Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Bain is an American business, run by Americans to seek out a profit (like most businesses). Its completely legal and fairly common practice among failing businesses to seek out capital to restructure in order to keep from going under. Its no god damn different than what Obama did with GM except that it is done with PRIVATE equity and not OUR FUCKING MONEY.

It has been widely reported that 2/3 businesses or more seeking help from Bain have come out stronger. It is not widely reported that if those same companies had not sought help a vast majority of them would not have survived their fiscal problems and even more jobs would have been lost as a result.

Romney was hired to run this PRIVATE entity and his baseline goal was to maintain or increase profits. He did is job and reportedly did it well. Some of Bains current and former big wigs who happen to be democrats and a couple are even huge Obama donors or bundlers have stated that Obama's line of attack is simply wrong. Having said that it matters not as private industry working within the confines of the law is to be admired not shunned.

As far as the SEC documents are concerned, current DEMOCRATIC Bain officials have stated that after Romneys departure it took a couple of years to cement his replacement and as a result Romneys name was left atop the paperwork as a name must be provided by law. Since his replacement had yet to be found it was a formality that left his name atop the paperwork and that Romney was in no way involved with the day to day practices or decisions of Bain. They are Obama supporters and donors people, dont you think if they saw an opportunity to throw his opponent under the bus they would take it? Or do you think they are the 9th biggest donor to the DNC and are just trying to cut off their own noses? Use your fucking heads.

I know the goal is to tag Romney with the outsourcing that happened after he left but the stories dont add up. Secondly it WAS NOT Romneys job to protect American jobs. He wasn't and still isnt POTUS.
Obama on the other had is solely tasked with protecting the American people and their interests. Protecting Bains very right to conduct their business as they see fit as long as they don't violate the law. But rather than protect their right to perform the functions of their business he demonizes them. Where is his demonization of GE? They have outsourced far more jobs than they have created here in America since Immelt took over. Not only that they paid zip on billions in proffits through tax loopholes. What does Obama do? He fucking hires their CEO to represent the average American hunting for a job. What a joke.

If Obama and you numbskulls can find nothing else to harp about for the next 3.5 months, you're done as is Obama.
This fight is Hopeless. Sorry, the Facts don't matter, the Idea of Companies like Bain being Dirty, and vultures is to easy of a sell to the American People.

The Truth will not matter, and IMO this issue will assure Obama wins.

Most businesses that would use a company like Bain are already in financial distress.

You won't hear Obama admitting that. Why should he? This tactic appears to be working.


Actually the Businesses that use a Company like bain are usually either in Distress, or they Want funds for a Venture to risky for a normal Bank to sign on to.
It is all they got Grampa.
What else are they going to use?
Romney started a business from the ground up and was successful!!
Romney had the NERVE to donate 100% of his fathers inheritance..the BASTARD!!
Romney accepted no salary while he was a governor!!! Yeah!!
Romney accepted no salary while working for the U.S. Olympics!!! Even worse!!!

It is all they got.
Bain is an American business, run by Americans to seek out a profit (like most businesses). Its completely legal and fairly common practice among failing businesses to seek out capital to restructure in order to keep from going under.


In our socialist republic, CEO's are supposed to let a business go belly up, then they are supposed to ask the Prime Minister (formerly President) to be bailed out.

Let's talk about Obama's utter disdain for our constitution and economy?

I posted the Florida law which creates a PRESUMPTION of guilt in drug cases, and you focus on Obama & the Constitution? Surreal. As for the Bain fixation, enough is enough, though Romney did no more than the many execs working for the corporation, good or bad.
The polls seem to be showing this Bain stuff is not hurting Romney Real clear politics, Rasmussen, and Gallup have polls that go up to July 14th Real clear has Obama +2.4 Rasmussen has it tied and Gallup has Obama +2.
This fight is Hopeless. Sorry, the Facts don't matter, the Idea of Companies like Bain being Dirty, and vultures is to easy of a sell to the American People.

The Truth will not matter, and IMO this issue will assure Obama wins.

Maybe not. The tactics Obama is using are lies and that is coming out. The partners were democrats and they are speaking out behalf of Romney.

One partner who appeared on MSNBC came out in defense of Romney and they don't have much audience, but they will most like;y be coming out on other stations that do have higher audiences that will see the truth of the issue.
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