Aussie PM Visits Cancer Centre To Justify Billing Taxpayers For Function


Ninja Kicker
Jul 6, 2012
Yep, that's our PM. Stupid, selfish son of a bitch that he is. He was in Melbourne for a 'private function' the night before, and because he couldn't use that to justify making the taxpayers foot the bill, he scheduled a visit to a cancer centre the following morning in order to justify making the Australian people pay for his trip:

Prime Minister Tony Abbott told government MPs he had to schedule an early morning visit to a cancer research centre in Melbourne on Tuesday so that he could justify billing taxpayers to be in the city for a "private function" the night before.

Mr Abbott made the admission at the regular meeting of Liberal and Nationals MPs after being taken to task by one his own senators for turning up an hour late.

Read more: Tony Abbott s visit to cancer hospital used to justify fund-raising visit

He makes me sick to my stomach.

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