Baltimore Teacher Rips Students: They Defecate on Desks, Steal, Attack, Set Fires . .


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.

The home, eventually creates society. Society is a product of the home from which we were nurtured. WE create society, society does not create us

The inmates now control the institution, you see that in all levels of education and classes of people. Parental interference and the idea that immature bratty kids know best has become an American trait. Sports and money are worshiped, education not so much.

America The Stupid US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Measuring America s Decline US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
America as Farce US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul

"Within the ethos of reason there was also the idea of encouraging generalized education. Education instilled knowledge. Knowledge dispelled superstition, thus making it possible to reason. A man capable of reasoning was fit to be a citizen. But this idea of creating citizens was vague. What did the elites want them for? The eighteenth-century philosophers believed, after all, in permanently established but benevolent authority. Educating the masses was intended only to improve the relationship between the top and the bottom of society. Not to change the nature of the relationship. [..] Like any elite holding great power, the technocrats are not particularly interested in the creation of subsidiary elites. Thus, while a fortune continues to be spent on state schools and universities, the entire system continues to decline. The intellectual muscle needed to give it direction is concentrated instead upon the continued refining of the education of the technocratic elite. Indeed, whatever may be quoted about the need for general education, there has always been an underlying contradiction in what the nation-state wished to teach the citizen. The masses, it was believed, could not be given more than a basic education: basic skills and - nowhere in elite education does this appear - a moral framework. In other words, they were to receive the nuts and bolts of a humanist formation." p130 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul
The inmates now control the institution, you see that in all levels of education and classes of people. Parental interference and the idea that immature bratty kids know best has become an American trait. Sports and money are worshiped, education not so much.

America The Stupid US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Measuring America s Decline US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
America as Farce US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

"...In the United States large sections of the population were happily abandoned to illiteracy from the very beginning. Now new sections are added to this lumpen proletariat with each passing year. Everywhere one hears the elites saying to each other, in private: "Well, of course, they are not educable." There are endless statistics to confirm the already educated in their pessimism. Seventy-two million Americans are illiterate, the majority of them white. This doesn't include the functionally illiterate. One-quarter of American children live below the poverty level. Forty percent of children in public schools are from racial minorities. The whites who can afford to are slipping away into the private school system. Twice as many children are born to American teenagers as to those of any other democracy. But if you begin to add such facts as that forty million Americans do not have access to medical care, you are also obliged to wonder if the problem lies not with the population but with the elites, their expectations and their own education." p131 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul

"Within the ethos of reason there was also the idea of encouraging generalized education. Education instilled knowledge. Knowledge dispelled superstition, thus making it possible to reason. A man capable of reasoning was fit to be a citizen. But this idea of creating citizens was vague. What did the elites want them for? The eighteenth-century philosophers believed, after all, in permanently established but benevolent authority. Educating the masses was intended only to improve the relationship between the top and the bottom of society. Not to change the nature of the relationship. [..] Like any elite holding great power, the technocrats are not particularly interested in the creation of subsidiary elites. Thus, while a fortune continues to be spent on state schools and universities, the entire system continues to decline. The intellectual muscle needed to give it direction is concentrated instead upon the continued refining of the education of the technocratic elite. Indeed, whatever may be quoted about the need for general education, there has always been an underlying contradiction in what the nation-state wished to teach the citizen. The masses, it was believed, could not be given more than a basic education: basic skills and - nowhere in elite education does this appear - a moral framework. In other words, they were to receive the nuts and bolts of a humanist formation." p130 'Voltaire's Bastards: The Dictatorship of Reason in the West' John Ralston Saul

Parental interference? Really, never knew there was such a thing.. Didn't know a Mom or Dad could interfere with something involving their children

Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.

Indeed. Getting sent down to see 'coach' was not desired at all. lol..

Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?

Yep, when the paddle is delivered BEFORE the gun. The gun would not be needed

Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?

Yep, when the paddle is delivered BEFORE the gun. The gun would not be needed

These kids get beat their whole lives

Doesn't seem to work, they get accustomed to it
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?

Yep, when the paddle is delivered BEFORE the gun. The gun would not be needed

These kids get beat their whole lives

Doesn't seem to work, they get accustomed to it

Not beat... If they had been disciplined at a young age AT HOME, they would not need a gun to commit crime.

IOW, they would have been taught the difference between right and wrong

Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.

The home, eventually creates society. Society is a product of the home from which we were nurtured. WE create society, society does not create us

We have no control over poverty, laws and legislation, social inequality, and irresponsible citizens. We have no control over crime, drug and alcohol addiction, and parents that have no business being parents.
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?

Yep, when the paddle is delivered BEFORE the gun. The gun would not be needed

These kids get beat their whole lives

Doesn't seem to work, they get accustomed to it

Not beat... If they had been disciplined at a young age AT HOME, they would not need a gun to commit crime.

IOW, they would have been taught the difference between right and wrong

Parents beat the shit out of them all the time....remember that Baltimore mother you were admiring last week
Now what great results we see here relative to home training. What kind of parents raise this type of human? Its time the left accepts responsibility for the society they've created. It all starts in the home, then school, and now we reap the rewards of the parents investment

I used to tell my kids, when you're out and about, you represent the (family name) and that is something to be proud of.

I just fail to see that connection with these future wards of the state


""I have taught in the Baltimore public school system for the past two decades. What we need is better students. We have many excellent teachers. I cannot count the number of students who have physically destroyed property in the schools.

"They have trashed brand new computers, destroyed exit signs, set multiple fires, destroyed many, many lockers, stolen teachers' school supplies, written their filth on the tops of classroom desks, defecated in the bathrooms and stairwells, assaulted teachers (beyond constantly telling them to perform certain impossible acts upon themselves) and refused to do any homework or class work.

"Need I go any further? I won't even bother addressing the other 'causes' you listed. Too inane. In summary, the problem seems to be a total disregard for life that exists not only in our crime-ridden city, but also in all of the major cities throughout the United States.

"So, go blame other root causes, but please leave our city police, prosecutors and teachers out of the finger wagging."
Yes, I agree that it's primarily a parenting issue, but other factors certainly come into play. Please consider poverty, unemployment, gangs, exposure to hard drugs, alcoholism, and other social environment influences. No, I do not blame teachers or the police. I blame years of neglect and the building up of frustrations and depression.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?
Depends on who is welding the paddle?

The paddlings I got at school was nothing, compared to the whippins I got when I got home, because of getting in trouble at school. Every teacher knew why I couldn't sit down the next morning.
I blame the fact that paddles are not used in schools anymore, and belts or switches are not used by parents.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Seems the Bible got that one right.
These kids get in fights every day and regularly hear gunfire in their think they are afraid of a paddle?

Yep, when the paddle is delivered BEFORE the gun. The gun would not be needed

These kids get beat their whole lives

Doesn't seem to work, they get accustomed to it

Not beat... If they had been disciplined at a young age AT HOME, they would not need a gun to commit crime.

IOW, they would have been taught the difference between right and wrong

Parents beat the shit out of them all the time....remember that Baltimore mother you were admiring last week

You used parent in the plural sense

Where was the dad?


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