Bad News, Democrats


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
If you've been paying attention, you've seen the Democrat Party actually admitting that it is the Socialist Party...


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.” "MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

2. And, about darned time.....'cause their voters have admitted it...

POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

Posted by Kemberlee Kaye Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00pm
Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively

A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.

Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. That's what Democrats say.
Here's what Americans say:

"Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist
Americans say they are more likely to support an atheist than a socialist for president next year, according to the latest Gallup survey, released Monday.

Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not, while 58 percent said they would have no problem voting for an atheist in their party.

Independent Bernie Sanders is the only self-described “democratic socialist” in the race, though he’s running as a Democrat. "

Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist

And, more recently:

"Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Democrats that run as a Democratic Socialist outside of very deep blue district may want to heed the warning of a poll conducted by The Hill and Harris. Link to The Hill Article.The results of this poll show that 76% of those polled would not vote for a socialist candidate. Guess what, Republicans are now using that word in every district to brand their Democratic opponent no matter how moderate their positions might actually be.

Democrats need to get out in front of Republican’s socialist labeling quickly and counter it with something people can line up behind. The media will have a field day prodding Democratic candidates if they are a socialist in every interview. There will be a broad brush used to confuse the public and conflate the progressive Democrats brand as Socialist. Having to explain and defend takes valuable time and energy.

This really is the only play Republicans have. Democrats, be proactive and take it away from them now.
Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Get that?

Kos is telling the Democrats that have to lie.

But....that's what they do already.
Dear PoliticalChic: Why haven't all Conservatives taken to twitter and
declared the Socialist beliefs of the Democratic Party to be a POLITICAL RELIGION?

the Texas Democratic Platform declares in writing that
Texas Democrats BELIEVE health care is a right not a privilege:

Texas Democrats believe health care is a right, not a privilege reserved for those able to pay for it."

Any other large incorporated organization that "publicly declares its beliefs for its members"
would be counted as a RELIGION or religious DENOMINATION. Like the Apostle's Creed saying "we BELIEVE in the life everlasting, etc" etc.

First step, unite in national recognition of the Democratic Party as espousing Political Beliefs
that constitute a Political Religion.

Then lobby for First Amendment and Fourteenth Amendment Constitutional and Civil Rights
NOT to be forced by govt to espouse these beliefs, nor be punished or discriminated against for having a different creed.

Harassment, fines and penalties for not voting or not complying with POLITICAL BELIEFS AND CREEDS
would be protecting people's Constitutional and Civil Rights.

If we have to take it that far, we could organize a national class action lawsuit.
However PoliticalChic when I brought this up on a conservative radio talk show
I was hung up. I was told no such lawsuit was ever going to happen.

Maybe nothing will happen if we never ask, we never push to have this conversation!

I hope you keep pushing PoliticalChic
Maybe you and I should team up, and have our own talk show and out all these
so-called "Conservative Constitutionalists" too chicken to stand up and defend Constitutional principles!

That's SAD when it takes Conservative Women stuck in CA, NY and I know one in Austin,
all surrounded and drowned out by liberal culture and politics,
and a Constitutionalist DEMOCRAT (me in TX) to bring up this issue
where the others just wait on Cruz or Paul or God or Jesus or someone else to say something?

Why not push Mark Levin and other Constitutional lawyers to take this on?
I've asked Josh Blackman who responded honestly it would be "hard to win" a legal
argument based on Constitutional beliefs, in and of themselves, being a protected belief under Constitutional law.

But that's different from establishing the CONTENT of the belief and argument,
it's only saying whether or not someone AGREES or disagrees with Constitutional arguments,
they constitute BELIEFS and creeds and that should be protected from Discrimination!

A lot of people are arguing against Socialism. So again, PoliticalChic maybe YOU can understand the difference
* NOT arguing AGAINST the CONTENT of the beliefs in Socialism
* but arguing that Socialism constitutes a POLITICAL BELIEF OR RELIGION
stated and proven by the Democratic Party's own published PLATFORM
* and therefore Constitutionalist beliefs and creeds should not be abridged
prohibited or punished by people pushing Socialist BELIEFS. That doesn't
have to be an argument of "one creed over another" -- it is arguing NOT
to establish or prohibit creeds through govt that discriminate against other creeds.

What does it take to establish this understanding NATIONALLY?

Then maybe we won't need a lawsuit to do it.
But I was thinking threatening a lawsuit might get it into the public media and domain
because people pay attention if there is a real legal argument that is being pushed for backing...
Actually the good news is republicans are beginning to admit they love young girls and taking away freedom by bankrupting the citizens of America.
The Ds are also running on the economy doesn't matter.

....and that everybody but them is a racist, homophobe, sexist, whatever....
PoliticalChic so when the liberal left gets rid of their
Al Franken's, their Keith Ellison's, and anyone else caught or accused of sexist type harassment,
who will be left who isn't guilty of something?

I agree. The Ds are having a civil war that is simply rearranging deck chairs on their Titanic.
The Ds are also running on the economy doesn't matter.

....and that everybody but them is a racist, homophobe, sexist, whatever....
PoliticalChic so when the liberal left gets rid of their
Al Franken's, their Keith Ellison's, and anyone else caught or accused of sexist type harassment,
who will be left who isn't guilty of something?

I agree. The Ds are having a civil war that is simply rearranging deck chairs on their Titanic.

At the rate the ship is sinking, the failed idea that you can force socialistic structure on people through
govt against the will and consent of the other half of the nation that believes in Constitutional free choice;
what might be left of the Democratic leadership is the women who will be in charge of fixing all these messes
after the men take each other out over every little mishap that comes out in the media. Women who have no
power can't get caught up in conflicts of interest that have been played by all the ones in power. So the
powerless will end up having to fix everything when all else fails. As the Bible says the Meek shall inherit the Earth.
Or this case, manure as in BS!

Thanks william the wie
Actually the good news is republicans are beginning to admit they love young girls and taking away freedom by bankrupting the citizens of America.

Dear Tax Man both major parties have their costs of their corruption and political nonsense charged to taxpayers to pay for.
Why not hold both parties responsible for paying us back?

Instead of one party arguing the other is "worse"
why not file complaints and demand reimbursement for both sets of wrongs and abuses at taxpayer expense?

Tally up the cost to us of govt abuses and corporate bailouts, and govt waste.
Trace the liability to which leaders backed which policies and hold them or their parties responsible.
Write up a list of disputed charges, similar to a credit card statement,
and refuse to pay. So those go on the tab of the party responsible for pushing that policy or backing that candidate.

Let's itemize our taxes this way, shall we?
And only pay for charges we authorize.

If Democrats authorize health care spending, that goes on their tab.
If Republicans pay for veterans and military budget, that goes on their tab.
And only what ALL taxpayers of ALL parties agree to pay for goes on the public tab.

Since we agree on so little, that should reduce govt spending to the minimum we can afford to cover.
And this will also curb any excess or abusive spending nobody agrees to pay for!
If you've been paying attention, you've seen the Democrat Party actually admitting that it is the Socialist Party...


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.” "MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

2. And, about darned time.....'cause their voters have admitted it...

POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

Posted by Kemberlee Kaye Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00pm
Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively

A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.

Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. That's what Democrats say.
Here's what Americans say:

"Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist
Americans say they are more likely to support an atheist than a socialist for president next year, according to the latest Gallup survey, released Monday.

Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not, while 58 percent said they would have no problem voting for an atheist in their party.

Independent Bernie Sanders is the only self-described “democratic socialist” in the race, though he’s running as a Democrat. "

Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist

And, more recently:

"Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Democrats that run as a Democratic Socialist outside of very deep blue district may want to heed the warning of a poll conducted by The Hill and Harris. Link to The Hill Article.The results of this poll show that 76% of those polled would not vote for a socialist candidate. Guess what, Republicans are now using that word in every district to brand their Democratic opponent no matter how moderate their positions might actually be.

Democrats need to get out in front of Republican’s socialist labeling quickly and counter it with something people can line up behind. The media will have a field day prodding Democratic candidates if they are a socialist in every interview. There will be a broad brush used to confuse the public and conflate the progressive Democrats brand as Socialist. Having to explain and defend takes valuable time and energy.

This really is the only play Republicans have. Democrats, be proactive and take it away from them now.
Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Get that?

Kos is telling the Democrats that have to lie.

But....that's what they do already.

Your screeds are priceless. Ocasio-Cortez was the PERFECT candidate for The Bronx where Ds outnumber Rs 5-1. She'd be horrible in a purple district. There is no such thing as a one size fits all Dem (or any other) candidate.

So kindly shove your Daily Caller generalizations where the sun don't shine. :)
If you've been paying attention, you've seen the Democrat Party actually admitting that it is the Socialist Party...


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.” "MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

2. And, about darned time.....'cause their voters have admitted it...

POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

Posted by Kemberlee Kaye Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00pm
Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively

A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.

Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. That's what Democrats say.
Here's what Americans say:

"Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist
Americans say they are more likely to support an atheist than a socialist for president next year, according to the latest Gallup survey, released Monday.

Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not, while 58 percent said they would have no problem voting for an atheist in their party.

Independent Bernie Sanders is the only self-described “democratic socialist” in the race, though he’s running as a Democrat. "

Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist

And, more recently:

"Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Democrats that run as a Democratic Socialist outside of very deep blue district may want to heed the warning of a poll conducted by The Hill and Harris. Link to The Hill Article.The results of this poll show that 76% of those polled would not vote for a socialist candidate. Guess what, Republicans are now using that word in every district to brand their Democratic opponent no matter how moderate their positions might actually be.

Democrats need to get out in front of Republican’s socialist labeling quickly and counter it with something people can line up behind. The media will have a field day prodding Democratic candidates if they are a socialist in every interview. There will be a broad brush used to confuse the public and conflate the progressive Democrats brand as Socialist. Having to explain and defend takes valuable time and energy.

This really is the only play Republicans have. Democrats, be proactive and take it away from them now.
Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Get that?

Kos is telling the Democrats that have to lie.

But....that's what they do already.
Only right wingers with lousy economic intuition, say that.

we really just need a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage, unemployment compensation for being unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States, and Industrial Automation to help with social costs.
If you've been paying attention, you've seen the Democrat Party actually admitting that it is the Socialist Party...


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.” "MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

2. And, about darned time.....'cause their voters have admitted it...

POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

Posted by Kemberlee Kaye Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00pm
Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively

A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.

Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. That's what Democrats say.
Here's what Americans say:

"Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist
Americans say they are more likely to support an atheist than a socialist for president next year, according to the latest Gallup survey, released Monday.

Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not, while 58 percent said they would have no problem voting for an atheist in their party.

Independent Bernie Sanders is the only self-described “democratic socialist” in the race, though he’s running as a Democrat. "

Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist

And, more recently:

"Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Democrats that run as a Democratic Socialist outside of very deep blue district may want to heed the warning of a poll conducted by The Hill and Harris. Link to The Hill Article.The results of this poll show that 76% of those polled would not vote for a socialist candidate. Guess what, Republicans are now using that word in every district to brand their Democratic opponent no matter how moderate their positions might actually be.

Democrats need to get out in front of Republican’s socialist labeling quickly and counter it with something people can line up behind. The media will have a field day prodding Democratic candidates if they are a socialist in every interview. There will be a broad brush used to confuse the public and conflate the progressive Democrats brand as Socialist. Having to explain and defend takes valuable time and energy.

This really is the only play Republicans have. Democrats, be proactive and take it away from them now.
Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Get that?

Kos is telling the Democrats that have to lie.

But....that's what they do already.

Your screeds are priceless. Ocasio-Cortez was the PERFECT candidate for The Bronx where Ds outnumber Rs 5-1. She'd be horrible in a purple district. There is no such thing as a one size fits all Dem (or any other) candidate.

So kindly shove your Daily Caller generalizations where the sun don't shine. :)

I certainly understand the palpable fear exhibited in your post.

Here's why:

Did you see this, you moron?

  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

That's a direct quote.

And I sure hope it's true.....the only one dumber than Ocasio is you. don't like me????
Here's why: I'd describe our relationship kinda like a pig hates butchers.

I just wish the Ds would straighten out enough in FL that the Rs would have to too.

Want 'em to start with the roller coaster?
Not sure what that means but you should look at the Rs running for state wide office. They are as crooked NY Ds for the most part as in governor Scott is going up against Nelson in the senate seat race and heaven help us he is the lesser evil. He probably set the state record for taking the fifth in his Medicare/Medicaid fraud trial before he won the governor's race by beating out an embezzler of state funds. You can't make this crap up.
Actually the good news is republicans are beginning to admit they love young girls and taking away freedom by bankrupting the citizens of America.

So you believe freedom means a tax increase? Is that really what you wanted to say?
If you've been paying attention, you've seen the Democrat Party actually admitting that it is the Socialist Party...


  • DNC chairman Tom Perez said Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”
  • DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”
  • One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.” "MARXISTS AND EXTREME RADICALS SEEK TO TAKE OVER THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

2. And, about darned time.....'cause their voters have admitted it...

POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

Posted by Kemberlee Kaye Monday, August 13, 2018 at 7:00pm
Only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively

A new poll released by Gallup shows that for the first time in over a decade, Democrats are more passionate about socialism, viewing it more positively than capitalism."

Republicans are still heavily enamored with capitalism, with no noticeable change since polling conducted in 2010.

Notably, only 47% of Democrats view capitalism positively, a drop of 9 points (from 56%) in only two years.
POLL: Democrats More Positive About Socialism Than Capitalism

3. That's what Democrats say.
Here's what Americans say:

"Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist
Americans say they are more likely to support an atheist than a socialist for president next year, according to the latest Gallup survey, released Monday.

Just 47 percent of Americans would vote for a socialist if their party nominated one, while 50 percent said they would not, while 58 percent said they would have no problem voting for an atheist in their party.

Independent Bernie Sanders is the only self-described “democratic socialist” in the race, though he’s running as a Democrat. "

Poll: Most Americans unwilling to vote for a socialist

And, more recently:

"Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Democrats that run as a Democratic Socialist outside of very deep blue district may want to heed the warning of a poll conducted by The Hill and Harris. Link to The Hill Article.The results of this poll show that 76% of those polled would not vote for a socialist candidate. Guess what, Republicans are now using that word in every district to brand their Democratic opponent no matter how moderate their positions might actually be.

Democrats need to get out in front of Republican’s socialist labeling quickly and counter it with something people can line up behind. The media will have a field day prodding Democratic candidates if they are a socialist in every interview. There will be a broad brush used to confuse the public and conflate the progressive Democrats brand as Socialist. Having to explain and defend takes valuable time and energy.

This really is the only play Republicans have. Democrats, be proactive and take it away from them now.
Winning the Midterms Messaging Battle - Poll Says 76% Reject “Socialist” Candidates

Get that?

Kos is telling the Democrats that have to lie.

But....that's what they do already.

Who needs supermarkets when we have well stocked zoos?

Running water? Bah! A Capitalist fiction!

Progressives need to live in Venezuela
Actually the good news is republicans are beginning to admit they love young girls and taking away freedom by bankrupting the citizens of America.
Bankrupting American citizen's was Obama's goal. Not the republican's.

Replacing the American electorate with a more.....malleable .....assortment was the goal.

Hillary aide Jennifer Palmieri admitted it...

"A secret strategy memo from the Left’s most influential think tank warns that Democrats face electoral oblivion unless they immediately double-down on their support for the young illegal immigrants known as the DREAMers.

DREAMers are a “critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” according to the memo dated Jan. 8.

Shielding DACA beneficiaries from enforced removal is so important to the left-wing agenda that Democrats have to “refuse to offer any votes for Republican spending bills that do not offer a fix for Dreamers and instead appropriate funds to deport them.”

“The fight to protect Dreamers is not only a moral imperative, it is also a critical component of the Democratic Party’s future electoral success,” states Palmieri’s memo.

“If Democrats don’t try to do everything in their power to defend Dreamers, that will jeopardize Democrats’ electoral chances in 2018 and beyond,” the memo states. “In short, the next few weeks will tell us a lot about the Democratic Party and its long-term electoral prospects.”

…they tend to be underachievers, less educated and less established than typical Americans.

According to the nonpartisan Center for Immigration Studies, about 24 percent of DREAMers are functionally illiterate and 46 percent possess only “basic” English ability. Only 49 percent have a high school diploma, even though a majority are now adults.”
Democrats Must Embrace DREAMers or Face Doom, Says Secret Left-Wing Memo

That's why Hussein told illegals to go and vote.
A good campaign strategy is for conservatives to repeat this fact over and over and use Venezuela as an example of socialism’s consequences.

And the Dems should just tell the truth.

They want to take your money and give it to other people in exchange for votes. They want big government so they are ruling over a more powerful government.

If Democrats could figure out a way to take 150% of your paycheck, they would do it.

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