August 8th: the polls march against Comrade Donald

kasich absolutely would have won.

Would have won WHAT?

He didn't win the primary - he was rejected by his own party...then when he didn't get his way he 'picked up his toys while sulking and went home'.

Does enough Liberals like him enough to switch from Hillary to Kasich? If so, and if he is that much of a shoe-in, why not replace Hillary with him now?

By stomping off like a spoiled ass brat, Kasich proved he is nothing more than one of the Washington Establishment GOP who tell Conservatives every year that for the good of the party they must hold their noses and vote for the candidate THEY picked. Now, when Conservatives tell the Washington Establishment GOP to hold their noses and vote for Trump for the good of the party these politicians give Americans the finger and say 'F* the Country, and F* YOU, Conservatives!'

There are 50 REPORTEDLY so far that have 'walked away' / said they would vote for Hillary instead. Well now that they have walked away from the Party, despite wearing the pin that says GOP, I hope they don't plan to come back because Conservatives won't have them back. These politicians haven't figured out yet that the REASON we are where we are at right now as a party is NOT because of the American people / Trump supporters. No - these politicians need to look in the mirror. It is because of their actions, or inactions, THEY drove voters to this point.

They are hoping and praying Hillary win so they can go back to Conservatives - who they betrayed - and say, "I told you so" while trying to step back into their roles / positions of power. No, their betrayal and abandonment will be remembered. After this election, though, considering the Washington Establishment GOP's reaction to being told by their Constituents that THEY need to hold their noses and vote for the good of the party, I don't see Conservatives ever agreeing to do that again when those who abandoned them tell them to do it in future elections.
kasich absolutely would have won.

Would have won WHAT?

He didn't win the primary - he was rejected by his own party...then when he didn't get his way he 'picked up his toys while sulking and went home'.

Does enough Liberals like him enough to switch from Hillary to Kasich? If so, and if he is that much of a shoe-in, why not replace Hillary with him now?

By stomping off like a spoiled ass brat, Kasich proved he is nothing more than one of the Washington Establishment GOP who tell Conservatives every year that for the good of the party they must hold their noses and vote for the candidate THEY picked. Now, when Conservatives tell the Washington Establishment GOP to hold their noses and vote for Trump for the good of the party these politicians give Americans the finger and say 'F* the Country, and F* YOU, Conservatives!'

There are 50 REPORTEDLY so far that have 'walked away' / said they would vote for Hillary instead. Well now that they have walked away from the Party, despite wearing the pin that says GOP, I hope they don't plan to come back because Conservatives won't have them back. These politicians haven't figured out yet that the REASON we are where we are at right now as a party is NOT because of the American people / Trump supporters. No - these politicians need to look in the mirror. It is because of their actions, or inactions, THEY drove voters to this point.

They are hoping and praying Hillary win so they can go back to Conservatives - who they betrayed - and say, "I told you so" while trying to step back into their roles / positions of power. No, their betrayal and abandonment will be remembered. After this election, though, considering the Washington Establishment GOP's reaction to being told by their Constituents that THEY need to hold their noses and vote for the good of the party, I don't see Conservatives ever agreeing to do that again when those who abandoned them tell them to do it in future elections.

Kasich was beating Clinton by 10 points in the last polls taken in that matchup,

in April.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

Marist over sampled Democrats by 12 % Fox by 6%.

Means the polls are bullshit.

Maybe it means that in a random sampling, there are MORE DEMOCRATS than Republicans, because, there are really are more people who identify as Democrats than Republicans. Surveys show this time after time, but Republicans refuse to accept it.

You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Everyone is over sampling. Marist and Fox have already been busted. So the polls don't mean jack shit Jake.
Keep telling yourself that. And don't change a thing.

Can't wait for the debates if trump will dare participate.

Marist over sampled Democrats by 12 % Fox by 6%.

Means the polls are bullshit.

Maybe it means that in a random sampling, there are MORE DEMOCRATS than Republicans, because, there are really are more people who identify as Democrats than Republicans. Surveys show this time after time, but Republicans refuse to accept it.

You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

She believes that any poll that did not ask 50% Trump voters and 50% Hillary voters can't be "fair"
Kasich was beating Clinton by 10 points in the last polls taken in that matchup,in April.
Like I said, maybe you guys ought to recruit Kasich so when Hillary's health breaks down after her 1st debate with Trump because of all that stress you will have a 'winner'.
You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

In many polls in 2014 Liberals led....and the day after the election the Democrats had gotten an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING butt-kicking. If polls were always right we would never need to vote. Thank God we do.
You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

In many polls in 2014 Liberals led....and the day after the election the Democrats had gotten an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING butt-kicking. If polls were always right we would never need to vote. Thank God we do.

I don't suppose you'd like to provide links to support your contention?
Jake continues to post one thread after another like this one, and he expects us to believe he's NOT voting for Hillary.

What a joke.

In all fairness to Jake... He said he see the real threat as a Trump Presidency, which I agree with him... Truth is Trump is the worst candidate for president in living memory...

Jake is voting for Johnson... I disagree with him on that but if nothing else he is consistent in his view...
I'm not wild about Trump either. Jake is voting for Hillary, he just can't admit she has his balls.
DD lies as usual, having a real problem understand that real GOP will not vote Trump, and most of those will vote Johnson. NeverRedTrump.
Im spreading the word. If you are a liberal in a red state, vote green party. Your vote will give more liberal parties more power money and influence. BUT if you are in Texas or Georgia or Arizona vote hillary because she might win those states.

Whoa, what about North or South Carolina? They are both still considered red states. I wouldn't throw out Utah either if that other guy who just entered the race has any impact it will be Arizona.

Also, why Green, why now? Other than not being Democrats or Republicans what have they done to earn your vote? Jill Stein? They could and should do better.
You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

In many polls in 2014 Liberals led....and the day after the election the Democrats had gotten an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING butt-kicking. If polls were always right we would never need to vote. Thank God we do.



How Wrong Were the Polls Really? Not so much...

I don't suppose you'd like to provide links to support your contention?

ABSOLUTELY! Here ya go:

The Polls Were Skewed Toward Democrats

For much of this election cycle, Democrats complained the polls were biased against them. They said the polls were failing to represent enough minority voters and applying overly restrictive likely-voter screens. They claimed early-voting data was proving the polls wrong. They cited the fact that polls were biased against Democrats in 2012.

The Democrats’ complaints may have been more sophisticated-seeming than the ”skewed polls” arguments made by Republicans in 2012. But in the end, they were just as wrong. The polls did have a strong bias this year — but it was toward Democrats and not against them.

The Polls Were Skewed Toward Democrats

THEN AGAIN, I will even argue partially against my own point...

The polls may have been 'skewed' because opinions on the street and in the polls simply did not project the incredible event that occurred: Democratic Party Turn Out in 2014 was the lowest is reportedly 70 years! Democratic voters showed their disapproval with their party (and with Obama who declared the elections to be about him and his policies) by abandoning them at the voting booth!

The polls couldn't / didn't see THAT coming.
You got conned last time by this argument that they over-sampled Democrats. Do you people learn nothing from your mistakes, ever? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

In many polls in 2014 Liberals led....and the day after the election the Democrats had gotten an HISTORIC, RECORD-SETTING butt-kicking. If polls were always right we would never need to vote. Thank God we do.

That's false
That's false

That's YOUR opinion...but it's still FACT:

Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History
- Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History

Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama
- Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama

we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'
- Democrats: 'Why we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'

...and my favorite:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
She believes that any poll that did not ask 50% Trump voters and 50% Hillary voters can't be "fair"

I know. It's ridiculous. Shouldn't the random sampling be "random". Studies routinely show that over 40% of Americans identify with neither party. Given that so many people are turned off the Republican brand by this year's shannanigans, a 12% gap is not unreasonable.

When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were prepared to tolerate them. Now that the Birther In Chief is running for President, they are totally emboldened. This level of fear, hatred and misogyny has turned off the sane people in the Republican Party and they're leaving. Many of them won't be back.
That's false

That's YOUR opinion...but it's still FACT:

Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History
- Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History

Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama
- Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama

we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'
- Democrats: 'Why we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'

...and my favorite:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

And what does that have to do with your delusions about the polls being skewed?

Hint: it doesn't.

And yeah dummies didn't go out to vote in the midterms or that wouldn't have happened.

But it isn't today's situation.
When the racists knew their place and didn't get so obvious about it, the Republicans were
Funny, a defender of the party that just got exposed for being Anti-Semitic, racist, sexist, anti-Christian, homophobes calling someone else a racist. That still kills me. :p
That's false

That's YOUR opinion...but it's still FACT:

Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History
- Obama's Midterm Loss Record Could Make History

Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama
- Democrats Suffer Most Midterm Losses Ever Under Obama

we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'
- Democrats: 'Why we got shellacked in the 2014 elections'

...and my favorite:

“No way to sugarcoat it — we got our asses kicked last night,” Jim Manley, a democratic strategist and former aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), said in an email.
- The Upsides Of The Democrats' Ass-Kicking

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

How many of those results were skewed by Republican gerrymandering? In every election for the House and Senate, Democrats get more votes than Republicans, but gerrymandering favors Republicans winning by 3 to 1 over Democrats in districts which have received a redrafting to favor one party or the other. Often 1 Democrat district will be created by Republicans, who can then pick up two or three House seats by isolating all of the Democrats in the state into one District.

That kind of gerrymandering will soon be a thing of the past. Based on last year's Supreme Court ruling, disenfranchised citizens groups can now petition the State to have the voting District lines draw geographically so that the VOTERS determine the outcome of the election, not the candidates. By the next election cycle, Democrats in all 50 states will have had the opportunity to petition for a redrafting of voting districts back to geographic lines, and the Republican hold on the House will be broken.

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