Australia is more honest in coverage than US media is/Biden's semi fascist remark

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020

Listen to her so you'll know what fascism is and just who is fascistic. YOu can start at the 1.20 mark for your lesson du jour.

1. Fascism...a system of government where opponents and critics are suppressed and attacked.

2. It's subordination of individual interests for the supposed good of the nation.

3. Including...the regimentation of society and the economy.

4. It's using police and other government agencies to go after your opponents. hmmm.

5...where media acts as the government propaganda arm.

and so much more.
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It's just an opinion piece by a right winger. Their version of Hannity or Tucker. Not news.

But I do love the "news source" of the story: BARE NAKED ISLAM, whose sub-title is (I am not making this up) "It isn't Islamophobia when they REALLY ARE trying to kill you".

And the "...including Fox News, which has become very biased against President Trump in the last few years" is a hoot. Holy freaking crap.

The alternate universe, once again in all its glory. If I like it, it's da troof.
Biden calling the Republicans fascist is pure projection and fear mongering.
Jean Perrier is another bold faced liar.
Republicans are trying to defend everyone's Right to Vote from the Democrat Party's voter fraud crimes and ballot stuffing crimes.
The Democrats are constantly trying to undermine the rule of law and suppress people's freedoms.
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.“
[ Just like the Fox we know in the US ]

he US conspiracy network Infowars has been banned from most social media platforms, but Alex Jones, its presenter, is still delivering his incendiary broadcasts on the internet, pumping out his message that the election of Joe Biden as president is part of a plot by globalists and the deep state to bring about “the takedown of America”.
And that’s the mild version.

In recent months, one of Jones’s favoured sources to back up his claims is Australia’s Sky News.
Jones uses segments from Sky News Australia in his program, particularly those from Sky’s Outsiders program, as “evidence” from mainstream media organisations to support his conspiracy theories.

Simultaneously Sky in Australia is lurching further to the right, producing more segments and specials designed to pique the interest of the conspiracy-minded, including the far-right media in the US.

And it’s paying off handsomely for Sky.

The traditional orthodoxy in Australia is that Sky is a news channel with a relatively modest audience. During the day it delivers high-quality real-time news that is essential viewing for the political class. At night, a new crowd comes on air and it morphs into a US Fox News-style lineup of commentators with a conservative bent, known as Sky After Dark, again with limited reach.

Sky’s CEO, Paul Whittaker, described Sky’s mission to Mediaweek last December as: “When Australians needed reliable, trustworthy and comprehensive news coverage, they turned to us in record numbers. When they wanted context, commentary and analysis of events, they turned to the nation’s best commentators on Sky News.”

What he doesn’t mention is that over the past 12 months, the News Corp-owned channel has gone down what appears to be a deliberate path of pandering to the conspiracy-minded to drive its digital strategy.

(full article online)


Listen to her so you'll know what fascism is and just who is fascistic. YOu can start at the 1.20 mark for your lesson du jour.

1. Fascism...a system of government where opponents and critics are suppressed and attacked.

2. It's subordination of individual interests for the supposed good of the nation.

3. Including...the regimentation of society and the economy.

4. It's using police and other government agencies to go after your opponents. hmmm.

5...where media acts as the government propaganda arm.

and so much more.
The FBI and IRS acting as Democrat enforcers
The Bulk of the Media and Big Tech Giants acting as democrat propaganda arms

6. The FBI's role in pushing the Russia Collusion hoax for years to undermine the election,and the presidency of Donald Trump.
7. FBI complicity in suppressing the Hunter Biden Laptop story before the election as Zuckerberg this past week confirmed.

8. The FBI had that laptop since 2019. THEY KNEW it was real and not some Russian Disinformation as Zuck Tried to say they told him it was. Frankly I think the FBI came clean with Zuck and he knew it was FBI bullshit.

9. The FBI did NOT do their job of investigating But they worked behind the scenes to insure Social Media Giants banned the stories of Hunter's lawless degeneracy and AND the dodgy business dealings of the Biden Family including 10% for the Big Guy.
It's just an opinion piece by a right winger. Their version of Hannity or Tucker. Not news.

But I do love the "news source" of the story: BARE NAKED ISLAM, whose sub-title is (I am not making this up) "It isn't Islamophobia when they REALLY ARE trying to kill you".

And the "...including Fox News, which has become very biased against President Trump in the last few years" is a hoot. Holy freaking crap.

The alternate universe, once again in all its glory. If I like it, it's da troof.'s a newscast by australian news agency. All the source is doing is showing you what is being reported in Australia...that YOU SAW WITH YOUR OWN EYES....but as the Propaganda arm of the democrat party tells you and 'don't believe your lyin' eyes'.

Listen to her so you'll know what fascism is and just who is fascistic. YOu can start at the 1.20 mark for your lesson du jour.

1. Fascism...a system of government where opponents and critics are suppressed and attacked.

2. It's subordination of individual interests for the supposed good of the nation.

3. Including...the regimentation of society and the economy.

4. It's using police and other government agencies to go after your opponents. hmmm.

5...where media acts as the government propaganda arm.

and so much more.
The BBC is more honest than the US media outlets.'s a newscast by australian news agency. All the source is doing is showing you what is being reported in Australia...that YOU SAW WITH YOUR OWN EYES....but as the Propaganda arm of the democrat party tells you and 'don't believe your lyin' eyes'.
So it wasn't an opinion piece by a right winger?

And "reported"??? Do you not know the difference between "reporting" and "opinion pieces"?

This is basic stuff here. I thought.
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So it wasn't an opinion piece by a right winger?

And "reported"??? Do you not know the difference between "reporting" and "opinion pieces"?

This is basic stuff here. I thought.
oh my gosh. They let us in the states know of a...i might add well founded and righteous, relating of the FACTS of what is going on in this country. I know. THAT is a problem for you.

YOUR source of 'news' is not fact but opinion with a load of lies. But considering many on the left have lost all sense and discernment..... i am not surprised you lap it up.
oh my gosh. They let us in the states know of a...i might add well founded and righteous, relating of the FACTS of what is going on in this country. I know. THAT is a problem for you.

YOUR source of 'news' is not fact but opinion with a load of lies.
I don't know what that has to do with my post, but I'm used to that here.
you said sky news was opinion. Isn't every left wing 'news' source in this country opinion. It certainly is.


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