CDZ Autism/ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) etc

Lucy Hamilton

Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2015
WHY there are so many mentally disturbed children NOW than in previous decades? It seems half the children are Autistic or have some other Anti-Social Behavioural problems or Attention problems. WTF is causing all of this or is it that many children are just BADLY BEHAVED these "medical terms" are being used to EXCUSE badly behaved children? Considering thanks to Bedwetting Snowflakes badly behaved children cannot even be properly disciplined anymore, I'm not even meaning beating them I'm meaning just general punishments eg. bad behaviour including throwing a MEGA tantrum resulting in denying them something they want so that they learn that bad behaviour and throwing a MEGA tantrum is associated with withdrawing of a reward.
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Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

The situation there though is that is not a thing that can be fixed and when you get too old and/or die WHO is going to take care of them? Can they EVER be in a position to care for themselves?
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'Experts' supposedly don't know the reasons. ( Researchers don't fully understand the causes ) for increases in ADHD and autism in children, but a lot is linked to genetics.

My theory is the chemicals in everything from the water and food to the air we're breathing is the cause. We've turned ourselves into guinea pigs.

Should those with a history of Genetic Autism and ADHD be sterilised so they cannot produce anymore of these children that cause so many social problems with massive tantrums and general disruptive behaviour? If not, why? Why allow MORE of them into future society? What can they offer society, the cons outweigh any pros?
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

Idk, maybe science, social media, etc. More awareness? When I was a child I knew a girl who was "different", looking back it was probably autism.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

The situation there though is that is not a thing that can be fixed and when you get too old and/or die WHO is going to take care of them? Can they EVER be in a position to care for themselves?

Probably not but most die young.

That said...All Lives Matter
WHY there are so many mentally disturbed children NOW than in previous decades? It seems half the children are Autistic or have some other Anti-Social Behavioural problems or Attention problems. WTF is causing all of this or is it that many children are just BADLY BEHAVED these "medical terms" are being used to EXCUSE badly behaved children? Considering thanks to Bedwetting Snowflakes badly behaved children cannot even be properly disciplined anymore, I'm not even meaning beating them I'm meaning just general punishments eg. bad behaviour including throwing a MEGA tantrum resulting in denying them something they want so that they learn that bad behaviour and throwing a MEGA tantrum is associated with withdrawing of a reward.

Are you a parent?
'Experts' supposedly don't know the reasons. ( Researchers don't fully understand the causes ) for increases in ADHD and autism in children, but a lot is linked to genetics.

My theory is the chemicals in everything from the water and food to the air we're breathing is the cause. We've turned ourselves into guinea pigs.

I don't know about that. When I was a kid, and autism and ADD and asthma were all a lot rarer, the air smelled like rotten eggs 24/7, and all of the adults as well as teenagers smoked constantly and everywhere. Stogies, cigarettes right in the grocery store, the hospital, doctors offices.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

I'm 30 years in age and I NEVER knew of ANY child when I was a child OR a teenager that had any type of Autism. The Autism thing seems to have exploded within the last 10 years. I think that many of these cases are that there is nothing actually WRONG with the children and Autism and other Ism's are just used as an excuse for whatever reason.
WHY there are so many mentally disturbed children NOW than in previous decades? It seems half the children are Autistic or have some other Anti-Social Behavioural problems or Attention problems. WTF is causing all of this or is it that many children are just BADLY BEHAVED these "medical terms" are being used to EXCUSE badly behaved children? Considering thanks to Bedwetting Snowflakes badly behaved children cannot even be properly disciplined anymore, I'm not even meaning beating them I'm meaning just general punishments eg. bad behaviour including throwing a MEGA tantrum resulting in denying them something they want so that they learn that bad behaviour and throwing a MEGA tantrum is associated with withdrawing of a reward.

Are you a parent?

Yes we have 6 kidlets aged from 7 years in age to a new baby, zero of them adopted either I add.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

Idk, maybe science, social media, etc. More awareness? When I was a child I knew a girl who was "different", looking back it was probably autism.

There are studies now saying that Early Diagnosed Autism might "go away" as the child gets older:



BUT they also are saying does the Autism "go away" OR was the child originally misdiagnosed. I think this is an important point because I have thought and so has Mr. Lucy - who many here already know from my comments previously is a Professional Psychiatrist - both of us agree that many Autistic children ARE misdiagnosed as being Autistic.


Should those with a history of Genetic Autism and ADHD be sterilised so they cannot produce anymore of these children that cause so many social problems with massive tantrums and general disruptive behaviour? If not, why? Why allow MORE of them into future society? What can they offer society, the cons outweigh any pros?
This is where you enter the shady area of 'playing God'.
Sort of like making everyone take a new COVID-19 vaccine ....for now it looks like we'll have to rely on personal responsibility and common sense.
Babysitting 101.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

I'm 30 years in age and I NEVER knew of ANY child when I was a child OR a teenager that had any type of Autism. The Autism thing seems to have exploded within the last 10 years. I think that many of these cases are that there is nothing actually WRONG with the children and Autism and other Ism's are just used as an excuse for whatever reason.

I'm not overly familiar with autism I do know it's considered a birth defect. I'm not much help here.

As for Downs? That I know.

As for ADHD? I think it exists but sometimes a crutch for poor parenting
Should those with a history of Genetic Autism and ADHD be sterilised so they cannot produce anymore of these children that cause so many social problems with massive tantrums and general disruptive behaviour? If not, why? Why allow MORE of them into future society? What can they offer society, the cons outweigh any pros?
This is where you enter the shady area of 'playing God'.
Sort of like making everyone take a new COVID-19 vaccine ....for now it looks like we'll have to rely on personal responsibility and common sense.
Babysitting 101.

Of course I agree, I was just putting out my comments in general, I'm not advocating one way or another.
WHY there are so many mentally disturbed children NOW than in previous decades? It seems half the children are Autistic or have some other Anti-Social Behavioural problems or Attention problems. WTF is causing all of this or is it that many children are just BADLY BEHAVED these "medical terms" are being used to EXCUSE badly behaved children? Considering thanks to Bedwetting Snowflakes badly behaved children cannot even be properly disciplined anymore, I'm not even meaning beating them I'm meaning just general punishments eg. bad behaviour including throwing a MEGA tantrum resulting in denying them something they want so that they learn that bad behaviour and throwing a MEGA tantrum is associated with withdrawing of a reward.

Three likely causes, Lucy:
  1. The modern propensity to ascribe a medical condition to what we used to just call part of growing up. They have a name for everything now. Good business for doctors.
  2. An actual increase in behavior disorders likely caused by food additives, colorings and chemicals added to processed food.
  3. All compounded by growing up in a dysfunctional society where children are routinely arrested by police at school for a Pop Tart, a doodle, playing cops and robbers, being x-rayed, scanned, lockers checked for illegal paraphernalia, marched around like the gestapo, made to wear a mask, not allowed to go outside, driven to the bus stop, watched over and over-protected, and an excess or rules and too little freedom to just be kids.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

I'm 30 years in age and I NEVER knew of ANY child when I was a child OR a teenager that had any type of Autism. The Autism thing seems to have exploded within the last 10 years. I think that many of these cases are that there is nothing actually WRONG with the children and Autism and other Ism's are just used as an excuse for whatever reason.

I'm not overly familiar with autism I do know it's considered a birth defect. I'm not much help here.

As for Downs? That I know.

As for ADHD? I think it exists but sometimes a crutch for poor parenting

They also say that Autism can be caused be environmental factors, I am not meaning the Global Warming stuff, I am meaning the other type of environmental factors, this was already mentioned by Angelo but also Polishprince had a different opinion.

I'm not even sure because Autism and many of it's causes that are NOT Genetic are so vague, I'm not even sure if all these so-called experts who are diagnosing children with Autism even have a CLUE what they are doing. Some of these children could have ANOTHER problem that is NOT being addressed because they have potentially been misdiagnosed with Autism. This is a dangerous situation.

Yes I'm aware of the Down's situation.

I agree 100% that the majority of ADHD is down to poor parenting, not being able to control their own children and not teaching the children that throwing a massive tantrum does NOT result in a reward. Many parents buy the children a new toy or whatever JUST to shut the child up, this is teaching that child that bad behaviour gets a reward.
WHY there are so many mentally disturbed children NOW than in previous decades? It seems half the children are Autistic or have some other Anti-Social Behavioural problems or Attention problems. WTF is causing all of this or is it that many children are just BADLY BEHAVED these "medical terms" are being used to EXCUSE badly behaved children? Considering thanks to Bedwetting Snowflakes badly behaved children cannot even be properly disciplined anymore, I'm not even meaning beating them I'm meaning just general punishments eg. bad behaviour including throwing a MEGA tantrum resulting in denying them something they want so that they learn that bad behaviour and throwing a MEGA tantrum is associated with withdrawing of a reward.
To ANSWER WHY...parents drug abuse if you go by swedish studies that the libs hate.
Higher incidents in parents who admit (and most don't like to admit using) drugs.

To answer about the kids being "loving"-------higher incidents of autistic children growing up to be pedophiles especially for those that mildly autistic and are functioning.
Autism is a real birth defect, same as Downs. Attention deficit disorder is a grey area.

There is nothing more innocent or loving than a Downs child. I know one and he's a beautiful child.

Why do you think the number of autism cases have gone up so much in recent years? It was a pretty rare disorder when I was a kid.

I'm 30 years in age and I NEVER knew of ANY child when I was a child OR a teenager that had any type of Autism. The Autism thing seems to have exploded within the last 10 years. I think that many of these cases are that there is nothing actually WRONG with the children and Autism and other Ism's are just used as an excuse for whatever reason.

I'm not overly familiar with autism I do know it's considered a birth defect. I'm not much help here.

As for Downs? That I know.

As for ADHD? I think it exists but sometimes a crutch for poor parenting

They also say that Autism can be caused be environmental factors, I am not meaning the Global Warming stuff, I am meaning the other type of environmental factors, this was already mentioned by Angelo but also Polishprince had a different opinion.

I'm not even sure because Autism and many of it's causes that are NOT Genetic are so vague, I'm not even sure if all these so-called experts who are diagnosing children with Autism even have a CLUE what they are doing. Some of these children could have ANOTHER problem that is NOT being addressed because they have potentially been misdiagnosed with Autism. This is a dangerous situation.

Yes I'm aware of the Down's situation.

I agree 100% that the majority of ADHD is down to poor parenting, not being able to control their own children and not teaching the children that throwing a massive tantrum does NOT result in a reward. Many parents buy the children a new toy or whatever JUST to shut the child up, this is teaching that child that bad behaviour gets a reward.

You just nailed ANIFTA and Occupied....the ADHD part.... probably BLM also

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