At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.
As for my part, I resist the global redistribution of Trillions of dollars of US treasure based on politicised science, inaccurate models, or even a basic understanding on how a process that has existed for all of human history (global warming) is now considered by international politicians to be the certain death of humans.

The last time a widely-accepted scientific principle was used to make political decisions ... it resulted in the Holocaust.

At this juncture, the RW rejects the science of man-made climate change because it scares them

Isn't it sad how little billy can do nothing but repeat the same lies about Republicans, couching them in phrases such as "At this juncture...." to pretend he didn't simply make them up?

Not much point in replying to the little troll. He'll just make up more lies and keep posting them, thinking he's doing something useful.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

And you are accusing others of being in "fear"??!!??!!

WTF? You silly fool. You are a bonafide member of a doomsday cult, fer crissakes.

Look out!


Fuckin' jackass.
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They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

And you are accusing others of being "scared"??!!??!!


Look out!

Yep. You should be afraid. I am.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

If there is a reason for that, it's that liberals want to make first world the 3rd.
The only reason commies give a fuck about "climate change" is because they want to use it as a trojan horse for world government and communist rule over everyone.
Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?
At this juncture billy yet again tries to convince the rest of us that he is a mind reader that knows the motivations and thoughts of millions of people.

Do you really wonder why no one takes you seriously?
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

If there is a reason for that, it's that liberals want to make first world the 3rd.
Why would liberals want that? You can't explain why. You just believe it because it's an easy, lazy assumption.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

If there is a reason for that, it's that liberals want to make first world the 3rd.
Why would liberals want that? You can't explain why. You just believe it because it's an easy, lazy assumption.

That's the result of importing the 3rd world into the 1st.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

If there is a reason for that, it's that liberals want to make first world the 3rd.
Why would liberals want that? You can't explain why. You just believe it because it's an easy, lazy assumption.
Simple: left wingers hate civilization. You just admitted it a few posts ago.
The only reason commies give a fuck about "climate change" is because they want to use it as a trojan horse for world government and communist rule over everyone.
Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?

Yeah, just as con men never tell you they are trying to rip you off.
Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?

That would certainly be an unprecedented show of veracity and candour. I would welcome it like a fresh breeze.
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

And you are accusing others of being "scared"??!!??!!


Look out!

Yep. You should be afraid. I am.
In other words, you are projecting again.
Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?
That would certainly be an unprecedented show of veracity and candour. I would welcome it like a fresh breeze.
Yeah right, where the climate is held in common cause, often through the agency of the state.
Fucking retards.
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Do you notice how climate scientists and democrats never actually mention the word "communism" as it relates to climate change?
That would certainly be an unprecedented show of veracity and candour. I would welcome it like a fresh breeze.
Yeah right, where the climate is held in common cause through the agency of the state.
Fucking retards.
The federal government owns the climate? Damn, you learn something new every day!
They are in denial. They can't accept that human civilization is in its final decades. It's part of their brains. In fact, neuroscience has shown evidence that the rightwing brain is more susceptible to fear than leftwinger brains are. This would inevitably create denial as a defense mechanism.

Again, I stress that human civilization - not the human race altogether - is in serious jeopardy. The human race may have more time, but civilized society and basic government institutions are in danger of collapsing within the next 100 years. That isn't an exaggeration - there are just a variety of factors stacked against us.

The effects of rising global temperatures have disastrous effects. It affects the human food supply, disease, water supply and natural disasters. All of these factors also raise the probability of future large-scale human conflicts.

Human and animal life on this planet is ultimately doomed, but focusing legislation on mitigating the effects of climate change will help to prolong the human race's survival.

So, you're looking forward to the end of civilization? Is that really what you want to say, dumbass?

What we are scared of is snowflake "solutions" for a non-problem, a hoax, a con. The solution will end civilization, not global warming.
No, I am saying civilization will end within a century and you are too much of a pussy to give that prediction the slightest examination.

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