At Climate Summit....different view? Your OUT!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
What a the Climate Summit, former Thatcher advisor Monckton got immediately kicked out after wanting to display data alternate to the view of the annointed.

Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming -- 'Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials' | Climate Depot

Happens all the time at these events.:D:D If you dont show up with the approved and established narrative, your ass is gone. These people call themselves "scientists".:up::up::blowup:

What a bunch of phoney k00ks at these love-in's!!! Last year, a guy with proof of a growing polar bear population north of the Hudson Bay got kicked out.

You show up at these things with the party line and the cherry picked alarmist data only...........or you are shown the door!!!
Im laughing..............

How many people even know this Climate Summit is going on in 2012? About 142? Its become about as popular as the Wachovia Navel Contemplation Club.

Nobody cares about this "man-made" global warming crap anymore. They roll out the same shit every year and nobody cares............having zero effect on public policy in the United States. So much for the importance of "consensus" science. More like "fail" science.:coffee:
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What a the Climate Summit, former Thatcher advisor Monckton got immediately kicked out after wanting to display data alternate to the view of the annointed.

Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming -- 'Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials' | Climate Depot

Happens all the time at these events.:D:D If you dont show up with the approved and established narrative, your ass is gone. These people call themselves "scientists".:up::up::blowup:

What a bunch of phoney k00ks at these love-in's!!! Last year, a guy with proof of a growing polar bear population north of the Hudson Bay got kicked out.

You show up at these things with the party line and the cherry picked alarmist data only...........or you are shown the door!!!

Lord Monkton is not a Lord, and is not a scientist. He is a fraud, with no credentials whatsoever in any science.

A letter to Viscount Monckton of Brenchley from the Clerk of the Parliaments - News from Parliament - UK Parliament

Christopher Monckton - SourceWatch
What a the Climate Summit, former Thatcher advisor Monckton got immediately kicked out after wanting to display data alternate to the view of the annointed.

Fmr. Thatcher advisor Lord Monckton evicted from UN climate summit after challenging global warming -- 'Escorted from the hall and security officers stripped him of his UN credentials' | Climate Depot

Happens all the time at these events.:D:D If you dont show up with the approved and established narrative, your ass is gone. These people call themselves "scientists".:up::up::blowup:

What a bunch of phoney k00ks at these love-in's!!! Last year, a guy with proof of a growing polar bear population north of the Hudson Bay got kicked out.

You show up at these things with the party line and the cherry picked alarmist data only...........or you are shown the door!!!

They have to keep the Trillion Dollar fraud going... Naysayers must be destroyed so that the cash keeps flowing in the greatest, and most costliest hoax in history. But all is not lost... Obama will simply Tax the rich and make them pay their fair share, and the fraudulent spending will be more than secure for years to come, so that liberals can do what they do best... Control the weather.
TJ, do you have anything at all other than flap-yap to back up your assertations? I mean all we have is a disappearing Arctic Ice Cap, disappearing alpine glaciers worldwide, giga tons of ice melting off both the Greenland Ice Cap and the Antarctic Ice Cap. A 3 to 4 factor increase in extreme weather, as documented by the records kept by Swiss Re and Munich Re.
TJ, do you have anything at all other than flap-yap to back up your assertations? I mean all we have is a disappearing Arctic Ice Cap, disappearing alpine glaciers worldwide, giga tons of ice melting off both the Greenland Ice Cap and the Antarctic Ice Cap. A 3 to 4 factor increase in extreme weather, as documented by the records kept by Swiss Re and Munich Re.

But so what Ray???!!!! Its like telling a story but leaving out the last chapter.

This idea that human beings can control this stuff is so whacked out its beyond unreal. The alarmists make their case as if it was tied to some definitive measures that could be done to reverse it, which of course, there is ZERO evidence of. The world collective is not ever waking up one day and taking an oath to stop using fossil fuels tomorrow = 100% impossible and will never happen. The fact that the alarmists would even for a moment think that the people of the world would embrace returning to the world of the early 1800's is just absurd. Were governments to make determinations like that, there would be mass revolt and revolution. Law and order would vanish in every country.

No......the people of the world will adapt through technological innovation because there is no other choice.:D

As Ive been saying for a long time around here...........discussion of temperature data, Arctic ice, glaciers........its all an exercise by science hobbyists with an axe to grind against successful people in the world. Its always been about that.

Remember........the alarmist contingent, and all progressives for that matter never, never, ever take into account having to answer the following questions"

1) At what cost?

2) As compared to what?

Facing those questions are conveniently ignored by the science radicals. Curious observers in this forum should leaf through these threads and find one single thread where this is addressed by the alarmists. Good luck finding one!!!
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All the denialist cranks on this thread also declared with complete certainty that the polls were deliberately rigged and that Romney was headed for a landslide victory.

That's because denialists tend to fall for every conspiracy which their masters spoonfeed them. That's in direct contrast to the skeptical and rational AGW side. This thread would be an example of yet another conspiracy they fell hard for, one that had added attraction to them because it allowed them to proclaim their sacred, sacred victimhood.
Really......I couldnt give a rats ass they kick the guys out........the green nuts are losing anyway

U.S. Energy Revolution Transforms Climate Debate - Energy TribuneEnergy Tribune

The U.S. has adopted only a few really significant policies affecting climate. One, the pursuit of ethanol as a fuel is proving very expensive — and tragic for world food markets. Another, the fuel efficiency standard for autos, is perhaps the sole example of effective policy on climate.

The new energy abundance is not however entirely good news: Contrary to what many environmentalists have claimed, there are enough fossil fuels to fry the planet several times over. The obvious implication is that going green is not going to happen automatically through higher prices.

On the contrary, low carbon technologies are going to be expensive and therefore out of the market for a long time to come. In the U.S., nuclear is the biggest casualty, but other renewables face the same challenge.

Nor are the major world economies going to accept top down Kyoto style carbon caps any time soon. Faced with a serious world economic crisis, and with the U.S. now in pole position on the energy competitiveness front, the willingness of both China and Europe to go further and faster on carbon caps has got even weaker.

At the Durban climate conference last year all that could be agreed was that nations would try to agree by 2015 what they might do after 2020.

In Doha this year, nobody has had any serious expectation of much progress. By 2020, on current growth rates, the Chinese and Indian economies will be twice their current sizes, with lots more coal burned, and global carbon emissions will be beyond the critical threshold of 400 parts per million and on their way towards 500 ppm, thereby resulting in the 2 degrees-plus temperature rises the scientific consensus predicts


Not even debatable since whats the point of the radicals falling all over themselves to post up yet more "consensus science" drivel????


As a conservative, Im getting my ass kicked lately, but at least in this realm, Im still winning and winning BIG!!!

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Steve, as the Gulf Stream warms, there is a possibility that the storms that go north will be stronger. As the loss of ice in the Arctic slows and deepens the Rossby waves, Greenland will have longer periods with highs parked over it. So there are more chance that some of those storms could steered towards the Northeast.

While the conditions that created the Sandy Frankenstorm are not likely to be repeated, the storms like Irene could become more common. I don't think that would be a win for you or any of us.
Steve, as the Gulf Stream warms, there is a possibility that the storms that go north will be stronger. As the loss of ice in the Arctic slows and deepens the Rossby waves, Greenland will have longer periods with highs parked over it. So there are more chance that some of those storms could steered towards the Northeast.

While the conditions that created the Sandy Frankenstorm are not likely to be repeated, the storms like Irene could become more common. I don't think that would be a win for you or any of us.

Yeah Ray, but all we heard after Katrina is that Cat 5 gulf storms would be frequent events and that never panned out. Weather anomolies have been happening for a long, long time.........but now, every single one is linked to climate change. It really is a brilliant sitting at a high roller poker table knowing youre going to be dealt a royal flush.

Hey chance do you hunt?
Sad, and telling. I took one look at the weather pattern a few days prior to Sandy's landfall, said, uh, oh, and had a look at the European Model. No, I am not a meteorologist. But the scientists had already laid out that there was a high probability of that storm becoming a super storm in exactly the way it did. Very successful forecasting.

So, in the meantime, we had people like Limpbaugh all over the radio making fun of the fact that the Federal and State governments were making a big deal of a 'little Cat 1 storm'. I wonder if any of those that died stayed put because of his bullshit.
Sad, and telling. I took one look at the weather pattern a few days prior to Sandy's landfall, said, uh, oh, and had a look at the European Model. No, I am not a meteorologist. But the scientists had already laid out that there was a high probability of that storm becoming a super storm in exactly the way it did. Very successful forecasting.

So, in the meantime, we had people like Limpbaugh all over the radio making fun of the fact that the Federal and State governments were making a big deal of a 'little Cat 1 storm'. I wonder if any of those that died stayed put because of his bullshit.

I'm in Hawaii, so I listen to scientists instead of talking heads. They know when a volcano is going to blow, a monsoon or typhoon will hit, and they somewhat know when a tsunami will hit.
Sad, and telling. I took one look at the weather pattern a few days prior to Sandy's landfall, said, uh, oh, and had a look at the European Model. No, I am not a meteorologist. But the scientists had already laid out that there was a high probability of that storm becoming a super storm in exactly the way it did. Very successful forecasting.

So, in the meantime, we had people like Limpbaugh all over the radio making fun of the fact that the Federal and State governments were making a big deal of a 'little Cat 1 storm'. I wonder if any of those that died stayed put because of his bullshit.

Yeah but Limbaugh has been saying for 15 years or so that renewables would be a fad because they cant make it on their own in the free market and he was spot on.............


And Ray........even you said this storm was a true freak of nature. Might happen again but might be in abut 500 years or so. The government ALWAYS predicts the most gloom and doom scenario's with the weather and when it crashes and burns, they get a pass but take full credit when things fall into place. Thats whats so briliant about this whole weather/science stuff.........its a cant miss. Sooner or later, bad stuff happens and now in 2012, they just say, "See.........we told you so!!!" In reality though.........if it was 500 years ago, the same shit would work.

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