Avenatti Gets Second Criminal Referral


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I wonder if you can run for POTUS from prison?

Avenatti hit with 2nd criminal probe referral after client says he 'twisted' her words about Kavanaugh

Take note that the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM knew Avenatti was lying and withheld that information.

NBC News raises eyebrows by sitting on info that contradicted Michael Avenatti client's gang rape claim

Avenatti continues with his usual defense by attack methodology.

In response to the referral, Avenatti lashed out on Twitter. “How ignorant is Grassley? He keeps publicly demanding an investigation knowing full well that it will likely never happen - it is all for show. And if it does, he has placed Kavanaugh at risk of being removed from the SCOTUS. This is what happens when you never attend law school,” he wrote in a tweet.

I think he goes down for this one. Hard. Really hard. I'm talking 10 years hard time, minimum.

They're gonna love that bald head on the Cell Block. Pass him around like a bong at a Grateful Dead concert.
Yes he was never under oath. Now Kavanaugh was!! and he lied under oath, many times.

I agree with him Grassley is ready to be set out to pasture, along with the rest of his cohorts.
The temp leftist hero is a corrupt punk.........and is going down..........LOL

What are you going to do to him, send him a bomb.
Yawn...........like we are not going to hear this for another year...........Mrs. Drama Queen.......too dang bad your hero is a crook and got nailed.......

Where has the Russia thing gone.......LOL

Oh and Stormy can I.d. Trumps pecker from a Golf outing to bring him down..............

He's dirty..........he's going down..........and it's poetic justice...........
The temp leftist hero is a corrupt punk.........and is going down..........LOL

What are you going to do to him, send him a bomb.
Yawn...........like we are not going to hear this for another year...........Mrs. Drama Queen.......too dang bad your hero is a crook and got nailed.......

Where has the Russia thing gone.......LOL

Oh and Stormy can I.d. Trumps pecker from a Golf outing to bring him down..............

He's dirty..........he's going down..........and it's poetic justice...........

Oh the Russa Thing as Trump says is coming and when it does it won't be pretty. Oh and for as long as Trump is in office.
I wonder if you can run for POTUS from prison?

Yes you can, Ultraliberal Eugene V. Debs ran from the Big House in his 1920 campaign.

But the real question is will Avenatti have to?

Suppose for a second that Mr. Avenatti is willing to drop a dime on bigger fish- the Clintons and the Obamas for example?

He can end up smelling like a rose, and with his main Democrat opposition in 2020 in the joint, he'll be able to cruise to the nomination.
The temp leftist hero is a corrupt punk.........and is going down..........LOL

What are you going to do to him, send him a bomb.
Yawn...........like we are not going to hear this for another year...........Mrs. Drama Queen.......too dang bad your hero is a crook and got nailed.......

Where has the Russia thing gone.......LOL

Oh and Stormy can I.d. Trumps pecker from a Golf outing to bring him down..............

He's dirty..........he's going down..........and it's poetic justice...........

Oh the Russa Thing as Trump says is coming and when it does it won't be pretty. Oh and for as long as Trump is in office.
aka.............TDS is endless and the Siege of Lies will continue.............we already knew that because your party offers no real agenda to the American people..............

Your side has pushed........and now plays the political soap opera that never ends...........the never ending attacks meant to outrage it's base for power......nothing to do with any real agenda other than give us power OR ELSE.

I do believe your threats have been answered.........Or Else is happening..........You asked for it.........Toyota.....
Yes he was never under oath.

He provided Congress and the FBI with false SWORN Statements. Much worse than lying under oath, idiot. You can claim 'confusion' on verbal mistruths. On sworn statements, you're fucked.

The piece of shit is going to prison.

<snip>we already knew that because your party offers no real agenda to the American people..............

That's where you're wrong.

dimocraps certainly DO have an agenda for Americans --

<snip>we already knew that because your party offers no real agenda to the American people..............

That's where you're wrong.

dimocraps certainly DO have an agenda for Americans --

More gov't until we collapse from it's weight............destruction so we will need them.......Destroy people so they can say we are here from the Gov't and are here to help you..................and the people go We Love You..........and jump off the cliff thinking they can fly............We have way too many stupid people in this country.
The temp leftist hero is a corrupt punk.........and is going down..........LOL

What are you going to do to him, send him a bomb.
Yawn...........like we are not going to hear this for another year...........Mrs. Drama Queen.......too dang bad your hero is a crook and got nailed.......

Where has the Russia thing gone.......LOL

Oh and Stormy can I.d. Trumps pecker from a Golf outing to bring him down..............

He's dirty..........he's going down..........and it's poetic justice...........

Oh the Russa Thing as Trump says is coming and when it does it won't be pretty. Oh and for as long as Trump is in office.
aka.............TDS is endless and the Siege of Lies will continue.............we already knew that because your party offers no real agenda to the American people..............

Your side has pushed........and now plays the political soap opera that never ends...........the never ending attacks meant to outrage it's base for power......nothing to do with any real agenda other than give us power OR ELSE.

I do believe your threats have been answered.........Or Else is happening..........You asked for it.........Toyota.....

I know Trump is the real victim and those people who got the bomb deserved them. LOL.
The temp leftist hero is a corrupt punk.........and is going down..........LOL

What are you going to do to him, send him a bomb.
Yawn...........like we are not going to hear this for another year...........Mrs. Drama Queen.......too dang bad your hero is a crook and got nailed.......

Where has the Russia thing gone.......LOL

Oh and Stormy can I.d. Trumps pecker from a Golf outing to bring him down..............

He's dirty..........he's going down..........and it's poetic justice...........

Oh the Russa Thing as Trump says is coming and when it does it won't be pretty. Oh and for as long as Trump is in office.
aka.............TDS is endless and the Siege of Lies will continue.............we already knew that because your party offers no real agenda to the American people..............

Your side has pushed........and now plays the political soap opera that never ends...........the never ending attacks meant to outrage it's base for power......nothing to do with any real agenda other than give us power OR ELSE.

I do believe your threats have been answered.........Or Else is happening..........You asked for it.........Toyota.....

I know Trump is the real victim and those people who got the bomb deserved them. LOL.
He was a criminal..........and is going to jail...............what's the problem...........

We didn't do this................we say we have the right to self defense when a bunch of TDS maniacs get in our faces.......Your side has NO MORAL ground to stand on here.......No matter how you play this war of words here.

Your side has pushed too far and opened Pandora's box..............and allowed a crazy to escape..........How about your side respect our rights to Peacefully state our views..........and end this...............Stop throwing gas on the fire...........We are not backing down...............we will Not Be Silenced............The choice of where this goes is up to you...........

Your tactics need to end.

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