[B]Green Energy Failing in Europe[/B]


Platinum Member
Dec 1, 2013
Jewitt City, Connecticut
The Green Energy bubble fueled by government subsidies in Europe has burst. The USA will not likely follow until the Elections of 2016 when we replace our out of control White House and reign in the Congress which has been authorizing this incredible waste for over a decade.

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts - Bloomberg

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts
By Ben Sills Jan 27, 2012 8:37 AM PT

Spain halted subsidies for renewable energy projects to help curb its budget deficit and rein in power-system borrowings backed by the state that reached 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

“What is today an energy problem could become a financial problem,” Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria said in Madrid. The government passed a decree today stopping subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration plants.

The system’s debts were racked up as revenue from state- controlled prices failed to cover the cost of delivering power. Costs have swollen in the past five years because of an increase in regulated payments for the power grid, support for Spanish coal mines and subsidies for renewable energy plants.

“It’s clear they have to make major cuts,” said Francisco Salvador, a strategist at FGA/MG Valores in Madrid. “The government has already ruled out a significant increase in prices, so the cuts will fall in many places and the spotlight is on renewables, but not just on renewables.”
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The Green Energy bubble fueled by government subsidies in Europe has burst. The USA will not likely follow until the Elections of 2016 when we replace our out of control White House and reign in the Congress which has been authorizing this incredible waste for over a decade.

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts - Bloomberg

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts
By Ben Sills Jan 27, 2012 8:37 AM PT

Spain halted subsidies for renewable energy projects to help curb its budget deficit and rein in power-system borrowings backed by the state that reached 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

“What is today an energy problem could become a financial problem,” Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria said in Madrid. The government passed a decree today stopping subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration plants.

The system’s debts were racked up as revenue from state- controlled prices failed to cover the cost of delivering power. Costs have swollen in the past five years because of an increase in regulated payments for the power grid, support for Spanish coal mines and subsidies for renewable energy plants.

“It’s clear they have to make major cuts,” said Francisco Salvador, a strategist at FGA/MG Valores in Madrid. “The government has already ruled out a significant increase in prices, so the cuts will fall in many places and the spotlight is on renewables, but not just on renewables.”

Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.
The Green Energy bubble fueled by government subsidies in Europe has burst. The USA will not likely follow until the Elections of 2016 when we replace our out of control White House and reign in the Congress which has been authorizing this incredible waste for over a decade.

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts - Bloomberg

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts
By Ben Sills Jan 27, 2012 8:37 AM PT

Spain halted subsidies for renewable energy projects to help curb its budget deficit and rein in power-system borrowings backed by the state that reached 24 billion euros ($31 billion) at the end of 2011.

“What is today an energy problem could become a financial problem,” Industry Minister Jose Manuel Soria said in Madrid. The government passed a decree today stopping subsidies for new wind, solar, co-generation or waste incineration plants.

The system’s debts were racked up as revenue from state- controlled prices failed to cover the cost of delivering power. Costs have swollen in the past five years because of an increase in regulated payments for the power grid, support for Spanish coal mines and subsidies for renewable energy plants.

“It’s clear they have to make major cuts,” said Francisco Salvador, a strategist at FGA/MG Valores in Madrid. “The government has already ruled out a significant increase in prices, so the cuts will fall in many places and the spotlight is on renewables, but not just on renewables.”

Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.

This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.
The Green Energy bubble fueled by government subsidies in Europe has burst. The USA will not likely follow until the Elections of 2016 when we replace our out of control White House and reign in the Congress which has been authorizing this incredible waste for over a decade.

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts - Bloomberg

Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.

This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.

Good luck with that. As governments take away that safety net you'll find fewer and fewer private investors willing to risk their capital. It was a walk in the park when you could plant something and walk away and still make bucks for nothing. It's an entirely different thing when you have to compete on a level playing field.

I know you are a true believer, but renewables are simply too expensive for he average person to afford. It's as simple as that. Old folks can afford a 200 dollar electric bill. They can't afford a 600 one.

That's the simple reality you have to deal with.
How many threads do you intend to start on this?
Just askin'.

I intend to only have this thread on the failure of Green Energy in Europe. Of course the failure of Green Energy in Europe is seen as an ecological disaster as well as an economic disaster.

Spain was the shining example of Green Energy, now the truth is exposed. Renewable Green Energy is non-sustainable.
The Green Energy bubble fueled by government subsidies in Europe has burst. The USA will not likely follow until the Elections of 2016 when we replace our out of control White House and reign in the Congress which has been authorizing this incredible waste for over a decade.

Spain Halts Renewable Subsidies to Curb $31 Billion of Debts - Bloomberg

Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.

This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.

An industry hailed as a new, green, renewable technology fails, and this has nothing to do with technology.

How so?
Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.

This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.

An industry hailed as a new, green, renewable technology fails, and this has nothing to do with technology.

How so?

It hasn't failed...the European governments have stopped or reduced subsidies.
That is the point of the article that you linked to.
the reason for more renewable energy investment pushed by the govt. is all in the Energy Policy put forward in 2004. It also introduced more production of ethanol and biodesiel.
Yep. The technology still isn't there and the pushers of this fraud knew it. They just didn't care so long as they could get their cash.

This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.

Good luck with that. As governments take away that safety net you'll find fewer and fewer private investors willing to risk their capital. It was a walk in the park when you could plant something and walk away and still make bucks for nothing. It's an entirely different thing when you have to compete on a level playing field.

I know you are a true believer, but renewables are simply too expensive for he average person to afford. It's as simple as that. Old folks can afford a 200 dollar electric bill. They can't afford a 600 one.

That's the simple reality you have to deal with.

I believe that we, as a species, are able to come up with truly renewable energy sources.
I believe, as with all technologies, they will improve over time and become cheaper - we shouldn't stop innovating just because it isn't perfect right now.
I believe that we should stop burning stuff to make energy as soon as is practical.

So...yup, I'm a true believer I guess.
Both solar PV and wind are mature technologies.. Miracles are not gonna happen.. The world's grid capacity needs to grow by at least 30% in the next 50 yrs.. You do not grow grid capacity with wind or solar because they are not available 24/7/365. These technologies are SUPPLEMENTS -- not "alternatives".

Subsidies go away -- the industry takes a swan dive.. Only reason folks are building capacity is to suck up the subsidies..
This has nothing to do with the technology and everything to do with governmental cost-cutting.
Private investment is increasing.

Good luck with that. As governments take away that safety net you'll find fewer and fewer private investors willing to risk their capital. It was a walk in the park when you could plant something and walk away and still make bucks for nothing. It's an entirely different thing when you have to compete on a level playing field.

I know you are a true believer, but renewables are simply too expensive for he average person to afford. It's as simple as that. Old folks can afford a 200 dollar electric bill. They can't afford a 600 one.
That's the simple reality you have to deal with.

I believe that we, as a species, are able to come up with truly renewable energy sources.
I believe, as with all technologies, they will improve over time and become cheaper - we shouldn't stop innovating just because it isn't perfect right now.
I believe that we should stop burning stuff to make energy as soon as is practical.

So...yup, I'm a true believer I guess.

Sure, technologies improve over time, but there are hard physical limits on things that technology will never change. Like the speed that a Wind Turbine turns the generator. You can only get so much out of so little.

Tell us how technology can overcome this physical limitation of Wind Turbine's rpm.

pure and simple, Europe in two years spent $500 billion on Green Energy, that is now realized as a drastic mistake, governments are scrambling to repair the damage to their economies.

$500 billion dollars spent on Wind Turbines and Solar farms and the result is Europe is now more dependent on Coal for energy.

In Germany Coal use is going up, not down, and this can be described as the success of Europe's Green Energy policy.

Spain's economy collapsed by about the same amount as they invested in Green Energy, lets say around $100 billion dollars. Spain stops diverting tax money to Green Energy to save its economy and this is the success of Green Energy?

our turn is next, unfunded green energy is an albatross
Spain was the shining example of Green Energy, now the truth is exposed. Renewable Green Energy is non-sustainable.

Agreed. Glad I don't care about that. I won't be alive in 50 years.

Nice, that you do not care, you must be one of the few that can really enjoy hamburger that cost $4 lb, you do not mind potatoes rising 33%, nor do you care if the rest of us can afford electricity.

Nice that you got it made, you also visit everywhere in the world that you like?
Hamburger lol. What are you prattling on about? I was quite clear Leftytoon. I do not have it made which is the reason I use solar. It's about my costs now. If you have a better alternative great. Until then I don't care what happens to a bunch of people who have never done a thing for me 50 years from now.
Note even debatable......renewables are going straight backwards all over the EU as shale and coal once again become dominant. There are about 2 billion links about this on the thread PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING on page one in this forum!!! Its a Jonestown for the greens all over the world and I couldn't be laughing any harder.
"Green Energy" has been on a severe decline in Europe mainly due to the over bloated social programs that exist over there. Which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that AGW is just a farce.

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