August 2008 Unemployment Rising Then! Falling Now, Four Years Later!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
So anyone recalls that mostly people who were better off four years ago were getting in line to get TARP bail-out checks. Everyone else was already starting to become unemployed. This is all pre-Obama-Biden!

Unemployment in August 2008, The Editor's Desk

The Romney-Ryan brand is based upon the Reagan Trajectory of giving what federal deficit there is to the already prosperous! Bain Capital is about business: Taking what funds there are and giving them away to the already prosperous.

That kind of business was already being felt, four years ago! See in the link!

Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid took a lot of what money there was not, and provided the Refundable "Make Work Pay Tax Credit" instead. The entire marketplace got some extra money, not just the mega-tiny niche that Romney-Ryan want prosperous.

Already shown, and worse within weeks of that linked report of August, 2008, the impact of Romney-Ryan would be shown, and really big-time.

Directly, Intentionally, Causing That is what those kinds of households are about! Helter-Skelter, family values!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many young warriors, even now, try to offend ugly Buffalo! Forced to Flee they are! Now many young warriors finding jobs, instead of Reagan-Bush-Bush-Cheney-Romney-Ryan!)
...starting to become unemployed. This is all pre-Obama-Biden!...
Actually, there were more people employed before Obama/Biden than there are now. In fact, there are 119,000 fewer people working now than just last month. See for yourself:

It's all there, that the reason they can 'say' the unemployment rate's down is because they fabricate it using a shrunken workforce.
Stupidly ignoring matters of fact fits the Stupid Romney-Ryan Brand! In August, 2008, unemployment was rising--and events were about to become colossal! In now after Obama-Biden-Pelosi-Reid the numbers are headed into the opposite direction!

Stupid-To-The-Extreme, Rep. Paul Ryan, even sees a Budget Savings in Medicare, with increased services then made available in Health Care, as a bad thing!

Mostly, humans make use budget savings for other things.

Romney-Ryan goes, "Oh, What's The Need For Any, At Any Rate! Our Rich people need the federal spending!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many understand that surveys are snapshot event: Even in August! Direction, however, is clearly shown, and compared with August, 2008!)
So obama's labor department claims 96,000 new jobs and the unemployment rate has fallen from 8.3 to 8.1% but makes no mention of the 368,000 that gave up looking for work last month.
This information is all over the web for those who care to look, but in order to avoid the protests of those who refuse to open a link to FoxNews or Heritage Foundation, I'll link to HuffPo, the Chicago Tribune and The bureau of Labor Statistics.

From a HuffPo article:

The unemployment rate fell to 8.1 percent from 8.3 percent in July. But that was only because more people gave up looking for jobs. People who are out of work are counted as unemployed only if they're looking for a job.

Chicago Tribune
The weak tenor of the employment report was also emphasized by revisions to June and July data to show 41,000 fewer jobs created than previously reported.

In addition, the labor force participation rate, or the percentage of Americans who either have a job or are looking for one, fell to 63.5 percent -- the lowest since September 1981.

A total of 368,000 people gave up looking for work in August, the household survey showed.

Since the beginning of the year, job growth has averaged 139,000 per month, compared with an average monthly gain of 153,000 in 2011.

The 96,000 job growth number will likely be revised downward as well. Typically, after a guesstimate designed for a press release to make the President look more effective, the numbers are finally set lower by 10 to 20%.

bureau of Labor Statistics
The change in total nonfarm payroll employment for June was revised from +64,000 to
+45,000, and the change for July was revised from +163,000 to +141,000.
". . .The Crash of 1929 got off to a much faster start, but by now we have caught up. . . ." is all about March 5, 2009.

Crash Of 2008 Now Worse Than Crash Of 1929 - Business Insider

That was Obama-Biden's, "First 12 days." And then on the 13th day, Obama-Biden rested, the stock market bottomed, and now four years later: S&P has more than doubled.

Likely even Moses would notice, "A Lot of Change You Can Believe In(?)!"

Other people seem to have noticed this: If in fact the actual at-work labor force has declined. Mostly, retired people do not go on-stage, nodding off in front of millions, talking to an empty chair. Even I myself will likely be a part of the retired Boomer genre, one month after Bill Clinton's birthday, at the same age. Age 66 is it for us.

When Little Hoarding Annie, even, delivered the "Strangelove Address" at RNC--money got as much of a mention as anything else. The focus on the money for only a few is the Bain Capital problem with Romney-Ryan. Other people don't work for a living, either!

Even the CNBC nonsense-makers have discribed this summer as, "The Rally That Nobody Wanted!" Likely it was major unexpected! "Sell in May, Stay Away!" v. "Hell(?)! No! We Won't Go!"

Anyone has to think in Epic Extravaganza--More than an Eastwood Movie--terms: When thinking about this economy. Beverly Hills ratcheted up the Epicenter Event Level: One whole point, just this morning!

Likely little animals are headed for the border, even now!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many head for higher ground ahead of oncoming storm surge. Many head for higher ground ahead of Great White Shark attacks! Some have even seen that on film(?)!)
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...Not In The Labor Force Is About Retirement Money...
Ah. So all those folks that lost a job from '08 to '09--

--were really just a huge gang of people that all at once decided to retire right when Obama got elected.

Does this by any chance include the 581,000 additional people the BLS said weren't in the work force since just last month?
500,000 people leaving the job-market is only 10,000 people per state. California has a lot more people, so in some states that could be as few as Aunt Marge and Uncle John: Leaving the Work Force. In Montana, Jane Fonda may have quit her job(?)! There is one woman who can no longer ask mom and dad for a start-up loan(?)! Good Ol' 139813, right there in the poster, she was!

In fact, in California it could also be a lot of people, crossing the borders into Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, and clearly, Mexico. City of Los Angeles has noticed the drop the school enrollments in the Hispanic neighborhoods. There is a decline in youth labor force participation--possibly having left for parts unknown.

Along other parts of the International Border: It could even be evidence of an expanded gang war among Cartels(?).

It is not entirely known just who is counting, or even just who is getting counted(?)! Some may have just run to higher ground!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred"
(Many wonder at What became of Lil Abner, even now(?)! Many now of President Kennedy generation, O'SWINE: "Old Sucks Wildly Indignent About Nearly Everything!(?)!")
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L. A. Unified School District Enrollment, 2002: 747,000.
L. A. Unified School District Enrollment, 2010: 672,000.

Anyone would notice that in just eight years, a disappearing youth labor market of 75,000 people, in just one city, in just one state.

You never do know what may show up later, of course: Noting a consistent improvement i the U. S. economy?

Maybe they'll all be back, next month!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Ann describing more than a dozen times, success of "He-That-Flip-Flops-More-Than-Landed-Fish:" Maybe Off-Message About Hard Times?!? Many not easily ready to visit Lands-Of-Many-Nations?!?)

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