Bachmann files paperwork to run.

Let's face it folks. This is many pages of nonsense. No one in either party, or the TP, believes that she is electable as President. The discord has to do with the current President, and the GOP. Soooo, if the GOP would present an electable candidate, problem solved! Colin P. Condi. Even Jeb....But these clowns? Seriously.

What's up oldsalt? Come on buddy, "Colin P." Bush's puppet for the Iraq War? Or "Condi Rice"? Come on my friend? "Jeb 'fucking' Bush"? As Skip Bayless say's "are you kidding me?". Ok, you gotta be just joking around. Ok then bro. Continue on. :cool: ~BH
Let's face it folks. This is many pages of nonsense. No one in either party, or the TP, believes that she is electable as President. The discord has to do with the current President, and the GOP. Soooo, if the GOP would present an electable candidate, problem solved! Colin P. Condi. Even Jeb....But these clowns? Seriously.

What's up oldsalt? Come on buddy, "Colin P." Bush's puppet for the Iraq War? Or "Condi Rice"? Come on my friend? "Jeb 'fucking' Bush"? As Skip Bayless say's "are you kidding me?". Ok, you gotta be just joking around. Ok then bro. Continue on. :cool: ~BH

Who do you propose, my Friend?
Let's face it folks. This is many pages of nonsense. No one in either party, or the TP, believes that she is electable as President. The discord has to do with the current President, and the GOP. Soooo, if the GOP would present an electable candidate, problem solved! Colin P. Condi. Even Jeb....But these clowns? Seriously.

What's up oldsalt? Come on buddy, "Colin P." Bush's puppet for the Iraq War? Or "Condi Rice"? Come on my friend? "Jeb 'fucking' Bush"? As Skip Bayless say's "are you kidding me?". Ok, you gotta be just joking around. Ok then bro. Continue on. :cool: ~BH

Who do you propose, my Friend?

You probably won't like it, but 100% Ron Paul. I know, Pipe dreams right? ~BH
More sound, rational, objective, documented statements typical of the right.

So, you're another one who cannot differentiate between individuals? Pity. I had hoped that you were gonna be one of the thoughtful, intelligent liberals.... apparently not... you're gonna be yet another moronic fool who thinks 'the right' all think alike.

If they saw people as individuals, they wouldn't be on the left. The left by definition groups people in classes. Whether by economics or race or any other irrational and pointless standard. Their agenda is division and that doesn't work if we accept the premises that people are individuals and not defined by groups.

If we are individuals and not groups, then they have to deal with the fact that we are real people. We have faces. We have voices. And if they do that liberalism/progressivism falls apart.
There you go again trying to pass your MessiahRushie off as a Liberal. You sure parrot his bullshit to a tee! :lol:

January 19, 2009
RUSH: I don't see groups of people.

April 8, 2008
RUSH: Any person or organization who is not conservative by definition will be a liberal.

February 28, 2009 CPAC
RUSH: Let me tell you who we conservatives are: We love people. [Applause] When we look out over the United States of America, when we are anywhere, when we see a group of people, such as this or anywhere, we see Americans. We see human beings. We don't see groups.

December 15, 2008
RUSH: These guys are Washingtonians. And what is a Washingtonian? Who are these people? Ladies and gentlemen, they have driven this economy into the toilet. Washingtonians are tone deaf in terms of how you and I actually live and the things that matter and are important to us. Washingtonians are grabbing as much power for themselves right now as possible.

General Powell says we need to reach out to Hispanic, blacks, and Asians. Well, how do we do that? What kind of message does he suggest? I never hear the how to do it. I just hear we need to do it. And in my mind, we already have the blueprint for how to do it. We have done it successfully. We abandoned the blueprint. It's called individual freedom, liberty, and not seeing them as Hispanics and not seeing them as Asians and not seeing them as blacks or minorities but rather seeing them as Americans, human beings. Liberals look at people and groupify them and then think of them with contempt.

General Powell has no vision. He is not in touch with the public in any meaningful way. He's a Washingtonian.

December 1, 2010
RUSH: So here's this guy now describing the Marcel Duchamp self-portrayal as important, strange, and brave. This is a term that the artsy croissant crowd uses.

May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups. We do not look at people and decide that they're not this or not that or not competent, based on how they look or how they dress.

Feb 25, 2008
RUSH: We are letting a bunch of long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking, Birkenstock-wearing, linguine-spined liberals determine how this country grows or not, environmentalist numskulls who place a higher value on a kangaroo rat or a snail darter than your kids!

Apr 16, 2010
RUSH: These long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking types that work at the health food store.

December 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberals look at people and groupify them and then think of them with contempt.

May 12, 2008
RUSH: I maintain that moderates and independents are Democrats. Because, by definition, if someone or some organization is not conservative, it's by definition going to be liberal, not moderate, not independent, it's going to be liberal
Beautiful, successful, intelligent woman.
What's the problem ?
Not as successful as she is?
Get over it. This is America. Even an idiot (Biden) can make it.

What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.
Not according to your MessiahRushie. Women are only smart if they have a man around to keep them in line!!! :lol:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship? Remember that? It was not the word, but what was the word? I use the word stupid because it worked. Less informed, ignorant, whatever.
Rep. Michele Bachmann makes presidential run official – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

The Queen of the Tea Baggers is now in it to win it...:clap2:

The GOP has now officially soiled their collective pants...:lol:

It might interest you to know that 40% of the tea party movement in this country consists of democrats and independents--and GROWING.

Survey: Four in 10 Tea Party members are Democrats or independents - The Hill's Ballot Box
And yet when a Democrat ran as a Teabagger, the argument was he couldn't be a Teabagger because he was a Democrat!!!

Like I've said so often on these boards, CON$ are on both sides of every issue depending on which way the wind blows at the moment!!!

May 25, 2011
RUSH: Yeah, this is a district in New York, the Tea Party guy was a Democrat National Committee stooge. He has run for office three times before as a Democrat. In fact he spent all of his time in this campaign attacking the Republican candidate. He Peroted the Republican candidate. What happened here is the Republican Tea Party voters got confused. Nine percent of them got confused and bought the notion that this was a genuine Tea Party candidate running in New York.
Beautiful, successful, intelligent woman.
What's the problem ?
Not as successful as she is?
Get over it. This is America. Even an idiot (Biden) can make it.

What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.
Not according to your MessiahRushie. Women are only smart if they have a man around to keep them in line!!! :lol:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship? Remember that? It was not the word, but what was the word? I use the word stupid because it worked. Less informed, ignorant, whatever.

Seems to me, and I could be wrong here.... that you have an unhealthy obsession with Rush Limbaugh. I don't really understand it.... probably because I never listen to him.... I could probably search the net to get his program but, frankly, I have no interest in the words of fools. So, claiming that he's my Messiah is more than a tad ridiculous.

However, I'm not surprised that you're such a fucking idiot. You are, after all, the one who wants to make an issue of the fact that she fostered children. Sick fucking freak.
What is it with men that you have to consider a woman's physical appearance as somehow relevant?

Are women smarter than men - because we don't consider how attractive a man is as vital to the debate.
Not according to your MessiahRushie. Women are only smart if they have a man around to keep them in line!!! :lol:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship? Remember that? It was not the word, but what was the word? I use the word stupid because it worked. Less informed, ignorant, whatever.

Seems to me, and I could be wrong here.... that you have an unhealthy obsession with Rush Limbaugh. I don't really understand it.... probably because I never listen to him.... I could probably search the net to get his program but, frankly, I have no interest in the words of fools. So, claiming that he's my Messiah is more than a tad ridiculous.

However, I'm not surprised that you're such a fucking idiot. You are, after all, the one who wants to make an issue of the fact that she fostered children. Sick fucking freak.
You are proving your MessiahRushie Right!
Thank You.
Not according to your MessiahRushie. Women are only smart if they have a man around to keep them in line!!! :lol:

July 22, 2008
RUSH: I mean, we could look at this data any way you want, folks, is what I'm trying to say here. So women who get divorced get dumber 'cause there's no smart guy around to keep 'em in line politically. Married women are obviously smarter. Married women are obviously more conservative. Single, divorced, widowed, separated women, no man around, the brain goes south.

November 6, 2008
RUSH: Snerdley, do you remember we had a survey not long ago about unmarried women, women that are not in a relationship are stupider than women who are in a relationship? Remember that? It was not the word, but what was the word? I use the word stupid because it worked. Less informed, ignorant, whatever.

Seems to me, and I could be wrong here.... that you have an unhealthy obsession with Rush Limbaugh. I don't really understand it.... probably because I never listen to him.... I could probably search the net to get his program but, frankly, I have no interest in the words of fools. So, claiming that he's my Messiah is more than a tad ridiculous.

However, I'm not surprised that you're such a fucking idiot. You are, after all, the one who wants to make an issue of the fact that she fostered children. Sick fucking freak.
You are proving your MessiahRushie Right!
Thank You.

I live in the UK. I can't listen to Rush.... you know that.... so you are a LIAR! (I believe that, in your posting style, it is correct to capitalize the word LIAR).

Fucking sick freak.

You're hysteria about Rush is really funny. :lol:
Seems to me, and I could be wrong here.... that you have an unhealthy obsession with Rush Limbaugh. I don't really understand it.... probably because I never listen to him.... I could probably search the net to get his program but, frankly, I have no interest in the words of fools. So, claiming that he's my Messiah is more than a tad ridiculous.

However, I'm not surprised that you're such a fucking idiot. You are, after all, the one who wants to make an issue of the fact that she fostered children. Sick fucking freak.
You are proving your MessiahRushie Right!
Thank You.

I live in the UK. I can't listen to Rush.... you know that.... so you are a LIAR! (I believe that, in your posting style, it is correct to capitalize the word LIAR).

Fucking sick freak.

You're hysteria about Rush is really funny. :lol:
Nobody except CON$ consider Obama a Messiah, but that has not stopped YOU from calling him the Lib's Messiah no matter how much they protest, so pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter how much YOU protest.
CON$ claim to be bible believers so I make them eat the Golden Rule.
You are proving your MessiahRushie Right!
Thank You.

I live in the UK. I can't listen to Rush.... you know that.... so you are a LIAR! (I believe that, in your posting style, it is correct to capitalize the word LIAR).

Fucking sick freak.

You're hysteria about Rush is really funny. :lol:
Nobody except CON$ consider Obama a Messiah, but that has not stopped YOU from calling him the Lib's Messiah no matter how much they protest, so pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter how much YOU protest.
CON$ claim to be bible believers so I make them eat the Golden Rule.

Hysterical ranting doesn't help you make an intelligent argument. The hero worship of Obama by the left (that's you) is what earns him the label 'Messiah'. Since there is no evidence of my hero worship of Rush (because I don't listen to him), your continual lies about me worshiping him are ridiculous. Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an hysterical child. Which is cool... I find it funny.... what I don't find funny is your pathetic accusations about Bachmann and her foster family. That is disgusting, and I'm not gonna stop slamming you on it. It is shameful.... and your dodging of it by trying to make this about some fucking idiot on the radio is obvious..... and pathetic. Stop dodging and admit you are a sick fucking freak who thinks it's acceptable to use a politician's family to mock her.

I live in the UK. I can't listen to Rush.... you know that.... so you are a LIAR! (I believe that, in your posting style, it is correct to capitalize the word LIAR).

Fucking sick freak.

You're hysteria about Rush is really funny. :lol:
Nobody except CON$ consider Obama a Messiah, but that has not stopped YOU from calling him the Lib's Messiah no matter how much they protest, so pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter how much YOU protest.
CON$ claim to be bible believers so I make them eat the Golden Rule.

Hysterical ranting doesn't help you make an intelligent argument. The hero worship of Obama by the left (that's you) is what earns him the label 'Messiah'. Since there is no evidence of my hero worship of Rush (because I don't listen to him), your continual lies about me worshiping him are ridiculous. Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an hysterical child. Which is cool... I find it funny.... what I don't find funny is your pathetic accusations about Bachmann and her foster family. That is disgusting, and I'm not gonna stop slamming you on it. It is shameful.... and your dodging of it by trying to make this about some fucking idiot on the radio is obvious..... and pathetic. Stop dodging and admit you are a sick fucking freak who thinks it's acceptable to use a politician's family to mock her.


YOUR MessiahRushie changed Obama's words from "we are the ones we have been waiting for" to "I am the one you have been waiting for" to create the GOP "Messiah" lie you habitually spew. So you show your hero worship for YOUR MessiahRushie every time you call Obama the Messiah!

You, like YOUR MessiahRushie, just continue to lie no matter how many times your lies are exposed.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.
Last edited:
Nobody except CON$ consider Obama a Messiah, but that has not stopped YOU from calling him the Lib's Messiah no matter how much they protest, so pathological liar Stuttering LimpTard is your MessiahRushie no matter how much YOU protest.
CON$ claim to be bible believers so I make them eat the Golden Rule.

Hysterical ranting doesn't help you make an intelligent argument. The hero worship of Obama by the left (that's you) is what earns him the label 'Messiah'. Since there is no evidence of my hero worship of Rush (because I don't listen to him), your continual lies about me worshiping him are ridiculous. Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an hysterical child. Which is cool... I find it funny.... what I don't find funny is your pathetic accusations about Bachmann and her foster family. That is disgusting, and I'm not gonna stop slamming you on it. It is shameful.... and your dodging of it by trying to make this about some fucking idiot on the radio is obvious..... and pathetic. Stop dodging and admit you are a sick fucking freak who thinks it's acceptable to use a politician's family to mock her.


YOUR MessiahRushie changed Obama's words from "we are the ones we have been waiting for" to "I am the one you have been waiting for" to create the GOP "Messiah" lie you habitually spew. So you show your hero worship for YOUR MessiahRushie every time you call Obama the Messiah!

You, like YOUR MessiahRushie, just continue to lie no matter how many times your lies are exposed.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.

Seems to me you have Rush Derangement Syndrome. Personally, I don't know what Rush says because I don't listen to his show.

However, I suspect that all your quotes from Rush are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to move the subject away from the one that matters. The subject is your disgusting remark about Bachmann's foster children. Your ridiculous, pathetic, sick accusations about her and her foster kids. You can try and change that, pretend you didn't say it, quote Rush from now until the end of days, but it will not change the fact.... you are a sick, disgusting, freak for using her foster kids in a pathetic attempt to score political points.

Fucking sick freak.

So it begins.

Obama has presidential experience. Can she top that? lolololololol

Carter has Presidential experience, idiot.
Who gives a fuck about your opinion? You think Bachman is a good candidate. That voids any opinion you ever have again as being valuable.

This public education made me smart enough to realize you are a class A dipshit. I feel almost sorry for people like you. Almost, Because of how society babies retards so much. You try so hard to be normal and you never will be.

WTF is wrong with you.. seriously? You spout off with your sanctimonious, self-righteous shit, and the bottom line is, you're an obvious buffoon. Go crawl back under your rock because you have little wiggle room calling anyone a retard.
The only living person who can top that and who is eligible for the position is George HW Bush.

I'm sure you are aware of that already. The problem is you don't want an honest discussion because I pointed out the flaws in your claim that she doesn't have executive experience.

The fact is she is a leader. You can't disagree with that. Before Obama was President he had never lead in his life.

Im sorry if you don't like that. But it's reality.

Romney was a governor and a private sector executive. Tell me why she has more experience than he.

And tell us what that business was that Bachmann ran.

Never claimed she had more executive experience than Romney.

You, however, did claim that she has no executive experience.

You were wrong. I don't know why it's difficult to admit it.

Michelle Bachmann's career history appears to be

1. Working as a tax attorney for the IRS

2. Serving in state government legislature

3. Serving in Congress

Where is the executive experience again, exactly?

Looks to me like the only real jobs she's ever had are being a mother and working for the government.

Anybody have more information?
Hysterical ranting doesn't help you make an intelligent argument. The hero worship of Obama by the left (that's you) is what earns him the label 'Messiah'. Since there is no evidence of my hero worship of Rush (because I don't listen to him), your continual lies about me worshiping him are ridiculous. Each post of yours makes you look more and more like an hysterical child. Which is cool... I find it funny.... what I don't find funny is your pathetic accusations about Bachmann and her foster family. That is disgusting, and I'm not gonna stop slamming you on it. It is shameful.... and your dodging of it by trying to make this about some fucking idiot on the radio is obvious..... and pathetic. Stop dodging and admit you are a sick fucking freak who thinks it's acceptable to use a politician's family to mock her.


YOUR MessiahRushie changed Obama's words from "we are the ones we have been waiting for" to "I am the one you have been waiting for" to create the GOP "Messiah" lie you habitually spew. So you show your hero worship for YOUR MessiahRushie every time you call Obama the Messiah!

You, like YOUR MessiahRushie, just continue to lie no matter how many times your lies are exposed.

October 3, 2007
RUSH: We've reached a new day, when interpreters are allowed to determine the meaning of words spoken by others. What happens with that is the loss of meaning.

August 22, 2008
RUSH: The Messiah is a humorous term and used in this context because that's what he's trying to portray himself as: The Anointed One. "I'm the one you've been waiting for," is what he means when he says, "We're the ones we've been waiting for." I'm the one you've been looking for.

Seems to me you have Rush Derangement Syndrome. Personally, I don't know what Rush says because I don't listen to his show.

However, I suspect that all your quotes from Rush are nothing more than a pathetic attempt to move the subject away from the one that matters. The subject is your disgusting remark about Bachmann's foster children. Your ridiculous, pathetic, sick accusations about her and her foster kids. You can try and change that, pretend you didn't say it, quote Rush from now until the end of days, but it will not change the fact.... you are a sick, disgusting, freak for using her foster kids in a pathetic attempt to score political points.

Fucking sick freak.
You are doing exactly as YOUR MessiahRushie programmed you to do. Keep lying over and over, accusing others of what you are doing.

It is YOU who are using Moochele's foster kids to score cheap political points because you can't argue the fact that the Socialist took taxpayer money at the point of a gun to help other people. When Libs do that they are condemned by CON$ as Socialists, but Moochele is called a "saint" for doing that exact same thing. The CON$ervative hypocrisy is undeniable, thus your lie to create a Straw Man to attack instead.

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