Barbaric Muslims Call for Killing Those Who Blaspheme

I am very busy, and I didn't have time to research my question re Ghandi's assassin.
It would have taken you far less to do that than it did for you to type that stupid post.


I stated very clearly that I didn't know whether Gandhi's assassin was a Muslim or not. Apparently, among your other many shortcomings you don't know how to read with understanding.

Reading comprehension isn't a shortcoming of mine.

You made a dumb assumption ("didn't Gandhi get assassinated by a Muslim...?") that also happened to be incorrect. If you don't want to be ridiculed, stop making stupid posts. :eusa_eh:

You just don't geddit, and you never will.

It wasn't a "dumb" assumption what with Muslims and Hindus at each others' throats, you ignorant fool.

Plus, even if that assassin wasn't a set up a convenient scenario to point out a truism which is that Muslims are a murderous bunch of arseholes which this thread irrefutably proves what with the barbaric assassination of the Mayor, and the issue of a death warrant for the woman.

Thus, making the point that even when certain assumptions may be wrong.......Islamic Justice is so barbaric and so fucked up that even in those rare instances when some barbaric occurrence didn't occur because of Islamic is a plausible assumption.

But, subtlety is not a common trait among idiots like you.

It's impossible for you to best me in a discussion.

However, you can keep trying.....
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Mohammed´s talk to Gabriel, which was the beginning of the islam, did happen around the year 610.

When i cut 610 years from now i come to the year 1500.

The wich burnings were just over in this time but Luther was in his studies, which caused the first big revolution in the religion, with millions of victims after.

I think, we can´t demand from the muslimes something for what we needed 2000 years. The development of a worldwide religion could only come out itself. It can´t be forced anyhow from outside.

Islams calender begins with the piracy of caravans and the formation of a street gang .That is its natural state .
It's impossible for you to best me in a discussion.

I don't think that means what you think it means. Because he clearly bested you right there.

Anyone who calls their own win in a discussion is clearly the loser regardless if they win a point or not.

So, to my view, twice bested.
It's impossible for you to best me in a discussion.

I don't think that means what you think it means. Because he clearly bested you right there.

At the risk of "losing" again:Take your PC bromide and stick it in your arse.

This nickname was given me when I was fourteen years old since I preferred to lock off with ropes rather than web-o-lette and anchors.

Here's the funny thing. The other young kids changed the nickname into Dopey. None of the adults did for some reason.

I put forward that it was maturity. In sports we call your method a 'poor loser'.

I will leave it up to others to decide who wins this tete a tete...
I don't think that means what you think it means. Because he clearly bested you right there.

At the risk of "losing" again:Take your PC bromide and stick it in your arse.

This nickname was given me when I was fourteen years old since I preferred to lock off with ropes rather than web-o-lette and anchors.

Here's the funny thing. The other young kids changed the nickname into Dopey. None of the adults did for some reason.

I put forward that it was maturity. In sports we call your method a 'poor loser'.

I will leave it up to others to decide who wins this tete a tete...


As I stated on another thread: Fuck you PC arseholes berating anyone who deals with the fucking Muslims with pejoratives.....which they richly deserve.

These Murdering Muslim Swine and their supporters number to almost 70% in America according to the poll stated on Fox News. And contrary to LibTURD BULLSHIT, Fox News is accurate with 99.9999% of its information. And, when inadvertently an error in fact is made by Fox News....there is an IMMEDIATE retraction with an apology.

Given that statistic of ~70% of the Muslims in America, and the probable fact that this 70% is upped to ~90 w/r/t the Mid East Muslims......I find it ludicrous that PC fartheads like you.....especially a Jew-boy.....would berate or belittle those of us who refer to Muslim arseholes with pejoratives.

These are the MURDERING SWINE and their supporters, who would, in a blink of an eye, replace our Constitution and laws with their fucking Sharia which would make us dhimmis eat their shit.

And, a PC arsehole like you, and the usual Obamarrhoidal stooges like you ........ have the chutzpah to berate and belittle those of us who treat the MURDERING MUSLIM SWINE, and their supporters in an "uncivilized way" ?!?!?

Just to be clear: FUCK YOU again, you pissy little PC bitch.
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It's impossible for you to best me in a discussion.

I don't think that means what you think it means. Because he clearly bested you right there.

Avatar, Ropey-Dopey,

At the risk of "losing" again:Take your PC bromide and stick it in your arse.

Nothing PC about the truth.

And the truth is there are Millions of Mulsims. It's absolutely ridiculous to presume or assert that they are some monolithic block of people.
I don't think that means what you think it means. Because he clearly bested you right there.

Avatar, Ropey-Dopey,

At the risk of "losing" again:Take your PC bromide and stick it in your arse.

Nothing PC about the truth.

And the truth is there are Millions of Mulsims. It's absolutely ridiculous to presume or assert that they are some monolithic block of people.


If you are a Catholic, then one may correctly assume that you believe in, at least the MAJOR TENETS of Catholicism....such as Jesus is the son of God, Mother of Jesus (who cannot be a virgin, but by some divine hocus pocus is a "virgin"), Popey-Dopey is Numero Uno Honcho of this going Enterprise, etc....

If you are a fucking Muslim (of Mid East Origin) then you may differ on thisa or thata, but you do believe that the CRAZED, Historically Documented MASS MURDERER, THIEF, and PEDOPHILIC RAPIST MOHAMMED is the "messenger" of "ALLAH", the concoction of his, the Qu'ran's CENTRAL COMMAND: "Make the World the Caliphate of Islam preferably by SWORD if necessary", according to this Qu'ran: infidels, dhimmis are inferior and should be treated as such and, we'd be, basically, relegated to eating their shit. If that happened, we'd certainly deserve it.

These Muslim tenets and the stats on the Muslim dedication to the main tenets of Islam which are barbaric and antagonistic, on their face, as far as civilized behaviour is concerned, render these MURDERING SWINE, and their supporters not only no respect.....but UTTER CONTEMPT.
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