Attacking the RICH should be a HATE CRIME


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
HATE CRIMES. We have made this special title for a regular-ass crime, against a person who happens to possess a protected status, kinda like an animal with endangered-species protection. What are they? Lots. Race. Gender. Sexual orientation. Nationality. The UK, as another thread shows, wants obesity to be one. Yep, being a common fat-ass may get you protected "special" status. So raping a skinny person? Just regular rape. Rape a fat person? OH, thats a HATE crime. See how it works? Well, a person can be fat one day, then not fat a year later. They can change that status. I suppose a person who gets robbed and beat up, and REALLY wants to screw their attackers, can tell cops (all of a sudden) "And I'm gay", and THEN the cops will really go after the bad guys. Cuz then it's not just a average robbery with an ass kicking. It's a robbery and ass kicking.....on a GAY GUY!!! Thats national news, contraversy, HATE CRIME, and they have to work extra hard to solve it.

So, since we've established that this protected hate crime "status" can be just that...a "status" that one can gain or shed with time or desire to claim it (fatness, gayness).........I propose being rich become a status for hate crime.

There is a lot of anger towards the rich these days. OWS people have violent statements and signs toward the minority group called the rich. Like fat people and gay people, being rich is something some people CANT avoid (inheritance), and also like being fat or gay a person can aquire rich status just like a straight person can claim gayhood, or just eat a lot and get fat so they can become a REAL victim.

So, how can we be sure that if a rich guy is carjacked and shot, he wasn't carjacked and shot just because he's rich? I mean....if a man driving a Jag in a blue collar neighborhood is robbed, while all the guys driving Fords and Chevys aren't, its safe to say the attacker targeted the man just because he is rich.

So verbal threats towards the rich, just like those towards a gay person, or fat person, should possibly be considered a hate crime.

And as Obama and the left say.........this is necessary due to FAIRNESS to all minority groups who may be targeted simply for their status that makes them different from most others. Lets be fair, and protect everyone, including the rich!
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ITs being FAIR and equal in our protection of minority classes. Gays, ethnic and racial, gender, obese, rich, homeless.

If a person is targeted, not randomly selected, based on a specific status, then it is a hate crime. The rich should be one.
Hate is hate whether it be of the rich the gay the blacks the poor.
I agree. There shouldn't be "hate" crimes. A crime is a crime.

BUT, since the left insists we protect each minority class, it's time to add the "rich" as one.

It's only..............fair!!!!! HAHA!
First, IMO, no one should be punished for what they think. Punishment should be for actions.

Second, this is the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard.

Third, you should change your handle to Koch Sucker.

Fourth, thanks for the laugh.

You know, wanting to get rich and live well might be genetic? You know, like how homosexuality might be genetic too? I mean, it's only a small minority of the populace that actually has the kind of work ethic and fiscal responsibility to accumulate and keep wealth and it seems it's always been that way. Maybe someone should do a study on this? Maybe the left will get over it's anti-rich bigotry if we can prove it's something some are just genetically predispositioned to do, who are we to judge?

But even if it isn't genetic and merely just a choice in lifestyle, why do people have a problem with a person's love for the finer things in life? How does it affect you? It doesn't... leftists are such Richophobes.
Hate crimes are specific as to the group the victim is a member. Under the civil rights act it's race, color, religion, or national origin. Various states have their own laws that include creed, sex, disability, and sexual orientation.

If we are to have a hate crime law that cover people who are wealthy then surely we should have a law that covers people who are poor or maybe we should just have a law that makes it illegal for the criminal to hate the victim. Hate crime is about motivation for the crime which doesn't make much sense. Motivation is something for courts to consider in judging the accused and affixing a sentence.
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The idea/concept of "hate crime" could only have been conceived in the "mind" of liberals.

Hate usually springs from envy. Envy of qualities that those who envy do not have.
The idea/concept of "hate crime" could only have been conceived in the "mind" of liberals.

Hate usually springs from envy. Envy of qualities that those who envy do not have.

Actually, hate springs from fear.
So if what I read is correct from lefties......all "minorities" are not created equal?

Some men choose to be gay, others dont. They are special under hate crimes.
Some men choose to be rich (work ethic), others dont (inheritance).

Both groups above have been victims of violent crime simply due to their status as gay or rich.

Why should hate crime laws cover one, but not the other? In fact, OWS openly marches and calls for violence against the rich (some OWS members, not all).
First, IMO, no one should be punished for what they think. Punishment should be for actions.

Second, this is the dumbest damn thing I've ever heard.

Third, you should change your handle to Koch Sucker.

Fourth, thanks for the laugh.


OWS has taken action against the allegedly "rich" by causing damage to their businesses and property out of HATE for the alleged wealthy....

I don't believe in "hate crime" laws, but since they're on the books all of OWS should be charged with hate crimes when they vandalize individuals private property.... All these little anarchistic nasty fucks belong in prison....

You don't have what they have so you bitch motherfuckers destroy what they have???
Exactly right. If your victim is your desired target simply because of some unusual status that makes him different from the majority of the population, then, by liberal hate crime laws, that should qualify.

If you target a gay because you hate gays.....hate crime.
If you target a Mexican because you hate immigrants...hate crime.
If you target a black because you hate blacks....hate crime.
If you target whites becasue you hate that one....
If you target a rich man because you hate rich people...hate crime.
If you target a homeless man because you hate poor homeless people...hate crime.
Most rich people are useless non-productive parasites. Lawyers, politicians, bankers, athletes etc. Don't hate them, hang them.
Most rich people are useless non-productive parasites. Lawyers, politicians, bankers, athletes etc. Don't hate them, hang them.

You want to be rich? then do something that's in demand bitch.

Only reason why poverty exists is because people are either too stupid to do something useful or to lazy. 95% of the time it's because they're lazy - they don't want to learn a skill that is in demand...

Anyone can clean a toilet or sweep a floor - some make good money doing that because they're not lazy and stick with the job for 10-20 years....

The truth of the matter is that the majority of those (yourself included) only hate the rich because you're lazy....

Why don't you use your oatmeal brain for a second and invest in something??? you might win - you might lose but you will never know unless you try.
Attacking the RICH should be a HATE CRIME

HATE CRIMES. We have made this special title for a regular-ass crime, against a person who happens to possess a protected status, kinda like an animal with endangered-species protection. What are they? Lots. Race. Gender. Sexual orientation. Nationality.

Save it.

You White-Trash racists.....

....are short-timin'.


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