Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?
Why should we take right wingers seriously?

  • Overall, we rate Populist.Press far right biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and misinformation as well as a complete lack of transparency and serving as an imposter website.

All right wingers have is gossip, hearsay, and soothsay trying to masquerade as a serious discussion.
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?
Why should we take right wingers seriously?
Bigots are incapable of listening to differing opinions. Your post says as much. It probably doesn't pay for you to even try to understand new ideas.
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?
Why should we take right wingers seriously?
Bigots are incapable of listening to differing opinions. Your post says as much. It probably doesn't pay for you to even try to understand new ideas.
Right wing fantasy is simply too fantastical.
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?
What you really mean is scumo is now blaming the defeat of his warmongering tyrant trump for everything. Nothing like any of your preposterous statements is happening. You're delusional.
The entire article is a fabrication.

Our Trade Minister recently praised the Biden Administration for making it clear the US backs Australia in her trade war with China, a statement Trump would not make.

The force bolstering in the NT is part of a long-term re-think of our strategy as China has become every more bellicose long before Biden, it all started with the rise of XI. It is also to coordinate better with the US in a growing alliance of Chinese containment, it is signal Australia is more confident America will act to contain China and the region has breathed a sigh of relief as Biden is diplomatically re-engaging as Trump's America First rhetoric and diplomatic neglect often had the region doubting if he would act to protect our collective interests.

As for internal social trends in the US military, Australia always stays out of that. That is your business.
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?


What a bunch of alt-right QAnon bullshit!
Why should we take right wingers seriously?

  • Overall, we rate Populist.Press far right biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and misinformation as well as a complete lack of transparency and serving as an imposter website.

All right wingers have is gossip, hearsay, and soothsay trying to masquerade as a serious discussion.
If you addressed the actual situation of Taiwanese airspace and Saudi oil fields, and Iranian missle stockpiles, and addressed them concretely, THEN you might have something to really say here. But just by relying on the so-often-used (ho hum) INVALIDATION CARD, attacking this source or that, sorry, you haven't said anything.

No matter how bad you may think the source is, at least it brought SPECIFIC issues (of major importance) to the table. YOU HAVEN'T. Nor have you shown how anything in the OP is "misinformation" or "propaganda". The OP's content sounds reasonable and is consistent with what is happening with Biden, the US military, and what is going on around the world. Your post is an example of why we should not take LEFT-wingers seriously.

You wanna talk about "All right wingers have" ? All you have is flat-out NOTHING.

And if you really wanna play the invalidation card game, I could give you some doosies on
Why should we take right wingers seriously?

  • Overall, we rate Populist.Press far right biased and Questionable based on the use of poor sources, promotion of propaganda and misinformation as well as a complete lack of transparency and serving as an imposter website.

All right wingers have is gossip, hearsay, and soothsay trying to masquerade as a serious discussion.
If you addressed the actual situation of Taiwanese airspace and Saudi oil fields, and Iranian missle stockpiles, and addressed them concretely, THEN you might have something to really say here. But just by relying on the so-often-used (ho hum) INVALIDATION CARD, attacking this source or that, sorry, you haven't said anything.

No matter how bad you may think the source is, at least it brought SPECIFIC issues (of major importance) to the table. YOU HAVEN'T. Nor have you shown how anything in the OP is "misinformation" or "propaganda". The OP's content sounds reasonable and is consistent with what is happening with Biden, the US military, and what is going on around the world. Your post is an example of why we should not take LEFT-wingers seriously.

You wanna talk about "All right wingers have" ? All you have is flat-out NOTHING.

And if you really wanna play the invalidation card game, I could give you some doosies on
Sure. My point is that a large military requires socialism not free market Capitalism like right wingers allege to be for when they simply practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) in socialism threads.
Australia Calls Out Biden And His “Woke Military”
Australia Calls Out Biden And His "Woke Military"... | Populist Press 2021 ©
25 Apr 2021 ~~

Now, I think we can all agree that the world has become a more dangerous place since Joe Biden was inaugurated U.S. president. But the question we have to ask now is, why? I mean look at it. On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest-ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, as worries as grow by the day of a Chinese invasion of the Democratic island republic. Meanwhile, in the Middle East, Iran is on the march with its rebel militias, now attacking Saudi oil fields and building up a stockpile of missiles that has Israeli planners increasingly nervous about a potentially devastating conflict happening sooner rather than later.
And here in Australia, officials are now also worried that with the U.S. seemingly in retreat under Joe Biden, they need to dramatically up defense preparations to counter threats from the North, i.e. China. So why are things getting so hot so fast? Surely the U.S. is still big enough and ugly enough to ward off anyone planning anything truly dangerous, right? Well, not so fast because the U.S. military, I am sorry to report, has fallen prey to invading armies of PC wokesters, human resources PowerPoint jockeys, and identity politics radicals. So instead of being on alert to fight foreign enemies, the US military is now being used to ferret out domestic foes, i.e. anyone to the right of the Biden administration.

How long is it before the U.S. military goes down the road of the old Soviet Union where political officers were always on hand to check everyone’s thinking and overrule commanders on the ground?

The populist press?

As you can see from the other headlines on the site they are not exactly a reality based publication.

Sure. My point is that a large military requires socialism not free market Capitalism like right wingers allege to be for when they simply practice the abomination of hypocrisy (unto God) in socialism threads.
Right wingers do not allege to be for capitalism exclusively. We are inclined to be for capitalism where it is efficient, and productive for the nation nut also for some degrees of socialism where IT is applicable. One of these is the military. This is why your post makes no sense.

The military is entirely government supported, and thus IS one of the socialist manifestations of our society (along with Social Security, infrastructure, etc), in a society which is a combination of capitalism and various specific socialisms.

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