EGyptian Moslems act as human shields for fellow citizens of Coptic faith


Mr. Forgot-it-All
Jun 5, 2008
On New Year’s Day, a devastating terrorist bombing at a Coptic church in Egypt killed 21 people and injured 79 others. Although the identity of the culprits was not known, it was assumed that they were Muslim extremists, intent on targeting those they saw as heretics. Religious tensions immediately rose in the country, and angry Copts stormed streets, battled with police, and even vandalized a nearby mosque. The riots and heightened tensions between the Muslim and Coptic communities was likely what the terrorists wanted — to divide the Egyptian community and create sectarian strife between different religious groups.

Yet by Coptic Christmas Eve, which took place Thursday night in Egypt, things had changed completely. As Egyptian Copts attended mass at churches across the country, “thousands” of Muslims, including “the two sons of President Hosni Mubarak,” joined them, acting as “human shields” to protect from terrorist attacks by extremists. The Muslims organized under the slogan “We either live together, or we die together inspired by Mohamed El-Sawy, an Egyptian artist:

A tip of the tarboosh to our Egyptian neighbors for keeping their heads in a heated situation, and for bravely standing against terrorism and revenge.

This is the sort of thing that should be encouraged. Citizens protecting their own from violent radicals.
I just broke my ankle in six places. My life revolves around pain medication, surgery appointments and urinals.
I just broke my ankle in six places. My life revolves around pain medication, surgery appointments and urinals.

That's it?

Sorry to hear about that. but what does it have to do with the price of Tea in China?
Where's all our Moslem hating posters this morning?

Cat's got your tongues?

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