Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?,0,6999199.story

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""
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Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Again dude? Holy shit man.

Another Bain-in-the-ass-bullshit-thread!!


yeah, Don't forget Republican voters want Romney to release his tax returns too... :eusa_clap:

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Again dude? Holy shit man.
tax return story.

"If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain."
Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Again dude? Holy shit man.
tax return story.

"If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain."

And if Obama'd release his college transcripts we could see what kind of bullshit he was spoon-fed during his time there.

Afraid we might see "Love of Lenin 101" in there?
School records? :laugh2:

talk about desperation.

Democrats continue talking tax returns, as they have for much of the campaign. Former President Bill Clinton – who called Romney’s business career “sterling” last month, jumped into the fray on NBC News on Friday morning.

“I am a little surprised that he only released a year’s worth of tax returns,” Clinton said. “That’s kind of perplexed me. Because this is the first time in more than 30 years that anybody running for president has only done that.”
Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Another Bain-in-the-ass-bullshit-thread!!


yeah, Don't forget Republican voters want Romney to release his tax returns too... :eusa_clap:

The tax returns issue could prove a thorny one for Romney, who was booed at a GOP debate in South Carolina earlier this year after he equivocated on whether he would release the returns. His 2011 returns, released in January, showed that Romney and wife Ann paid $3 million in taxes in 2010 on $21.7 million in income, a tax rate of 13.9%, much lower than the 35% marginal rate.

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

Bain does have some foundation in reality, still, though the Birther psychosis isn't present, there IS an outlet for concerned voters BEFORE he is President, defeat him. thus making the disclosure a moot point. This does not compare with a President & VP with six criminal convictions they "forgot about", even on Grand Jury documents.
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Bain-gate: What Do Romney's Tax Returns Say?

Romney can settle the dispute over his tenure at Bain by releasing the tax returns.

What did Romney claim on his tax returns?

Democrats say Romney tax returns could clarify Bain departure date -

""Either Mitt Romney misrepresented his tenure at Bain to the SEC or he misrepresented it to the voters of Massachusetts," said Ben LaBolt, an Obama campaign spokesman, on Fox News. "If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain.""

Again dude? Holy shit man.
tax return story.

"If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain."

So now your Demanding Board Minutes?

You know I would take you more seriously if you Demanded the Same kind of Discloser from Obama.

That Said, I happen to agree that he should release more years of Tax Returns.
Private = Private, right?

Or are ya turning all hypocritical on me?

this is the first time in more than 30 years that anybody running for president has only released a year’s worth of tax returns

and if Romney really wants to clear up his exit from Bain, board meeting minutes would help him or destroy him.

Again dude? Holy shit man.
tax return story.

"If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain."

So now your Demanding Board Minutes?

You know I would take you more seriously if you Demanded the Same kind of Discloser from Obama.

That Said, I happen to agree that he should release more years of Tax Returns.

The Boston Globe has shown how public records do not make Romney's claims look honest or credible. Board meeting minutes could help him...or destroy him.

What is Romney hiding and what is he afraid of?
tax return story.

"If he released more documents, like further tax returns, we would know the extent of his involvement at Bain during this period. If he released board minutes, we'd know the extent of his involvement at Bain."

So now your Demanding Board Minutes?

You know I would take you more seriously if you Demanded the Same kind of Discloser from Obama.

That Said, I happen to agree that he should release more years of Tax Returns.

The Boston Globe has shown how public records do not make Romney's look honest or credible. Board meeting minutes could help him...or destroy him.

What is Romney hiding and what is he afraid of?

Ah the Partisan Blinders.

Like I said, the Day you start demanding the same kind of Transparency and Dis-closer from Obama Ill take you seriously.
So now your Demanding Board Minutes?

You know I would take you more seriously if you Demanded the Same kind of Discloser from Obama.

That Said, I happen to agree that he should release more years of Tax Returns.

The Boston Globe has shown how public records do not make Romney's look honest or credible. Board meeting minutes could help him...or destroy him.

What is Romney hiding and what is he afraid of?

Ah the Partisan Blinders.

Like I said, the Day you start demanding the same kind of Transparency and Dis-closer from Obama Ill take you seriously.

President Obama and Vice President Biden: 12 Years of Tax Returns — Barack Obama
See what happens when you trust partisan drivel, rather than researching shit yourself?!

Must have been more than 40 years ago, because:
Tax History Project: Presidential Tax Returns

And judging by the gap in data, it must have been Kennedy.


fail to see your point. I quoted Bill. But when was the last time a Pres candidate released only one years worth of tax returns?

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