Austin Beutner Ousted as Los Angeles Times Publisher


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
The news followed internal dissent between the prestigious newspaper and executives at Tribune’s headquarters in Chicago.

...Tribune executives, according to a person with knowledge of their thinking, were displeased at recent prominent hires made by Mr. Beutner, including the hiring of the Internet strategist Nicco Mele, who was appointed deputy publisher late last year, and Johanna Maska, a former Obama administration staff member who was appointed vice president for marketing and communications in April.

The executives, said two people with knowledge of the situation, wanted control centralized in Chicago, were displeased with Mr. Beutner’s performance and suspected that he had his eye on a run for political office.

The Tribune is at it again.
Been bad blood between the Trib folks in Chicago and the LA Times since they had a big squabble over payment terms, actually the timing of them as I recall, following the Times acquisition a decade or so ago.

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