Barack Hussein Orwellbama


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
You need a sense of humor for this one.

I signed up to and I'm still not sure if this is Obama's website as POTUS or as the kid born in Kenya.

In any event, in this latest missive he tells us that our immigration system is broken, politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault) and the only way to fix it is if the people lead the way then, are you ready? He tell his mindless legions to

"So if you're willing to do something about this critical issue, join our call for immigration reform now. Those who do will be part of our campaign to educate people on this issue and build the critical mass needed to make Washington act:

Join President Obama's call for immigration reform | Obama for America |

In recent years, concerns about whether border security and enforcement were tough enough were among the greatest impediments to comprehensive reform. They are legitimate issues that needed to be addressed -- and over the past two years, we have made great strides in enhancing security and enforcement."

LOL!! You lead by following and signing what we write for you!!

You lead by following!
politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)

Wow.......................... is his 2008 website, and now it's also his Organizing For America project too.

I'm on their email list do to being a registered Dem. The things the send are beyond hysterically clueless.
This is from the email I received this am:

We also need to stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents -- and pass the DREAM Act so they can pursue higher education or become military service members in the country they know as home. We already know enormous economic benefits from the steady stream of talented and hardworking people coming to America. More than a century and a half ago, U.S. Steel's Andrew Carnegie was a 13-year-old brought here from Scotland by his family in search of a better life. And in 1979, a Russian family seeking freedom from Communism brought a young Sergey Brin to America -- where he would become a co-founder of Google.

Through immigration, we've become an engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. We should make it easier for the best and brightest not only to study here, but also to start businesses and create jobs here. That's how we'll win the future.

Immigration is a complex issue that raises strong feelings. And as we push for long-overdue action, we're going to hear the same sort of ugly rhetoric that has delayed reform for years -- despite long and widespread recognition that our current system fails us all and hurts our economy.

So you and I need to be the ones talking about this issue in the language of hope, not fear -- in terms of how we are made stronger by our differences, and can be made stronger still.

Take a moment now to watch my El Paso speech and join this campaign for change:

I'm confused.


And now he's a poster child of why we should have Immigration Reform?

I guess it's the New Hope & Change.
politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)


I agree. How the hell he came up with that one is anybody's guess. It bodes well for Obama if that's the best they can do in their attacks.

Hey CrusaderFrank!!! You left out the part of Obama not being born here!!

Obama this immigration is moving to the south side of Chicago. He ought to come to Houston and see what we are dealing with 1/3 of all drivers with out insurance (mostly Hispanics I understand) Gangs roaming the streets but Obama say that all is well. He doesn't have a clue.
politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)


I agree. How the hell he came up with that one is anybody's guess. It bodes well for Obama if that's the best they can do in their attacks.

Hey CrusaderFrank!!! You left out the part of Obama not being born here!!


If only Obama had the type of a job where it was in his power to address these problems.

It only...
This is from the email I received this am:

We also need to stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents -- and pass the DREAM Act so they can pursue higher education or become military service members in the country they know as home. We already know enormous economic benefits from the steady stream of talented and hardworking people coming to America. More than a century and a half ago, U.S. Steel's Andrew Carnegie was a 13-year-old brought here from Scotland by his family in search of a better life. And in 1979, a Russian family seeking freedom from Communism brought a young Sergey Brin to America -- where he would become a co-founder of Google.

Through immigration, we've become an engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. We should make it easier for the best and brightest not only to study here, but also to start businesses and create jobs here. That's how we'll win the future.

Immigration is a complex issue that raises strong feelings. And as we push for long-overdue action, we're going to hear the same sort of ugly rhetoric that has delayed reform for years -- despite long and widespread recognition that our current system fails us all and hurts our economy.

So you and I need to be the ones talking about this issue in the language of hope, not fear -- in terms of how we are made stronger by our differences, and can be made stronger still.

Take a moment now to watch my El Paso speech and join this campaign for change:

I'm confused.


And now he's a poster child of why we should have Immigration Reform?

I guess it's the New Hope & Change.

My mother is a first generation immigrant and back in the day, my Dad had to post a bond with the State Dept and sign an affidavit that he could support and that she would not collect welfare or otherwise be a burden on the State (aka: the Democrat base)
politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)


I agree. How the hell he came up with that one is anybody's guess. It bodes well for Obama if that's the best they can do in their attacks.

Hey CrusaderFrank!!! You left out the part of Obama not being born here!!


Are you leading the fight on Immigration by signing up?
Obama this immigration is moving to the south side of Chicago. He ought to come to Houston and see what we are dealing with 1/3 of all drivers with out insurance (mostly Hispanics I understand) Gangs roaming the streets but Obama say that all is well. He doesn't have a clue.

Let's not forget the diseases that unscreened illegals are bringing into this country.
politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)


I agree. How the hell he came up with that one is anybody's guess. It bodes well for Obama if that's the best they can do in their attacks.

Hey CrusaderFrank!!! You left out the part of Obama not being born here!!


If only Obama had the type of a job where it was in his power to address these problems.

It only...

To compare Sottish or Russian immigrants coming in legally to Ellis Island to thieves in the night swimming the Rio Grande is beyond asinine.

If I recall, Obama was a Senator before becoming POTUS.
Wouldn't that make him part of the same group he's blaming for not fixing it??
This is from the email I received this am:

We also need to stop punishing innocent young people for the actions of their parents -- and pass the DREAM Act so they can pursue higher education or become military service members in the country they know as home. We already know enormous economic benefits from the steady stream of talented and hardworking people coming to America. More than a century and a half ago, U.S. Steel's Andrew Carnegie was a 13-year-old brought here from Scotland by his family in search of a better life. And in 1979, a Russian family seeking freedom from Communism brought a young Sergey Brin to America -- where he would become a co-founder of Google.

Through immigration, we've become an engine of the global economy and a beacon of hope, ingenuity and entrepreneurship. We should make it easier for the best and brightest not only to study here, but also to start businesses and create jobs here. That's how we'll win the future.

Immigration is a complex issue that raises strong feelings. And as we push for long-overdue action, we're going to hear the same sort of ugly rhetoric that has delayed reform for years -- despite long and widespread recognition that our current system fails us all and hurts our economy.

So you and I need to be the ones talking about this issue in the language of hope, not fear -- in terms of how we are made stronger by our differences, and can be made stronger still.

Take a moment now to watch my El Paso speech and join this campaign for change:

I'm confused.


And now he's a poster child of why we should have Immigration Reform?

I guess it's the New Hope & Change.

Nice analogies from our dumbass president. Hmmm...but what are the odds Carnegie's and Google boy's parents entered the United States of America legally?
Why can't we do what our neighbors do and just shot anyone caught crossing illegally. They have it made now, the worse case is we send them back so in a week they will try it again. Mexico do not allow illegal entry from the South and from what I hear it is detrimental to your health to try it. If it works for them and they are reasonable people, lets just copy their law and enforce it.
In any event, in this latest missive he tells us that our immigration system is broken, politicians can't or won't fix it (translation: it's still Bush's fault)
I believe you have trouble with comprehension.

"Because this is such a tough problem -- one that politicians in Washington have been either exploiting or dodging, depending on the politics -- this change has to be driven by people like you.

Washington won't act unless you lead."

From your Messiah.

What did I get wrong, Dear?

You realize Obama has been POTUS for over 2 years now, right?
OR are you leading the fight by signing Obama's petition?

Because you strike me as a real leader, an independent thinker and not someone who only cuts and pastes the work of others.
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General Motors Sees Profits Jump : NPR

GM profits looking very rosy. Looks like we, the taxpayers, will make a fat profit off of this bailout, as well as saving many thousands of American jobs.

Two major natural disasters being handled competantly as we post.

The glacial recovery continues, two steps forward, one step back, but the numbers are looking better.

Oh yes, then there is the little matter of Bin Laden.

Immagration. Nothing is going to be done, Repubs will prevent that. But they are also alienating a large voting block while they are doing it. They will have another chance in 2016.
I think we need to make a sweep of the country and deport anyone that isn't at least a 4th generation American. Then we can be SURE of their loyalty!!

Oh, I am only second generation. Uh, oh. Never mind.
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General Motors Sees Profits Jump : NPR

GM profits looking very rosy. Looks like we, the taxpayers, will make a fat profit off of this bailout, as well as saving many thousands of American jobs.

Two major natural disasters being handled competantly as we post.

The glacial recovery continues, two steps forward, one step back, but the numbers are looking better.

Oh yes, then there is the little matter of Bin Laden.

Immagration. Nothing is going to be done, Repubs will prevent that. But they are also alienating a large voting block while they are doing it. They will have another chance in 2016.

How do you define "Profit"?

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