Banks, Gun Policy, and You


Diamond Member
May 15, 2017
Wells Fargo Stems the Tide: Not a Bank's Job to Set U.S. Gun Policy | Breitbart

Wells Fargo stemmed the tide of the push for new financial restrictions on gun makers and sellers by stressing that it is not a bank’s job to set U.S. gun policy.

Wells Fargo believes firearm policy is a debate for Congress instead.
and this will push a lot of people *to* wells fargo as the liberals now have someone else to boycott / protest.

in the end, it's not the banks job anymore than it is the liberals to dictate what i can and cannot have. we determine that through laws of the land we all agree to and there is a process to add/change those.

now while we queue in the BUT THE NRA and so forth, great. look at the loons on the left who make someone like the NRA necessary in order to keep rights we are *all* afforded within our constitution. if you're not liking those rights, then go through process to change it. if you can't, then learn to live with something you don't like, much like we all do about things around us we cannot change.

let the loons loose. they have a new target to get pissed at in their temper tantrum parade.
Banks will do what makes them a profit. There are financial reasons for a bank to avoid loaning money to manufacture guns that may well be banned in the near future.
Wells Fargo Stems the Tide: Not a Bank's Job to Set U.S. Gun Policy | Breitbart

Wells Fargo stemmed the tide of the push for new financial restrictions on gun makers and sellers by stressing that it is not a bank’s job to set U.S. gun policy.

Wells Fargo believes firearm policy is a debate for Congress instead.
and this will push a lot of people *to* wells fargo as the liberals now have someone else to boycott / protest.

in the end, it's not the banks job anymore than it is the liberals to dictate what i can and cannot have. we determine that through laws of the land we all agree to and there is a process to add/change those.

now while we queue in the BUT THE NRA and so forth, great. look at the loons on the left who make someone like the NRA necessary in order to keep rights we are *all* afforded within our constitution. if you're not liking those rights, then go through process to change it. if you can't, then learn to live with something you don't like, much like we all do about things around us we cannot change.

let the loons loose. they have a new target to get pissed at in their temper tantrum parade.
While i am not a banker, and Wells Fargo are pricks, they made a smart move here. Make more money.
They are already reeling from bad publicity so its wise of them to stay out of it.
chiming in at all is going to bring them publicity one way or another. it's going to rally the right and infuriate the left. if they wanted to stay out of it, shut up and say nothing at all.

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