Atheists vs Christianity: the story of Max Jukes vs John Edwards

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
Yup you follow the cult of atheism you curse your children's children children to a life of misery


Multigenerational legacies – The Story of Jonathan Edwards – YWAM Family Ministries

Jonathan Edwards, was a Puritan Preacher in the 1700s. He was one of the most respected preachers in his day. He attended Yale at the age of thirteen and later went on to become the president of Princeton college. He married his wife Sara in 1727 and they were blessed with eleven children.

Jonathan Edwards’ legacy includes: 1 U.S. Vice-President, 1 Dean of a law school, 1 dean of a medical school, 3 U.S. Senators, 3 governors, 3 mayors, 13 college presidents, 30 judges, 60 doctors, 65 professors, 75 Military officers, 80 public office holders, 100 lawyers, 100 clergymen, and 285 college graduates.

jonathan edwards - Google Search

Max Jukes’ legacy came to people’s attention when the family trees of 42 different men in the New York prison system were traced back to him. He lived in New York at about the same period as Edwards. The Jukes family originally was studied by sociologist Richard L. Dugdale in 1877.

Jukes’ descendants included: 7 murderers, 60 thieves, 190 prostitutes, 150 other convicts, 310 paupers, and 440 who were physically wrecked by addiction to alcohol. Of the 1,200 descendants that were studied, 300 died prematurely.

Jukes family - Wikipedia


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Didn’t John Edwards run for President?

Didn’t turn out too well.......must be cursed
Didn’t John Edwards run for President?

Didn’t turn out too well.......must be cursed

Reading is not strong with you is it ?

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Some think as they read. As such they may have studied human history as it pertains to a religious perceptual reality versus a spiritual perceptual reality. One is based upon fear/guilt/sin/blame, and the other upon connectedness/responsibility/stewardship. Let's not forget that the tribes of Europe were slaughtered and beaten into submission to accept the new male dominator god just as others would be later once the descendants of the tribes of Europe had been "taught" the proper perceptual reality.

Along that journey they, these who read and think, may have learned of the manner in which the concept of a eurocentric male dominator god religion was leveraged to colonize, enslave, and removed populations of peoples.

And they may question.
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Jukes-Edwards Story: The Truth

The Jukes-Edwards Story: Truth and Myth of Max Jukes

The idea that Max was an atheist is a fabrication. This is everything Dugdale said about Max: "He lived much as the backwoodsmen upon our frontiers [in 1877] now do. He is described as 'a hunter and fisher, a hard drinker, jolly and companionable, averse to steady toil,' working hard by spurts and idling by turns, becoming blind in his old age. He had a numerous progeny, some of them almost certainly illegitimate."

This does not say Max was an atheist.

- just another christian zealot pandering a phony story, just google the subject matter ...
Not a very good study of biology since there was no control group just two subjects and not randomly selected...
The problematic is the control group. During the Neolithic, houses began to be placed in rows while 'theology' began to apply the control of fundamental illusions of man, such as the illusion of not being dead once we already are.

'For Marion the true life of God is immortal. If God were immortal, he would not be God. Marion employs this definition of God in order to make God immune from any possible refutation. If God is immortal, he cannot ever die and is consequently safe from the atheist proclamation that God is dead. I am not concerned here with the circularity of Marion's argument, but only how his assessment of mortality is the opposite of Derrida's. For Derrida, lief is essentially mortal, which means that there can be no instance (such as God in Marion's account) that is immortal. Even the supposed divine declaration "I am that I am" is in Derrida's reading "the confession of a mortal," since "(I am[italics]) originally means (I am mortal[it.])." Proceeding from Derrida's premise, we can pursue a reading of the death of God that goes in the opposite direction from Marion. If to be alive is to be mortal, it follows that (not[it.]) to be mortal -- to be immortal -- is to be dead. Hence, Derrida does not limit himself to the atheist claim that God is dead; he repeatedly makes the radically atheist claim that (God is death [t.]).'
(Radical Atheism, p. 8)
Sentence two in the excerpt should read: 'If God were not Immortal, he would not be God.' Nuts. Religion is also a physical disease.

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