Atlantic Magazine article from 1920. Prescient


Gold Member
Feb 5, 2014
A good read. Here is a sample.

"Certain Zionists writers in the London press have recently been making a most unfair use of the words 'Arab' and 'Bedouin.' In an article published recently it was stated that 'the Bedouin' question will in course of time settle itself, either by equitable purchase or by the Bedouin's desire for the nomadic life which he will find over the border in the Arab state.' If by these words the writer means the 50,000 nomadic Bedouins, no harm would be done and all parties would be pleased; for these Bedouins steal alike from Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew cultivators, and, except as breeders of camels and sheep, are of little use to the country. But he does not mean this. He hopes to buy out 'equitably' the half-million Mohammedan and sixty thousand Christian Arabs, who own and cultivate the soil -- a stable population living, not in Bedouin tents, but in permanent villages.

Should these landlords and farmers refuse this 'equitable' bargain, it is to be presumed that our Zionist writer, by forceful arguments to be applied by the protecting power, will arouse in them a desire for the nomadic life across the border. If the Zionists honestly believe that the land is occupied and worked by nomadic Bedouins without right of ownership, they should be informed that the Arab landowners possess title-deeds as good as, and much older than, those by which the American or English millionaire owns his palace in Fifth Avenue or Park Lane."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, as far as the article that Monte posted goes, to me there are always two sides of a story, and in my opinion this is closer to the truth. .
A good read. Here is a sample.

"Certain Zionists writers in the London press have recently been making a most unfair use of the words 'Arab' and 'Bedouin.' In an article published recently it was stated that 'the Bedouin' question will in course of time settle itself, either by equitable purchase or by the Bedouin's desire for the nomadic life which he will find over the border in the Arab state.' If by these words the writer means the 50,000 nomadic Bedouins, no harm would be done and all parties would be pleased; for these Bedouins steal alike from Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew cultivators, and, except as breeders of camels and sheep, are of little use to the country. But he does not mean this. He hopes to buy out 'equitably' the half-million Mohammedan and sixty thousand Christian Arabs, who own and cultivate the soil -- a stable population living, not in Bedouin tents, but in permanent villages.

Should these landlords and farmers refuse this 'equitable' bargain, it is to be presumed that our Zionist writer, by forceful arguments to be applied by the protecting power, will arouse in them a desire for the nomadic life across the border. If the Zionists honestly believe that the land is occupied and worked by nomadic Bedouins without right of ownership, they should be informed that the Arab landowners possess title-deeds as good as, and much older than, those by which the American or English millionaire owns his palace in Fifth Avenue or Park Lane."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

And if you read it you will see that it is pure NAZI JEW HATRED. The author is putting words in mouths that were never uttered and claiming that this is what the Zionists mean. You being steeped in Nazi Jew Hatreds and schooled in Racist anti-Semitism cant see this as a fact and take it as gospel to be the words of Jews, and those of journalists.
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, as far as the article that Monte posted goes, to me there are always two sides of a story, and in my opinion this is closer to the truth. .

Right something written by a Zionist named Moshe.

You are a real comedian.

Now the facts from one of the many official sources.

Land holding patterns had also changed considerably. From the 650,000 dunums held by Jewish organizations in 1920, of the total land area of 26 million dunums, the figure at the end of 1946 had reached 1,625,000 dunums - an increase of about 250 per cent 144/ and Jewish settlement had displaced large numbers of Palestinian Arab peasants. Even so, this area represented only 6.2 per cent of the total area of Palestine and 12 per cent of the cultivable land.

- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP DPR study part I 1917-1947 30 June 1978
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,

Look up the word "prescient" Rocco. It shows that even 95 years ago some of the more erudite were aware of the problems the Hostile Invading European Jew (HiEP) would cause.
montelatici, et al,

:) Ah yes! The Nostradamus defense. Of course there will always be some participants or observers that advocated a different perspective. It is where the saying comes from: "I told you so!"

Look up the word "prescient" Rocco. It shows that even 95 years ago some of the more erudite were aware of the problems the Hostile Invading European Jew (HiEP) would cause.

When I was young, my Crazy Aunt Antonina (a real fun person and party girl) had a Crystal Ball and could speak to the dead in the family crypt. We would all get together and have a séance, read palms and engage in various forms of divination; including the ever famous Ouija Board.

A good read. Here is a sample.

"Certain Zionists writers in the London press have recently been making a most unfair use of the words 'Arab' and 'Bedouin.' In an article published recently it was stated that 'the Bedouin' question will in course of time settle itself, either by equitable purchase or by the Bedouin's desire for the nomadic life which he will find over the border in the Arab state.' If by these words the writer means the 50,000 nomadic Bedouins, no harm would be done and all parties would be pleased; for these Bedouins steal alike from Mohammedan, Christian, and Jew cultivators, and, except as breeders of camels and sheep, are of little use to the country. But he does not mean this. He hopes to buy out 'equitably' the half-million Mohammedan and sixty thousand Christian Arabs, who own and cultivate the soil -- a stable population living, not in Bedouin tents, but in permanent villages.

Should these landlords and farmers refuse this 'equitable' bargain, it is to be presumed that our Zionist writer, by forceful arguments to be applied by the protecting power, will arouse in them a desire for the nomadic life across the border. If the Zionists honestly believe that the land is occupied and worked by nomadic Bedouins without right of ownership, they should be informed that the Arab landowners possess title-deeds as good as, and much older than, those by which the American or English millionaire owns his palace in Fifth Avenue or Park Lane."

Zionist Aspirations in Palestine - 20.07

Eh, Monte, with all due respect, the rest of us are having serious discussions dealing with the realities of today. Is that a problem for you to handle?
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, as far as the article that Monte posted goes, to me there are always two sides of a story, and in my opinion this is closer to the truth. .

Right something written by a Zionist named Moshe.

You are a real comedian.

Now the facts from one of the many official sources.

Land holding patterns had also changed considerably. From the 650,000 dunums held by Jewish organizations in 1920, of the total land area of 26 million dunums, the figure at the end of 1946 had reached 1,625,000 dunums - an increase of about 250 per cent 144/ and Jewish settlement had displaced large numbers of Palestinian Arab peasants. Even so, this area represented only 6.2 per cent of the total area of Palestine and 12 per cent of the cultivable land.

- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP DPR study part I 1917-1947 30 June 1978
Of course you would never consider yourself a comedian. After all, regardless of the author having the first name of Moshe, he might be an exceptional scholar. You almost sound with your trying so hard to prove that the Jews have no right to the land that you feel that you have some ancestral land which was taken over by the Jews. Just which city are the ancestral land of yours located?
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,
Rocco, as far as the article that Monte posted goes, to me there are always two sides of a story, and in my opinion this is closer to the truth. .

Right something written by a Zionist named Moshe.

You are a real comedian.

Now the facts from one of the many official sources.

Land holding patterns had also changed considerably. From the 650,000 dunums held by Jewish organizations in 1920, of the total land area of 26 million dunums, the figure at the end of 1946 had reached 1,625,000 dunums - an increase of about 250 per cent 144/ and Jewish settlement had displaced large numbers of Palestinian Arab peasants. Even so, this area represented only 6.2 per cent of the total area of Palestine and 12 per cent of the cultivable land.

- See more at: The Origins and Evolution of the Palestine Problem - CEIRPP DPR study part I 1917-1947 30 June 1978

Not official at all as it is an islamonazi propaganda group that has no validity
montelatici, et al,

Interesting article.


On Earth, there are very few things which are universally held as true, and there are very very few political opinions which all people consider the correct perspective. Over time, you will be able to find segments of any given community that hold political beliefs across a very expansive spectrum. The distance between an extreme liberal and an extreme conservative is a wide range indeed.

Just because you find an article, 95 years old, that ruffles your feathers, does not mean that the representative group for which that article is associated, believes that way today --- nearly a century later.

Part of the problem with the pro-Palestinian community is their inability to grasp the importance of the timeline. Certainly world leaders and influential stakeholders at the turn into the 20th Century (educated in the 19th Century) thought differently and acted differently than the world leaders and influential stakeholders of the newly emerging 21st Century. Likewise, it is wholly inappropriate to attempt to apply socio-economic and political concepts held in the early 21st Century to the socio-economic and political decisions of nearly a century ago.

And very importantly, it is understood that just as the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political concepts differed in the early 20th Century, so it is that in the 21st Century --- there are still differences. But you cannot apply the cultural ideas, socio-economic and political standards of the 21st Century to decision made 95 years ago; or even a half century ago. I am sure that if it were possible to roll back the clock and save the Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and the Duchess of Hohenberg, we would; just as we see how barbaric the assassination of Tsar Nicholas II, the Tsarina Alexandra and their five innocent children. Today, we can look back and see just how ghastly those events were; but we are powerless to change them --- or --- prevent the consequences that ensued. And so it is in the Middle East, and in particular Palestine. Decisions were made.

The idea that the Hostile Arab Palestinian (HoAP) can assume Palestine from the river to the sea, and from north to south, as its sovereign homeland; and that, there is no other recourse except through Jihad is without foundation. When the HoAP argue that Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors, they are in essence attempting to justify the goal to expel the occupiers and restore the land from the river to the sea, and from north to south, using all forms of resistance, led by armed resistance. That is early 20th Century thinking being applied to a 21st Century problem.

Most Respectfully,

Look up the word "prescient" Rocco. It shows that even 95 years ago some of the more erudite were aware of the problems the Hostile Invading European Jew (HiEP) would cause.

Just as Jesus said that the next prophet would be a fake one, and he would be called mahamet. Now what did mohammed say would happen again, what where his prophesies ?

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