Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would guarantee an Obama re-election.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would guarantee an Obama re-election.

It doesn't matter. The corporate Medea will tell us who to vote for and we will. That is how we got Obama.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.

That wasn't a good post, because it was a GREAT post.

3 big candidates, 1 gets 19% of the vote and it may has well have been zero.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.

I think we need to do away with the electoral college and go to a total vote election.
The electoral college only serves to strip votes from individuals, in some states the votes being discounted are democrat, in others its the republicans.
You could have the "Conservatives for Corporations" and the "Teabirthers". Perfect. I agree.
Fiscal conservative republicans and anti-war democrats have been completely disenfranchised by their parties. Their strategy though has been to vote for the less smelly of 2 shit piles, I think it's time for a new strategy.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.

I think we need to do away with the electoral college and go to a total vote election.
The electoral college only serves to strip votes from individuals, in some states the votes being discounted are democrat, in others its the republicans.

As it stands....the electoral college is the best solution. Too many states would not be represented if it came to a total vote election. Candidates would just stick with the heavily populated states. States like Wy, Id, and the Dakota's would never be represented
I think that Trump should have his own party, Palin and Bachmann each their own, and any of the other fruitloops that the Repubibaggers like should have their own parties in this upcoming election. Not much of an election, but the entertainment would be marvelous.
That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.

I think we need to do away with the electoral college and go to a total vote election.
The electoral college only serves to strip votes from individuals, in some states the votes being discounted are democrat, in others its the republicans.

As it stands....the electoral college is the best solution. Too many states would not be represented if it came to a total vote election. Candidates would just stick with the heavily populated states. States like Wy, Id, and the Dakota's would never be represented

That is a valid way of looking at it. There are more important issues to ponder.
That would be a dream come true. I continue to have hope that it will happen one day, but one of the big problems is the Electoral College. Ross Perot, for example, got 19% of the popular vote in 1992 and zero Electoral votes. That's just sad. And, of course, most Americans seem to be programmed to vote for the 'lesser of two evils' which makes America look stupid.

I think we need to do away with the electoral college and go to a total vote election.
The electoral college only serves to strip votes from individuals, in some states the votes being discounted are democrat, in others its the republicans.

As it stands....the electoral college is the best solution. Too many states would not be represented if it came to a total vote election. Candidates would just stick with the heavily populated states. States like Wy, Id, and the Dakota's would never be represented

Why should 1 person in Wyoming be better represented than 2 in New York?
Okay, so you all want a third party. You also want to dispose of the Electoral College. I have no problem with either. However, are you going to call for wholesale changes to the election process? By removing the electoral college, we would likely face many elections where no candidate receives a majority of votes. As it stands now, if no candidate receives a majority of Electoral College votes, then the HOR determines who becomes President, but they must choose one of the top three. Would you support that we continue with this system, but just go with the popular vote instead of the Electoral College? Or would you want a runoff between the two with the highest vote totals? Had this been the case in 92, Bush Sr. may well have won a runoff against Clinton.
More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would guarantee an Obama re-election.
Obama's re-election hinges on two points.

1. How bad he fucks up the economy (or lets others do it on his watch)

2. How bad a choice the GOP leadership makes in their presidential candidate.

If the GOP picks a bad candidate, (Huckabee, Romney, McCain types) the Tea Party will abandon them in droves. This benefits Obama massively. That being said, if we are looking at the predicted 10 dollar loaf of bread and 8 dollar a gallon gas with retirement funds going up in flames and inflation surpassing that of the 1970's... The third party candidate could win in those circumstances, or the split will not happen because even a Huckabee, Romney or McCain... hell even TRUMP would be better and they'll hold their nose for this election and pull the lever.

On the other hand, you can guarantee this would be the end of the GOP as we know it as big money will start leaving the GOP and finding a 3rd party. People are too polarized right now to just casually forget so soon. That stuff pretty much ended in 2010.
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More than half of Republicans – 52 percent – say there should be a third political party, a new Gallup Poll says. The poll, released Monday, also found that 33 percent of Democrats want a third party. Gallup said it’s the first time its polls have found a significantly larger number of Republicans than Democrats favoring a third party.

Gallup Poll: 52% of Republicans Want Third Party

That would guarantee an Obama re-election.

Exactly right which is why I'm not surprised that nearly 100% of Democrats wanted it. :confused:

I think we need to do away with the electoral college and go to a total vote election.
The electoral college only serves to strip votes from individuals, in some states the votes being discounted are democrat, in others its the republicans.

As it stands....the electoral college is the best solution. Too many states would not be represented if it came to a total vote election. Candidates would just stick with the heavily populated states. States like Wy, Id, and the Dakota's would never be represented

Why should 1 person in Wyoming be better represented than 2 in New York?

Better represented? How about 1 person in Wy. be equally represented to 1 person in NY?
The needs of a person in Wy. are far different than the needs of a person in NY.
As it stands....the electoral college is the best solution. Too many states would not be represented if it came to a total vote election. Candidates would just stick with the heavily populated states. States like Wy, Id, and the Dakota's would never be represented

Why should 1 person in Wyoming be better represented than 2 in New York?

Better represented? How about 1 person in Wy. be equally represented to 1 person in NY?
The needs of a person in Wy. are far different than the needs of a person in NY.
Someone slept through their Government class in Junior High.

Unless it was a public school, then it explains why he doesn't get it.

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