Baby Boomer Generation

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
In my opinion the Boomer generation was and is the most self indulgent, greedy, spoiled, narcissistic, drug dependent, sexually deviant, socialistic, pencil necks this country has ever had the misfortune to create.

All that the "Greatest Generation" fought and died for this generation pretty well screwed up. This country is a hell of a lot worse off because of this generation.

Sheez..and the kicker is.... I'm part of it..

Well... That kinda sucks, don't you think....:lol:

Oh wait.. that works.. consider me one of the exceptions....:rolleyes:


The United States Census Bureau considers a baby boomer to be someone born during the demographic birth boom between 1946 and 1964.[10] The Census Bureau is not involved in defining cultural generations.

Boomers grew up at a time of dramatic social change. In the United States, that social change marked the generation with a strong cultural cleavage, between the proponents of social change and the more conservative.

# Memorable events: the Cuban Missile Crisis, assassinations of JFK, Robert Kennedy, and Martin Luther King, Jr., political unrest, walk on the moon, risk of the draft into the Vietnam War, anti-war protests, social experimentation, sexual freedom, drug experimentation, civil rights movement, environmental movement, women's movement, protests and riots,Woodstock, mainstream rock from the Beatles to Jimi Hendrix experimentation with various intoxicating recreational substances
# Key characteristics: experimental, individualism, free spirited, social cause oriented

Baby boomer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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I am 45, this makes me the Boom-Me generation.

1963 was the only year you could apply.
:night:.. kiss and squeeze ya later... I'm eaten a potata.. (ladies only)
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I blame Gumby.

and Timothy Leary...

[ame=]YouTube - Timothy Leary - Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out[/ame]

We need more Timothy Leary's these days, if only to show my where I can score some magic mushrooms.

I want to go on a spirit quest rather than just a alcohol fueled water slide.
Just found an interesting article in the recent TIME magazine about "Generation Next" comparing boomers and millenials. I'd post the link but I need 15 posts first...should pop up on a simple google search.
The likes of Mike Dell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ian Murdock, Steve Case,Jeff Bezos.........terrible........ruined everyones future.

A bit of a smart ass... welcome
The likes of Mike Dell, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Ian Murdock, Steve Case,Jeff Bezos.........terrible........ruined everyones future.

That was more Vulcan Spock than Doctor Spock.
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