Barney Frank Blasts GOP 'Arsonists' For Blocking Obama Nominees

By Paige Lavender

Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) sharply criticized Senate Republicans Friday for blocking President Barack Obama's nominees to head government agencies.

"It is the legislative equivalent to an arsonist having set a fire and objecting to a building’s inhabitants using the fire exit," Frank writes in an op-ed for The Washington Post.

More: Barney Frank Blasts Senate Republicans For Blocking Richard Cordray, Other Obama Nominees

Good Grief how many Czars does he need? One to tie his shoes now. Democrats have been complaining about all the Czars he has--I believe the most of any President--because they don't answer to congress or the senate. They aren't approved by the congress or senate--Obama just chooses them and they are free to run willy--nilly on anything they want to do.
Good Grief how many Czars does he need? One to tie his shoes now. Democrats have been complaining about all the Czars he has--I believe the most of any President--because they don't answer to congress or the senate. They aren't approved by the congress or senate--Obama just chooses them and they are free to run willy--nilly on anything they want to do.

Wow, is all that really true...?


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Did you say the same when Obama and the Democrats were ignoring the republicans?

What have the Republicans offered of value that the Democrats ignored?

Check the stack of bills on Harry Reid's desk that he won't allow to come to a vote in the Senate.

Extremely weak answer. Mostly, the only bills Republicans will allow Reid to bring up for vote are Republican bills.
What have the Republicans offered of value that the Democrats ignored?

Check the stack of bills on Harry Reid's desk that he won't allow to come to a vote in the Senate.

Extremely weak answer. Mostly, the only bills Republicans will allow Reid to bring up for vote are Republican bills.

You just confirmed your stupidity. There are several bills passes by the House sitting on SENATOR Reid's desk. He will not even allow debate on them.
Now while Republicans in the Senate may filibuster measures they consider inane in the Senate, at least they get discussed.
Good Grief how many Czars does he need? One to tie his shoes now. Democrats have been complaining about all the Czars he has--I believe the most of any President--because they don't answer to congress or the senate. They aren't approved by the congress or senate--Obama just chooses them and they are free to run willy--nilly on anything they want to do.

Wow, is all that really true...?

Presidential appointments--or Czars do NOT answer to congress--and democrats have complained about all of Obama's appointed Czars.

Thirteen Democrats bolstered the GOP's frame that several of President Obama's unconfirmed advisers are "czars" by voting for an amendment to the House spending bill that would defund their offices.

Thirteen House Dems Vote With GOP To Defund Obama 'Czars' | TPMDC

Last week President Obama appointed yet another “czar” with massive government power, answering only to him. Even before this latest appointment, the top-ranking Democrat in the Senate wrote President Obama a letter saying that these czars are unconstitutional. President Obama’s “czar strategy” is an unprecedented power grab centralizing authority in the White House, outside congressional oversight and in violation of the Constitution.

As of last week, Czar Kenneth Feinberg has the authority to set the pay scale for executives at any company receiving government money (and how many aren’t, these days?). Czar Feinberg has the power to say that someone’s pay is excessive, and to make companies cut that pay until the czar is pleased.

Congress did not give Czar Feinberg this authority. For that matter, Congress has not authorized any of the czars that President Barack Obama has created. Over the past thirty years presidents have each had one or two czars for various issues, and once the number went as high as five. But now, by some counts President Obama has created sixteen czars, and there may be more on the way. Each of these has enormous government power, and answers only to the president

Senior Democrat Says Obama
You SAID 'Democrat'... NOT 'elected Democrat'. There IS a difference, you know.

I apologize. I temporarily forgot how disingenuous the right debates.

Uhhhh Sparky you're the one who moved the goalposts. Don't blame someone else for your screwup. Accept it and learn from it.
Hell, at least the Republicans want to VOTE him out of office unlike many of my fellow Dems who wanted Bush to be murdered. I'll let you choose which method is better.
Just be honest.

Really? What short memories some of us have...
Hell, at least the Republicans want to VOTE him out of office unlike many of my fellow Dems who wanted Bush to be murdered. I'll let you choose which method is better.
Just be honest.

Really? What short memories some of us have...

Indeed, what are you 12? Here's a movie you may have heard of (that is if you don't reside on Mars) how long do you think it would be before there was a full court press investigation and general destruction of anyone who did a similar movie about ol Barry? Hmmm?

Give it up junior and go to bed, you are far, far out of your league here. Go get some solid education and then come back and have fun, right now you just look like a fool.

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An unknown gunman assassinates George W. Bush. A couple of years later, an investigative documentary is made. It features all the people involved that fateful day: the protestors outside a Chicago hotel; the suspects in the shooting and their families; the Secret Service men who failed to protect their charge; the press; and an array of experts, desperately seeking meaning in this horrible act of violence.... See Full Description

Genres: Art/Foreign, Drama, Crime/Gangster and Politics/Religion

Running Time: 1 hr. 33 min.

Release Date: October 27th, 2006 (limited)

MPAA Rating: R for brief violent images.

U.S. Box Office: $167,000

Death of a President (2006) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies
You just confirmed your stupidity. There are several bills passes by the House sitting on SENATOR Reid's desk. He will not even allow debate on them.
Now while Republicans in the Senate may filibuster measures they consider inane in the Senate, at least they get discussed.

You mean like Senate Republican threats of filibuster...?
Hell, at least the Republicans want to VOTE him out of office unlike many of my fellow Dems who wanted Bush to be murdered. I'll let you choose which method is better.
Just be honest.

Really? What short memories some of us have...

Indeed, what are you 12? Here's a movie you may have heard of (that is if you don't reside on Mars) how long do you think it would be before there was a full court press investigation and general destruction of anyone who did a similar movie about ol Barry? Hmmm?

Give it up junior and go to bed, you are far, far out of your league here. Go get some solid education and then come back and have fun, right now you just look like a fool.

Exclusive - Watch clips from the controversial fictional documentary 'Death of a President'

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An unknown gunman assassinates George W. Bush. A couple of years later, an investigative documentary is made. It features all the people involved that fateful day: the protestors outside a Chicago hotel; the suspects in the shooting and their families; the Secret Service men who failed to protect their charge; the press; and an array of experts, desperately seeking meaning in this horrible act of violence.... See Full Description

Genres: Art/Foreign, Drama, Crime/Gangster and Politics/Religion

Running Time: 1 hr. 33 min.

Release Date: October 27th, 2006 (limited)

MPAA Rating: R for brief violent images.

U.S. Box Office: $167,000

Death of a President (2006) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies

I heard Bush liked the movie. I also heard it portrayed him in a good light. By the way - it was a fictional movie. It was not made by elected Democrats.
Really? What short memories some of us have...

Indeed, what are you 12? Here's a movie you may have heard of (that is if you don't reside on Mars) how long do you think it would be before there was a full court press investigation and general destruction of anyone who did a similar movie about ol Barry? Hmmm?

Give it up junior and go to bed, you are far, far out of your league here. Go get some solid education and then come back and have fun, right now you just look like a fool.

Exclusive - Watch clips from the controversial fictional documentary 'Death of a President'

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The Critics:
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An unknown gunman assassinates George W. Bush. A couple of years later, an investigative documentary is made. It features all the people involved that fateful day: the protestors outside a Chicago hotel; the suspects in the shooting and their families; the Secret Service men who failed to protect their charge; the press; and an array of experts, desperately seeking meaning in this horrible act of violence.... See Full Description

Genres: Art/Foreign, Drama, Crime/Gangster and Politics/Religion

Running Time: 1 hr. 33 min.

Release Date: October 27th, 2006 (limited)

MPAA Rating: R for brief violent images.

U.S. Box Office: $167,000

Death of a President (2006) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies

I heard Bush liked the movie. I also heard it portrayed him in a good light. By the way - it was a fictional movie. It was not made by elected Democrats.

Care to point out where in the post or the nested quotes that westwall said they were elected Dems?
You just confirmed your stupidity. There are several bills passes by the House sitting on SENATOR Reid's desk. He will not even allow debate on them.
Now while Republicans in the Senate may filibuster measures they consider inane in the Senate, at least they get discussed.

You mean like Senate Republican threats of filibuster...?

That's the way the game is played, ass hole. The Senate, on controversial bills needs 60 votes to end debate. It's always been that way.
However it used to be pretty damned rare that the Senate didn't act on bills passed by the House.

Hell, at least the Republicans want to VOTE him out of office unlike many of my fellow Dems who wanted Bush to be murdered. I'll let you choose which method is better.
Just be honest.

And what has your reply got to do with this thread topic---:cuckoo::cuckoo: You're just flapping in the wind here--to try and change the topic--of Obama's appointed Czars--IT WON'T WORK.
You just confirmed your stupidity. There are several bills passes by the House sitting on SENATOR Reid's desk. He will not even allow debate on them.
Now while Republicans in the Senate may filibuster measures they consider inane in the Senate, at least they get discussed.

You mean like Senate Republican threats of filibuster...?

That's the way the game is played, ass hole. The Senate, on controversial bills needs 60 votes to end debate. It's always been that way.
However it used to be pretty damned rare that the Senate didn't act on bills passed by the House.

Passed house bills have been "shelved" by Harry Reid--he won't even let them go to the senate floor for debate or discussion.

IE--The cut--cap--and balance bill a bi-partisan supported and approved bill in the house has NEVER been allowed to be debated or discussed--in Harry Reid's senate.
You just confirmed your stupidity. There are several bills passes by the House sitting on SENATOR Reid's desk. He will not even allow debate on them.
Now while Republicans in the Senate may filibuster measures they consider inane in the Senate, at least they get discussed.

You mean like Senate Republican threats of filibuster...?

If there is a filibuster--these bills are getting discussed. Harry Reid has shelved the house's bill--not even allowing discussion--therefore no filibuster occurs.

Do you understand the difference now?
Really? What short memories some of us have...

Indeed, what are you 12? Here's a movie you may have heard of (that is if you don't reside on Mars) how long do you think it would be before there was a full court press investigation and general destruction of anyone who did a similar movie about ol Barry? Hmmm?

Give it up junior and go to bed, you are far, far out of your league here. Go get some solid education and then come back and have fun, right now you just look like a fool.

Exclusive - Watch clips from the controversial fictional documentary 'Death of a President'

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The Critics:
12 reviewsYahoo! Users:
543 ratings Start Rating
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An unknown gunman assassinates George W. Bush. A couple of years later, an investigative documentary is made. It features all the people involved that fateful day: the protestors outside a Chicago hotel; the suspects in the shooting and their families; the Secret Service men who failed to protect their charge; the press; and an array of experts, desperately seeking meaning in this horrible act of violence.... See Full Description

Genres: Art/Foreign, Drama, Crime/Gangster and Politics/Religion

Running Time: 1 hr. 33 min.

Release Date: October 27th, 2006 (limited)

MPAA Rating: R for brief violent images.

U.S. Box Office: $167,000

Death of a President (2006) - Movie Info - Yahoo! Movies

I heard Bush liked the movie. I also heard it portrayed him in a good light. By the way - it was a fictional movie. It was not made by elected Democrats.

What Bush would that be? The one outside your hospital room? Here is the official WH response.

"We are not commenting because it doesn't dignify a response."

Sounds like he loved it!

To her credit this was Hillary Clintons response....

"I find this shocking, I find it disturbing. I don't know if there are many people in America who would want to watch something like that" to The Journal News of Rockland, Westchester

Yooooove got some 'splainin to do Luccceeee, you be talking out yo ass!

Hell, at least the Republicans want to VOTE him out of office unlike many of my fellow Dems who wanted Bush to be murdered. I'll let you choose which method is better.
Just be honest.

And what has your reply got to do with this thread topic---:cuckoo::cuckoo: You're just flapping in the wind here--to try and change the topic--of Obama's appointed Czars--IT WON'T WORK.

Do try to keep up Skippy, I'm on YOUR SIDE!

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