Ayn Rand's non fiction is EXCELLENT, Fountainhead is ok (altho

May 21, 2015
she DOES browbeat you too much on many issues. Atlas Shrugged is a waste of about 800 of its 1100 pages. Her Philosophy:Who Needs It"? is simply great, as is her VOICE of REASON.
I have read that book. It was very unclear to me whether Leonard Peikoff was the author or if Ayn Rand was the author. It was an excellent book. I'd recommend it to any young person or an older person who never explored philosophy. It's very easy to read as well.

I own a copy of Atlas Shrugged. It has a very good writing style. It is a pleasure to read but at 1,100 pages it is very intimidating. Those 1,100 pages are 6 point font with a 1/8 inch margin on the top, bottom, left and right. Ayn Rand wrote a very small book titled, "Anthem". It was funny as heck and probably portrayed a glimmer into her political persuasion.

Reading Atlas Shrugged is something that is on my bucket list. Ayn Rand sure hates Immanuel Kant. It's almost as if objectivism was created specifically as an antithesis of Kantian ethics. If I had to place my mind in the hands of Rand or the hands of Kant, I would choose Kant. I do however consider myself a fan of Ayn Rand. Her work has been very influential especially in the business world in the United States.

Are you a fan of Ayn Rand or a passionate dissenter of Ayn Rand?
why would you choose Kant? he's the voice of un-reason. Ayn definitely had her faults, but its her FOLLOWERS who are over the top. I'm an anarcho-capitalist, actually. I love most of Ayn's ideas, but she was a defender of the nation state, which I oppose most vehemently. Check out Stefan Molyneux on youtube. Also, Roy Childs Jr had a brilliant insight into the failings of Ayn's ideas, in his OPEN LETTER To AYN RAND. He died long ago, a shame.
to which book do you refer? google is your friend, you know. :) Anthem was not comedy, at all. It was a horror story, actually, like 1984, but with a good ending. Her WE THE LIVING, while very well written, was a horrific thing, I'd have bailed out the first day. Better to die trying to escape that, after killing a bunch of those pos's.
why would you choose Kant? he's the voice of un-reason. Ayn definitely had her faults, but its her FOLLOWERS who are over the top. I'm an anarcho-capitalist, actually. I love most of Ayn's ideas, but she was a defender of the nation state, which I oppose most vehemently. Check out Stefan Molyneux on youtube. Also, Roy Childs Jr had a brilliant insight into the failings of Ayn's ideas, in his OPEN LETTER To AYN RAND. He died long ago, a shame.

Humans are unreasonable. Anybody that has ever worked with customers knows this. Anybody who has taken the time to analyse their own life knows. Logic has no value in the realm of human relations or the art of human manipulation.

Nature can be advantageously manipulated with logic. Humans are manipulated with unreasonable emotions.

Kant's philosophy is workable. Rand's philosophy is a pipe dream.
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The majority of the human experience is comprised of thoughts and feelings. Neither of these are tangible. It is very limiting to ignore these elements of life and rely solely on what can be seen and proven.

Thoughts and feelings cannot be seen or proven to exist but we all know that they do exist.
to which book do you refer? google is your friend, you know. :) Anthem was not comedy, at all. It was a horror story, actually, like 1984, but with a good ending. Her WE THE LIVING, while very well written, was a horrific thing, I'd have bailed out the first day. Better to die trying to escape that, after killing a bunch of those pos's.

Philosophy: Who Needs It
you have a very childlike grasp of what the world really is. Just because YOU dont know what's up and don't value reason does not mean that others dont (and they make it work for them). It's true that such people are rare, about 1% of the population. But that does NOT make the 99% correct in being irrational, with half of them being active pos's and the other half being dangerous just because they're irrational.
you have a very childlike grasp of what the world really is. Just because YOU dont know what's up and don't value reason does not mean that others dont (and they make it work for them). It's true that such people are rare, about 1% of the population. But that does NOT make the 99% correct in being irrational, with half of them being active pos's and the other half being dangerous just because they're irrational.

Yes. They are very dangerous. You better prepare for them. Dismissing reality won't help you.
you have a very childlike grasp of what the world really is. Just because YOU dont know what's up and don't value reason does not mean that others dont (and they make it work for them). It's true that such people are rare, about 1% of the population. But that does NOT make the 99% correct in being irrational, with half of them being active pos's and the other half being dangerous just because they're irrational.

Reason is very useful. When did I say otherwise? I just wouldn't expect a human to exercise reason or logic even those who are aware of their flawed tendency to behave irrationally.

The ideas and beliefs that we pick up unaware are often contrary to one another. We are bound to behave with contradictions and paradoxes. People like you and Rand who have everything figured out just think that you are very lucky. You are as long as you don't run into any relationships. You are likely to be a dissatisfied adulterer. Humans suck and will mess up your eloquent and fragile view of reality.
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