
I want to thank you for editing my post so that at least some of the ideas can fit inside a tiny mind. Yours was a brillant idea. I wish I had thought of it. I see the implications of your editorial breakthrough. If you take out anything you disagree with, you'll agree with whatever is left. AMAZING! Did you come to this by yourself or did the nurse help you? You have taken deconstruction criticism to a whole new level. And they said that born-again Republicans have no sense of humor and are incapable of detecting irony! You have showed them all, Sir! The Levy-Strauss of the Bible Thumpers, the Derrida of God's own corn fed and flag waving army. I salute you. I am in awe of you. You are funnier than watching Dubbya try to say "nuclear." Thank *you.*
mrsx said:
I want to thank you for editing my post so that at least some of the ideas can fit inside a tiny mind. Yours was a brillant idea. I wish I had thought of it. I see the implications of your editorial breakthrough. If you take out anything you disagree with, you'll agree with whatever is left. AMAZING! Did you come to this by yourself or did the nurse help you? You have taken deconstruction criticism to a whole new level. And they said that born-again Republicans have no sense of humor and are incapable of detecting irony! You have showed them all, Sir! The Levy-Strauss of the Bible Thumpers, the Derrida of God's own corn fed and flag waving army. I salute you. I am in awe of you. You are funnier than watching Dubbya try to say "nuclear." Thank *you.*

I waited all that time for this?

Sigh. :dunno:
Hey wade. Government should definitely not be into the income redistribution of individuals. Would you agree with that?

Tell us more about your enlightened ethical relativity. Is that how you justify being a lying jackass?
GotZoom said:
I waited all that time for this?

Sigh. :dunno:
Sorry about the delay. Sometimes granny has other things to do. At least you have that lovely gimp wallet to send home to your parents.
rtwngAvngr said:
Hey wade. Government should definitely not be into the income redistribution of individuals. Would you agree with that?

Tell us more about your enlightened ethical relativity. Is that how you justify being a lying jackass?
Income redistribution is actually the first and oldest function of government. In the earliest hunting-gathering bands the leader had responsibility to see that infants, the old, the sick, the disabled got enough to survive - food taken from the best hunters. This universal practice has obvious biological advantages as not even the best hunter can survive to reproduce without the social network of the tribe.

When agricultural communities arose in some river valleys 10,000 years ago, the redistribution function of government continued. Now a king presided over a record-keeping class of priests who guarded the annual surplus, taxing and redistributing in the furtherance of what our Constitution refers to as "the general Welfare."

Government functions as an income redistribution machine. Rich old geezers like you kick in to pay the cops and soldiers, teachers and engineers, firemen and nurses without whom you would be squatting in a cave next to bin-Laden. No one can make money except through the general welfare; taking from the fortunate to ensure the survival of the group is the first call of government.

I talked to Wade last night and he said you should go back on meds.
mrsx said:
Income redistribution is actually the first and oldest function of government. In the earliest hunting-gathering bands the leader had responsibility to see that infants, the old, the sick, the disabled got enough to survive - food taken from the best hunters. This universal practice has obvious biological advantages as not even the best hunter can survive to reproduce without the social network of the tribe.
Those are the functions of family and private charity. Modern statism has as much to do with charity as a jackboot in the face.
When agricultural communities arose in some river valleys 10,000 years ago, the redistribution function of government continued. Now a king presided over a record-keeping class of priests who guarded the annual surplus, taxing and redistributing in the furtherance of what our Constitution refers to as "the general Welfare."
The excess of government known as socialism generates no surpluses. People cease to work to their full potential when the government steals their money.
Government functions as an income redistribution machine. Rich old geezers like you kick in to pay the cops and soldiers, teachers and engineers, firemen and nurses without whom you would be squatting in a cave next to bin-Laden. No one can make money except through the general welfare; taking from the fortunate to ensure the survival of the group is the first call of government.
Man is by nature a social species. We ARE charitable, We DO cooperate, to a degree. Modern concepts of socialism go too far. Guess which regions give the most in charitable giving. THE RED STATES. Damn jesus freaks.
I talked to Wade last night and he said you should go back on meds.

IS this wades' other personality? We'll call you, SheBitch.
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