Baby Abandoned By Protester At Occupy D.C. Camp...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Way to show those bad old Wall Street meanies you OWS Nutters. :cuckoo:

An infant’s cries rang through the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square Wednesday morning, and when a group went to investigate they found only a baby girl alone in a tent, wearing a onesie and mittens.

Soon after, authorities said, a man had been arrested and the girl — who was unharmed — was in the city’s care.

The campers notified U.S. Park Police officers and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

Officers called D.C. Fire/EMS to check on the girl around 10:30 a.m., according to Sgt. David Schlosser, a Park Police spokesman. She was fine, he said, and is now with the District’s child protective services department.

About 30 minutes later, Schlosser said, a man returned to the encampment and identified himself as the baby’s father. Police arrested the man, charging him with attempted second-degree cruelty to children.

“Mid 40s, rainy, onesie, alone,” Schlosser said, describing the circumstances that led police to arrest the man.

» Baby Abandoned by Protester at #OccupyDC Camp - Big Government
Liberals believe that everyone is responsible for everyone else. Therefore the father had no more responsibility than any other protester to care for the child. Someone would have shown up eventually.
Liberals believe that everyone is responsible for everyone else. Therefore the father had no more responsibility than any other protester to care for the child. Someone would have shown up eventually.

Yeah,just another OWS loon in action. I don't even think these stories surprise anyone at this point. OWS is such a huge fail.
"Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George's County School teacher."

Retired at 36? Must be nice. Looks like he sure did live fat & happy on the Taxpayers' Dime. What's he bitchin about?
So if a Tea Party rally attendee is found holding a racist sign, we can take that as confirmation all Tea Partiers are racists, right?

I'm just trying to grasp the kind of logic at work in this topic.
Egads! What poor judgment by the baby's father! He has no right to have the child in his custody and he deserves jail time. His actions speak for themselves.

Now, whether he was a actual Occupy protesters is something else. According to other "campers" ala Occupy campers.

From the Washington Post:

The campers notified authorities and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

D.C. Fire/EMS workers checked on the girl around 10:30 a.m. She was fine, according to Sgt. David Schlosser, a U.S. Park Police spokesman, and is now with the District’s child protective services department.

About 30 minutes later, Schlosser said, a man returned to the encampment and identified himself as the baby’s father. Police arrested the man, charging him with attempted second-degree cruelty to children.

“Mid 40s, rainy, onesie, alone,” Schlosser said, describing the circumstances that led police to arrest the man.

Schlosser said he did not yet have the name of the man arrested because he was still talking with detectives.

Canavan said the man was not a familiar face in the encampment and had only pitched his tent there this week. The camp has been in the park since Oct. 1.

“None of us knew this person,” she said. “It was a despicable, atrocious thing do. Every one here is revolted by the behavior.”
Child cruelty charge after baby found alone in Occupy camp - Crime Scene - The Washington Post
"Retired School Teacher." Still cracking up over that one. So they're railing against Wall Street while enjoying 'retirement' gotten from living fat & happy on the Taxpayers' Dime? Man,what a scam. These people really are miserable Entitlement Douche
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I wonder how long it would take to find a story about a redneck living in a trailer park who was arrested for child abandonment or leaving their child in a hot car.
Liberals believe that everyone is responsible for everyone else. Therefore the father had no more responsibility than any other protester to care for the child. Someone would have shown up eventually.

Well, someone DID, so he was right about that. But I'm sure it was a huge surprise to him that they seemed to think he'd done something wrong. After all, he has a "holy cause" he's fighting for. Doesn't that make ANY violation of those piddling little laws that lesser mortals are subject to okay?
"Retired School Teacher." Still cracking up over that one. So he's railing against Wall Street while enjoying his 'retirement' he got from living fat & happy on the Taxpayers' Dime? Man,what a scam. These people really are miserable Entitlement Douches.

I doubt this guy is really "retired" at 36, he probably just stopped working. Most actual retired teachers I met were old and gray in their 60's.
"Retired School Teacher." Still cracking up over that one. So he's railing against Wall Street while enjoying his 'retirement' he got from living fat & happy on the Taxpayers' Dime? Man,what a scam. These people really are miserable Entitlement Douches.

I doubt this guy is really "retired" at 36, he probably just stopped working. Most actual retired teachers I met were old and gray in their 60's.

Good point. Yeah,the story does seem bogus. Retired at 36? And bitching about Wall Street? :cuckoo:
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"Retired School Teacher." Still cracking up over that one. So he's railing against Wall Street while enjoying his 'retirement' he got from living fat & happy on the Taxpayers' Dime? Man,what a scam. These people really are miserable Entitlement Douches.

I doubt this guy is really "retired" at 36, he probably just stopped working. Most actual retired teachers I met were old and gray in their 60's.

Good point. Yeah,his story does seem bogus. Retired at 36? And he's bitching about Wall Street? :cuckoo:

Yeah he probably just quit, it takes year to even get tenure as a teacher, this guy would just be getting into his prime at 36, not retiring.
36 year old Kelly Canavan is the person who found the baby and alerted the police.
I doubt this guy is really "retired" at 36, he probably just stopped working. Most actual retired teachers I met were old and gray in their 60's.

Good point. Yeah,his story does seem bogus. Retired at 36? And he's bitching about Wall Street? :cuckoo:

Yeah he probably just quit, it takes year to even get tenure as a teacher, this guy would just be getting into his prime at 36, not retiring.

My guess is that they're living off Mommy & Daddy's Trust Fund. Those types are typical in OWS. But now he's off to the Pokey where he belongs. Good riddance.
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More than likely, another one of these...

[ame=]Occupy Wall Street Meltdown Poster Child a Trust Fund Baby - YouTube[/ame]
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Kelly Canavan is a woman.

The campers notified U.S. Park Police officers and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

Here is another story about Kelly Canavan: Gazette.Net: Despite criticism, Prince George’s council chairman defends retreat location, costs

Prince George’s County Council leadership began its retreat in Baltimore on Monday, sparking criticism for the second year in a row that the meeting was being held outside the county.

“[It’s] an enormous disappointment,” said Accokeek activist Kelly Canavan. “[Retreats] should absolutely be held inside the county.”

Canavan added that she felt it was hypocritical for the council to talk about economic development and bringing business to the county and then spend money elsewhere.

“They should be spending their money here,” she said. “Spending our money here.”

The two-day retreat is being held at the Admiral Fell Inn in the Fells Point neighborhood of Baltimore, where meeting room rental costs $550 per day and individual rooms usually start at about $139 per night, according to hotel staff.
Way to show those bad old Wall Street meanies you OWS Nutters. :cuckoo:

An infant’s cries rang through the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square Wednesday morning, and when a group went to investigate they found only a baby girl alone in a tent, wearing a onesie and mittens.

Soon after, authorities said, a man had been arrested and the girl — who was unharmed — was in the city’s care.

The campers notified U.S. Park Police officers and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

Officers called D.C. Fire/EMS to check on the girl around 10:30 a.m., according to Sgt. David Schlosser, a Park Police spokesman. She was fine, he said, and is now with the District’s child protective services department.

About 30 minutes later, Schlosser said, a man returned to the encampment and identified himself as the baby’s father. Police arrested the man, charging him with attempted second-degree cruelty to children.

“Mid 40s, rainy, onesie, alone,” Schlosser said, describing the circumstances that led police to arrest the man.

» Baby Abandoned by Protester at #OccupyDC Camp - Big Government

This is probably the best thing that could have happened. Hopefully a responsible adult can raise this child which will give the child opportunities in this great country.
Way to show those bad old Wall Street meanies you OWS Nutters. :cuckoo:

An infant’s cries rang through the Occupy DC encampment in McPherson Square Wednesday morning, and when a group went to investigate they found only a baby girl alone in a tent, wearing a onesie and mittens.

Soon after, authorities said, a man had been arrested and the girl — who was unharmed — was in the city’s care.

The campers notified U.S. Park Police officers and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

Officers called D.C. Fire/EMS to check on the girl around 10:30 a.m., according to Sgt. David Schlosser, a Park Police spokesman. She was fine, he said, and is now with the District’s child protective services department.

About 30 minutes later, Schlosser said, a man returned to the encampment and identified himself as the baby’s father. Police arrested the man, charging him with attempted second-degree cruelty to children.

“Mid 40s, rainy, onesie, alone,” Schlosser said, describing the circumstances that led police to arrest the man.

» Baby Abandoned by Protester at #OccupyDC Camp - Big Government

This is probably the best thing that could have happened. Hopefully a responsible adult can raise this child which will give the child opportunities in this great country.

Well, they'd have to really work at being worse than a loser who leaves her alone in a tent in a public park. Or a loser who goes to OWS protests with a baby at all. OR a loser who goes to OWS protests, period.
Kelly Canavan is a woman.

The campers notified U.S. Park Police officers and then cared for the girl until help arrived, according to Kelly Canavan, 36, a retired Prince George’s County school teacher who has been living at the camp.

Here is another story about Kelly Canavan: Gazette.Net: Despite criticism, Prince George’s council chairman defends retreat location, costs

Prince George’s County Council leadership began its retreat in Baltimore on Monday, sparking criticism for the second year in a row that the meeting was being held outside the county.

“[It’s] an enormous disappointment,” said Accokeek activist Kelly Canavan. “[Retreats] should absolutely be held inside the county.”

Canavan added that she felt it was hypocritical for the council to talk about economic development and bringing business to the county and then spend money elsewhere.

“They should be spending their money here,” she said. “Spending our money here.”

The two-day retreat is being held at the Admiral Fell Inn in the Fells Point neighborhood of Baltimore, where meeting room rental costs $550 per day and individual rooms usually start at about $139 per night, according to hotel staff.

36 and retired... something smells fishy... and it's probably not just the hippie OWSer's crotch

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