Bannon's war


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2014
Trump came out and said that the US should become more internal, move away from the wars of Bush and others, and stick to the US. Bannon on the other hand wants something different. Who is in charge in the White House?

Bannon wants war, he wants a war to reset the world, according to this video.

What else does Bannon say?

Trump's closest advisor thinks there will be a war with China soon

Donald Trump's closest advisor Steve Bannon thinks there will be war with China in the next few years"

Steve Bannon seems to think we are on the brink of World War Three

Trump adviser Steve Bannon believes there is 'a major war brewing, a war that's already global'"

Steve Bannon is preparing Trump for a holy war. No, really

Steve Bannon is preparing Trump for a holy war. No, really"
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.
It all depends on China at this point.

If they keep building up artificial reef islands, putting military airstrips on them, and then insisting they own the South China Sea, there probably will be some kind of war which erupts completely on its own from that.

Of if this is even merely a prelude to an attack and reconquest of Taiwan then this too could result in a war.

If China backs off then not.

I don't expect Trump to back off. He is not the backing off kind of person.

Although it is worth noting that Trump has done nothing yet in retaliation for N.Korea's missile launchings towards our ally Japan.
As for Trump's own inconsistencies on this, I don't think Trump knows what he is going to do or would do.

He went to military school when his father put him there to straighten him up. Apparently as a kid Trump was a family smart azz.

So Trump has some quasi para military training.

This may have made him more aggressive rather than less aggressive.

I guess we will all have Trump's dad to thank/blame for whatever happens on an international level in Asia.
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.

Well they're not the only ones. There are plenty of sources attaining to his desire for war.
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.

you do know Trump used the WaPo as a reference to his Obama wiretap lie dont you?

they were credible enough for him even though the article he read had absolutely nothing to do with a wiretap ..


Pardon me it was the Fake News NY Times..

Trump explains where he got his wiretapping claims from and it is even more disturbing

poor old man, he's crazy as hell.
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Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.

you do know Trump used the WaPo as a reference to his Obama wiretap lie dont you?

they were credible enough for him even though the article he read had absolutely nothing to do with a wiretap ..

I ignore most of what Trump says, especially now since his slander of BHO.

I expect either the VP or the Speaker to pull the plug on Trump completely someday soon.

The only question is when?

It is not safe to have the nuclear football in the hands of a wacko who keeps fading in and out of reality.

I knew this was going to happen so that's why I voted 3rd party.
Well they're not the only ones. There are plenty of sources attaining to his desire for war.
So he needs a splendid little war of his own.

Not unique.

BHO let Hillary and the CIA talk him into war in Ukraine and Syria.

W let Cheney talk him into war in A-stan and Iraq.

Clinton had his splendid little war blow up in his face in Somalia.

GHW was the sole author of Iraq 1.

Reagan touched off several splendid wars in the Caribbean of his own, and luckily finished them quickly before Iran/Contra almost got him impeached by Tip ONeill.

What part of this surprises you? That the bully pulpit make warriors out of passive aggressive wimps who win elections ??
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.

you do know Trump used the WaPo as a reference to his Obama wiretap lie dont you?

they were credible enough for him even though the article he read had absolutely nothing to do with a wiretap ..

I ignore most of what Trump says, especially now since his slander of BHO.

I expect either the VP or the Speaker to pull the plug on Trump completely someday soon.

The only question is when?

It is not safe to have the nuclear football in the hands of a wacko who keeps fading in and out of reality.

I knew this was going to happen so that's why I voted 3rd party.

I hope they leave him alone so all he can do continue to fuck up and lie .. he wont have time to screw the country then
It all depends on China at this point.

If they keep building up artificial reef islands, putting military airstrips on them, and then insisting they own the South China Sea, there probably will be some kind of war which erupts completely on its own from that.

Of if this is even merely a prelude to an attack and reconquest of Taiwan then this too could result in a war.

If China backs off then not.

I don't expect Trump to back off. He is not the backing off kind of person.

Although it is worth noting that Trump has done nothing yet in retaliation for N.Korea's missile launchings towards our ally Japan.

We will not go to war over Taiwan or the South China Sea. On the other hand, the War Party in the United States sees any war as good, except with Israel. And they have clout.
Wars on behalf of Christianity vs wars on behalf of Israel. I don't see how it's any worse.

I'm not sure I was talking about which war was worse.

I did speak about Trump talking about pulling back from wars, and Bannon pushing for all out war.

The Washington Post hates Bannon, therefore Bannon is already 98 percent verified a white hat. And given the shamelessness of the lies the Washington Post and its allies tell, I'd have to see the movies myself and make up my own mind.

you do know Trump used the WaPo as a reference to his Obama wiretap lie dont you?

they were credible enough for him even though the article he read had absolutely nothing to do with a wiretap ..


Pardon me it was the Fake News NY Times..

Trump explains where he got his wiretapping claims from and it is even more disturbing

poor old man, he's crazy as hell.

So where was the New York Times, (((et al.))), getting the Russian intelligence intercepts from?
Well they're not the only ones. There are plenty of sources attaining to his desire for war.
So he needs a splendid little war of his own.

Not unique.

BHO let Hillary and the CIA talk him into war in Ukraine and Syria.

W let Cheney talk him into war in A-stan and Iraq.

Clinton had his splendid little war blow up in his face in Somalia.

GHW was the sole author of Iraq 1.

Reagan touched off several splendid wars in the Caribbean of his own, and luckily finished them quickly before Iran/Contra almost got him impeached by Tip ONeill.

What part of this surprises you? That the bully pulpit make warriors out of passive aggressive wimps who win elections ??

Not unique no. However the scope of his thoughts are that every 80 years or so you need a "war to end all wars" sort of thing, that then resets the world back into a nice place, and he's also got thoughts that WW2 existed because Germany and the USSR had gone away from Christianity.
It all depends on China at this point.

If they keep building up artificial reef islands, putting military airstrips on them, and then insisting they own the South China Sea, there probably will be some kind of war which erupts completely on its own from that.

Of if this is even merely a prelude to an attack and reconquest of Taiwan then this too could result in a war.

If China backs off then not.

I don't expect Trump to back off. He is not the backing off kind of person.

Although it is worth noting that Trump has done nothing yet in retaliation for N.Korea's missile launchings towards our ally Japan.

We will not go to war over Taiwan or the South China Sea. On the other hand, the War Party in the United States sees any war as good, except with Israel. And they have clout.

The thing is that the US will follow the Powell Doctrine, which requires US public support for war. China won't be such a good target because they have such a large military and any war will have to fought close to China, which complicates things for the US. What with new long range missiles to take out AWACS that the US can't really combat due to new stealth aircraft, China's new aircraft carrier and development of new carrier and a standing army of 2 million soldiers, it's not really going to be popular.

Iraq was such a weak country and the US struggled there post war..... China....
Then why is Trump allowing more drone strikes? Why is he building military more and more again? Why is he going back to Yemen? Why does he not talk about Syria though that's where the problem resides? He isn't interested in peace or security. He just wants to convince people that his selfishness is going to pay off for them.

I expect his excuses about all the wars they do go to, and they will go to wars, all of them outside US, will be more feeble than those of the past.
War with China is coming.

I said it when Obama was President and will say it again it will happen either via proxy-War or a straight all out war between the Super Powers.

China want to be the king of the hill and she believe the United States of America is weak enough now.

North Korea is her ( China ) puppet and will be the flash point to get this war started...
War with China is coming.

I said it when Obama was President and will say it again it will happen either via proxy-War or a straight all out war between the Super Powers.

China want to be the king of the hill and she believe the United States of America is weak enough now.

North Korea is her ( China ) puppet and will be the flash point to get this war started...

Perhaps. The Chinese have a saying: there cannot be a wolf and a tiger on the same mountain. And yes, the Chinese are thirsting for revenge for two centuries of humiliation they feel they've suffered at the hands of the West. And yes, the only way to regain face for their ancestors is through a military victory, or the military humbling of America (i.e., the West).

On the other hand, historically, the Chinese seep, they don't conquer. Ghengis Kahn, every Chinese schoolboy's military hero, wasn't even Chinese. And while they are hive-mind in the extreme, they are authoritarian and cannot, therefore, muster the total commitment to victory that a democratic people can. I see the biggest threat being some kind of stealth biological or cyber attack. It wouldn't require glorious achievement by the masses, and would satisfy their need to gain face against the West.

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