"Attack on the Right of the Americans..." Yes, But Who Are the Attackers?!

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Such BS, the impeachment started when the sick bitch lost the election in 2016, that had the whole Lame Stream Media Colluding to bring her to the finish line. Once President Elect Donald Trump won, the concerted effort to remove him from office started. Dumbasses like you should be taken to jail, for colluding with those that wish to overthrow the will of the people. It isnt about the facts it is about the charges that I just made against you....

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
Honey, so you are of the ilk that only those areas you inhabit deserve representation? Thank God for our forefathers foresight their would be such people as yourself that are so self centered, they can’t see the forest for the trees.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get?
Guess what, didnt happen, only a wet dream for one, such as you. Then if she did, do you think the economy would be doing so well, or a wall being built at the southern border to keep you safe, or just the same ole shit Obama did, which was raise more taxes, kill more US citizens and fuck you in the ass?
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get?
Guess what, didnt happen, only a wet dream for one, such as you. Then if she did, do you think the economy would be doing so well, or a wall being built at the southern border to keep you safe, or just the same ole shit Obama did, which was raise more taxes, kill more US citizens and fuck you in the ass?

If Hillary had won we would be in a major new war by now, that has been a long time dream of hers.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get?
Guess what, didnt happen, only a wet dream for one, such as you. Then if she did, do you think the economy would be doing so well, or a wall being built at the southern border to keep you safe, or just the same ole shit Obama did, which was raise more taxes, kill more US citizens and fuck you in the ass?

If Hillary had won we would be in a major new war by now, that has been a long time dream of hers.

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get?
Guess what, didnt happen, only a wet dream for one, such as you. Then if she did, do you think the economy would be doing so well, or a wall being built at the southern border to keep you safe, or just the same ole shit Obama did, which was raise more taxes, kill more US citizens and fuck you in the ass?

If Hillary had won we would be in a major new war by now, that has been a long time dream of hers.

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Such BS, the impeachment started when the sick bitch lost the election in 2016, that had the whole Lame Stream Media Colluding to bring her to the finish line. Once President Elect Donald Trump won, the concerted effort to remove him from office started. Dumbasses like you should be taken to jail, for colluding with those that wish to overthrow the will of the people. It isnt about the facts it is about the charges that I just made against you....

View attachment 301199

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)

Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
Honey, so you are of the ilk that only those areas you inhabit deserve representation? Thank God for our forefathers foresight their would be such people as yourself that are so self centered, they can’t see the forest for the trees.
That's not what he said at all....thanks for demonstrating the "excellent" reading comprehension (and comprehension of the Electoral College process) of the average CRC trumpanzee. :71:
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Man, you really have been fed a bunch of bull. He won 30 states, 2623 counties, vs Hillary’s 20 states and 489 counties, and Trump won 46 of 62 counties in NY even. He also took 306 of 538 electoral votes.

And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get? Three years of alt-right tears that make the Obama years look like a picnic. That's not being fed any bull. Those are facts. The way our electoral process works is the candidate who gets the most popular vote in the state gets ALL the electoral votes. I don't give a rat's patootie how many counties he won. You can color any map you like red with counties and land that are almost uninhabited.
And take 46 of those electoral votes in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania away from Trump and give them to Hillary Clinton and what do you get?
Guess what, didnt happen, only a wet dream for one, such as you. Then if she did, do you think the economy would be doing so well, or a wall being built at the southern border to keep you safe, or just the same ole shit Obama did, which was raise more taxes, kill more US citizens and fuck you in the ass?

If Hillary had won we would be in a major new war by now, that has been a long time dream of hers.
And now we get the CRC trumpanzee lying.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .

The attackers would ALL be on the Left side of the political fence.
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Such BS, the impeachment started when the sick bitch lost the election in 2016, that had the whole Lame Stream Media Colluding to bring her to the finish line. Once President Elect Donald Trump won, the concerted effort to remove him from office started. Dumbasses like you should be taken to jail, for colluding with those that wish to overthrow the will of the people. It isnt about the facts it is about the charges that I just made against you....

View attachment 301199

If only the Republicans were in charge of ANY of the three branches of government.....for any time....at all......if only......
Trump's lawyers call the ongoing impeachment trial the “attack on the right of the American people to freely choose their president.”

No doubt. But...

Given the specifics of the “attackers,” I think it is necessary to look at their ethnic origin. This will make it possible to see that the ugly process, in fact, is a conspiracy of people of Eastern European Jewish origin against Jew of the German origin.

What is happening is the dirty political struggle of one ethnic group against another. The attackers haunting Tramp from the first day of his presidency violently hate Russia, are guided not by the interests of the rest of the American people but by hatred of Russia and obviously suffer from personality disorder of excessive power strivings .


This is not a conspiracy theory. Trumps impeachment is the result of his ongoing belief that he is above both the law and scrutiny.
He has operated with these beliefs for all of his adult life. That is apparent to those of us who are old enough to have followed him since the mid 1980's.

He won election in 2016 by less than 1% (3 states, 77,000 votes, 46 swing electoral votes) nationwide. He lost the popular vote. He had numerous entities (including our own FBI director) assisting him. He shows no capacity for humility, growth, or learning from his mistakes. He is corrupt and a complete moron.

There is only one person responsible for the impeachment of Donald Trump. I'll give you three guesses who that is..and the first two are wrong.:)
Such BS, the impeachment started when the sick bitch lost the election in 2016, that had the whole Lame Stream Media Colluding to bring her to the finish line. Once President Elect Donald Trump won, the concerted effort to remove him from office started. Dumbasses like you should be taken to jail, for colluding with those that wish to overthrow the will of the people. It isnt about the facts it is about the charges that I just made against you....

View attachment 301199

The Electoral College overturned the “will of the people” by electing Trump when Hillary won the popular vote.

Your charges are bullshit. Trump brought this all on himself and he will continue to screw over the people and trample the Constitution as he has throughout this Presidency.

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