Conflicts of Interest Democrats Would Never Stand For If Roles Were Reversed

It sounds like you're panicking to me.

I stopped reading your BS after your 1st sentence, too.

Only a short-bus-riding snowflake or a Liberal propaganda PARROT can read a list of fact/evidence-based Conflicts of Interest, each one that supports the Indictment and Firing of not only the criminal Deputy Director of the DOJ but also the 'Special' Counsel, and accuse the person of 'panicking'/ You are wasting our time by once again accusing others of what YOU / snowflakes have done / are doing and of being who YOU / snowflakes are....

Going on 3 years you still have NOTHING on the President....meanwhile in 5-minutes there is enough existing evidence that can be produced to fire and Jail the Deputy Director of the DOJ and the Special Counsel, to jail Obama, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, etc....

I guess the Republicans should have picked better Republicans to whitewash, I mean investigate Trump instead of the Republicans they chose. I wouldn't worry too much though, they'll find a few scapegoats, but a Republican run investigation won't hurt a Republican President even if he is guilty, which he probably is.

I suppose we'll all have to wait and see once the investigation is over.

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