Balance the budget and pay down the deficit


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

“America, roll up your sleeved and pitch in.
This may hurt a little but this too will pass

Raise taxes on everyone who is working accordingly and on all products we buy and services and every one contributes and it will balance the budget and pay down the deficit. Cutting services and jobs only contributes to the deficit. I am willing to pay taxes on my social security if it help us. Everyone contributes and every one wins when we succeed.

Cut public, state and federal employers by dividing the work days and not anyone completely. Cut the salary of Congress, Senate and speakers of the house, etc. Everyone make sacrifices but absolute NO job lost what so ever.

Not only government is living large, we are also. I could survive well on less social security. But some could not so cut accordingly. All of us need to get back to basics. Do we have to have so much and make so much garbage in the process?

I moved out of a two bedroom apt and did not realized how much I had that I did not need. I used to have a car and a camper and now I have neither and miss neither.( I have a power chair)
Do we really need 435 members in the House of Representative?
Do we really need 100 senators?
We could cut them in half and probably get more work out of them and save money to balance the budget and pay down the deficit. OR cut their salaries in half and benefits. Make them all eligible for social security and medicare.
Since "so be it if jobs or lost."No one has to lose their job. Just share the work load. IF there is $60 billion for education, Spend only $60 billion and divide the jobs. In stead of paying the each $45,000, pay them each $20 thousand or what ever amount to $60 billion. Until the budget is balanced and the deficit is paid down.
It is everyones responsible to contribute. Not just public and federal workers but thats a start.
Damn Bush economics got is here and he much be drinking himself into oblivion.
Granny says, "Dat's right - now send dat second stimulus check an' be quick about it...
Budget Cannot Be Balanced in Next 10 Years Without 'Severely Impacting' Seniors -- Which GOP Won't Do
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 -- House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R.-Va.) said today that the federal budget cannot be balanced anytime within the next 10 years without "severely impacting the benefits" for seniors--something he said the Republicans will not do.
Cantor also said that Republicans are moving towards reforming entitlement programs "for those 54 and younger"--but will not change the benefits of those 55 and older. At a Capitol Hill press briefing on Tuesday, asked Cantor whether House Republicans will pass a budget that balances sometime in the next 10 years. In response, Cantor said the budget could not be balanced in the next decade without "severely impacting" seniors.

“It is very difficult to balance the budget within 10 years without cutting seniors' benefits now,” said Cantor. “And as I said before, our vision of entitlement reform will protect today’s seniors and those nearing retirement. As I am told, you cannot balance this budget in 10 years without severely impacting the benefits that current seniors and retirees are getting now.”

“So the answer to your question is our budget will balance in the future while we work to protect today’s seniors and those nearing retirement, and actually move towards reforming the programs for those 54 and younger,” he said. Earlier in the press conference Cantor said that changes in Social Security and Medicare benefits to those 55 and older are off the table when Republicans propose entitlement reform later this year.

“We have said that those 55 and older will not see any change in their benefits,” said Cantor. “But for the rest of us, 54 and younger, we are going to have to come to grips with the reality that if we’re going to have these programs around and save them, they’re going to have to look a lot different for the younger people in this country.”


See also:

Federal Budget May Not Be Balanced for 20 Years
Tuesday, March 08, 2011 – House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said on Tuesday that it may take as many as 20 years to balance the federal budget after years of deficit spending in Washington.
At Hoyer's weekly press briefing on Capitol Hill, noted that President Obama's latest budget proposal does not balance at any time in the next 10 years and asked Hoyer, "Do you plan on introducing anything that balances within that 10-year timeframe, or is that possible?"

Hoyer said, “Now [that] we’re at $14 trillion in debt, I think the answer is – responsibly – we’re not going to get there [a balanced budget] in ten years, but we have to be on a very considered path to get there, certainly, within the next decade and a half or two decades,” Hoyer said Tuesday at his weekly press briefing.

“I don’t think you can get there in ten years. I think it’s going to take a longer time [because] we’ve dug such a deep hole. We turned a $5.6 trillion [projected] surplus into $5 trillion in additional debt.” Hoyer noted that even his 20-year estimate was based on a robustly growing economy that would allow the government to take in a normal level of tax revenue instead of the reduced revenue it expects to take in during a recession.

Hoyer, the number two House Democrat, said he is not satisfied with President Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposal, which does not balance the budget within ten years. President Obama said earlier that his fiscal 2012 budget request would lower the budget deficit by about $1 trillion over ten years. Hoyer said Republicans and Democrats must compromise if they are ever going to solve the nation’s budget issues. “We have to – together, together – work on getting this deficit under control.”

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The taxpayer has been getting screwed for years. It's time for the fed govt to drag their balls across the hot coals a few times. Start filleting and cutting each agency within every department 25 percent. It's time the fed government saw some tough love.

We should all be tired of getting the reach around by the feds. It's time to hoist a telephone pole up THEIR ass.
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“America, roll up your sleeved and pitch in.
This may hurt a little but this too will pass

Raise taxes on everyone who is working accordingly and on all products we buy and services and every one contributes and it will balance the budget and pay down the deficit. Cutting services and jobs only contributes to the deficit. I am willing to pay taxes on my social security if it help us. Everyone contributes and every one wins when we succeed.

Cut public, state and federal employers by dividing the work days and not anyone completely. Cut the salary of Congress, Senate and speakers of the house, etc. Everyone make sacrifices but absolute NO job lost what so ever.

Not only government is living large, we are also. I could survive well on less social security. But some could not so cut accordingly. All of us need to get back to basics. Do we have to have so much and make so much garbage in the process?

I moved out of a two bedroom apt and did not realized how much I had that I did not need. I used to have a car and a camper and now I have neither and miss neither.( I have a power chair)
Do we really need 435 members in the House of Representative?
Do we really need 100 senators?
We could cut them in half and probably get more work out of them and save money to balance the budget and pay down the deficit. OR cut their salaries in half and benefits. Make them all eligible for social security and medicare.
Since "so be it if jobs or lost."No one has to lose their job. Just share the work load. IF there is $60 billion for education, Spend only $60 billion and divide the jobs. In stead of paying the each $45,000, pay them each $20 thousand or what ever amount to $60 billion. Until the budget is balanced and the deficit is paid down.
It is everyones responsible to contribute. Not just public and federal workers but thats a start.
Damn Bush economics got is here and he much be drinking himself into oblivion.

Raising taxes does not balance the budget.

Cutting spending does not balance the budget.

We need to both cut spending, and raise taxes. Studies show that the best balance between the two is about 60% cutting spending and the rest raising taxes.
The taxpayer has been getting screwed for years. It's time for the fed govt to drag their balls across the hot coals a few times. Start filleting and cutting each agency within every department 25 percent. It's time the fed government saw some tough love.

We should all be tired of getting the reach around by the feds. It's time to hoist a telephone pole up THEIR ass.

Finally sometihn that makes sense.
The taxpayer has been getting screwed for years. It's time for the fed govt to drag their balls across the hot coals a few times. Start filleting and cutting each agency within every department 25 percent. It's time the fed government saw some tough love.

We should all be tired of getting the reach around by the feds. It's time to hoist a telephone pole up THEIR ass.

Finally sometihn that makes sense.

Ill second that

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