August last year


The Natural
Apr 22, 2006
a drunkard smashed the wing mirror off my car and damaged the door panel, he got an £80 fine, I got a bill for nearly £200, in November I caught someone stealing the same car, he is in jail where he has spent most of his adult life, my car was written off by the insurers, I snapped a tendon in my 3rd finger right hand while punching his fucking face in.February this year two drugged up lunatics destroyed my van, it was written off by the insurers, one of them is in jail, the other wishes he was because he has been beaten senseless on more than one occassion and has since made himself scarce, he escaped jail because he is a grass (or so the story goes) I needed that van for work and to move my Mothers belongings to our house so we could care for her at home until she passed, this she did on 31st March.When the van thief gets out of jail he will suffer my darkness.
a drunkard smashed the wing mirror off my car and damaged the door panel, he got an £80 fine, I got a bill for nearly £200, in November I caught someone stealing the same car, he is in jail where he has spent most of his adult life, my car was written off by the insurers, I snapped a tendon in my 3rd finger right hand while punching his fucking face in.February this year two drugged up lunatics destroyed my van, it was written off by the insurers, one of them is in jail, the other wishes he was because he has been beaten senseless on more than one occassion and has since made himself scarce, he escaped jail because he is a grass (or so the story goes) I needed that van for work and to move my Mothers belongings to our house so we could care for her at home until she passed, this she did on 31st March.When the van thief gets out of jail he will suffer my darkness.

Your first problem is that you're living in Europe (UK?)....

Europe has become a shithole...

A bunch of communist anti-gun, anti-free speech disco-bunnies.
It was always a tough town but the last few years have seen respect all but disappear.Drugs have a lot to do with it.
Heroin and cocaine is a big problem so of course methadone is prescribed for them for free, it is great to be a junkie in the UK, free pills and juice, the trouble starts when the freebies aren't enough for them, thieving and mugging crimes go up, the crime rate only goes down when the usual suspects are off the streets, gives everyone a bit of respite.

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