Asshole Dimocrat lifer Congressman says he won't view Trump as legitimate President

John Lewis drama is going to keep Democrats shifting hard left into identity politics la-la-la. Steve Bannon, a strategic genius, knows this.
Kremlin Employee of the Month

Go to Wisconsin and have a rally?

Nah, come by my place with whipcream at 8pm.

John Lewis drama is going to keep Democrats shifting hard left into identity politics la-la-la. Steve Bannon, a strategic genius, knows this.
It could not work out better.

Democrats are still going to agitate for war with Russia and will accuse Trump of being in Putin's pocket if they don't get it.

Democrats must never regain power again. Their fury will be uncontrollable. They are frustrated thrill killers as it is.
Sad. Rep. John Lewis negates his heroism on the Edmund Pettis bridge by acting like a partisan hack asshole , never to be taken seriously again
John Lewis has never even acknowledged the fact \his queen Hillary & the DNC rigged the primary & Hillary is the one who is illegitimate.

Hillary isn't president, fucktard.

Lewis is a sitting Congressman saying an elected President is not legitimate? Did someone spit on him?

He claimed someone spit on him and called him "******". Funny thing is he never offered proof of his claim.
Must be because he was lying.

That's what I went with when he didn't provide proof.

RightWinger claims that not everything is caught on video and that doesn't discount his claim. I beg to differ. Spitting on someone is a crime and in a criminal situation, if there is no proof provided by the accuser, as far as the law is concerned it didn't happen.
Well the far left will never allow that to happen!

Although the all career politicians in Washington prove that they do not understand the spirit in which this country was formed!
No 10's of millions of Americans fail to understand conservatism!!! Trump will be treated on how he campaigned!!!! Trump's low approval rating of 45 percent is a testament of his lack of respect. He has a huge hurdle to claim.
This turd is why we need term limits.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

WASHINGTON - Democratic Rep. John Lewis of Georgia says he doesn't view Donald Trump as a legitimate president and will be skipping next Friday's inauguration.

Lewis tells NBC's "Meet the Press with Chuck Todd" that the Russians helped Trump get elected.

It will be the first inauguration Lewis has missed since he began serving in Congress three decades ago.

Lewis says, "You cannot be at home with something that you feel that is wrong, is not right."

Lewis testified this week against Trump's attorney general nominee, Republican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

Democratic Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona also says he will stay home to protest what he calls "disrespect" shown to Americans by the incoming administration and by actions in Congress. He says the majority of voters rejected Trump, and they deserve respect.

Rep. John Lewis says Donald Trump is not a legitimate President

Fuck John Lewis.
FUCK conservatism and the fascist con-man conservatives elected to the WH!!!!!
He certainly has the poorest claim to the tiltle of any past President.
You mean Trump winning the electoral college vote according to the Constitution doesn't mean the same as the other 43 that did it?

As far as the OP is concerned, what would you expect from a plantation black and a wetback?
Meh! Trump has played fast and loose with the law is entire corrupt life! Trump will be impeached before 4 years.
Not my president, and as his administration turns to shit, I will be at ease, knowing that it wasn't my fault.

He's not yet, but on January 20th if you're an American, then he will be your president.
Trump will be the GOP conservative President of Conservative Republicans!!!! Trump is a con-man and a Fascist..........and he belongs solely to conservative guys voted for and elected this cock sucker and his Hoe Ass wife who can't keep her clothes on.

Let the Presidential Historians record Trump WAS NOT President of all the people.
As far as I am concerned, We have no real president for the next 4 years. All we have is a poorly scripted "reality show" staring a clown in perpetual feuds with everyone as the plot line. It won't hurt me, since I sold all my stock, and when he tanks the economy, that will be a buying opportunity for me. Other than that, nothing is going to happen in the next 4 years because he can't even get his own party to work with him.

As far as the Constitution is concerned, we do. Since what you believe doesn't matter and what the Constitution says does, we'll go with the Constitution and ignore dumb motherfuckers like you that are still pissed because your bitch lost.
Meh! You Pole Dancing conservatives don't have the final say so shut the fuck up you Old Geezer!!!!!

Hillary may have lost but the Country isn't going to except con artist you rat bastards elected and his First Hoe Wife who can't keep her clothes on.

Melania can teach young conservative females-women (age 13-26) teenagers the secret to taking your clothes off and working as an escort could some day make them the First Lady of these United States.
He certainly has the poorest claim to the tiltle of any past President.
You mean Trump winning the electoral college vote according to the Constitution doesn't mean the same as the other 43 that did it?

As far as the OP is concerned, what would you expect from a plantation black and a wetback?
"Poorest" is a relative term, cretin.......

Poor is a relative term. The -est suffix means the one that is poorer than anyone else. It's a comparison to others that are poor. To label someone as poor, you only need one example based on a standard whether it be objective or subjective. If you have two, only then can a comparison be made using the -er suffix. You must have more than two in order to use the -est suffix.

That means poorEST isn't a relative terms, it's a comparative term to other that are poor, which, cretin, can be relative.

His is the poorest RELATIVE to the other elected date....

You're an idiot......stop trying....

You're basing your claim on subjective opinion. When -EST is used, it's objective.

I won't stop trying to educate your kind. You may not be capable of learning on the same level as me but it's still worth the try.
Meh! Educate? Education and conservatism is an oxymoron at best! You bottom dwellers have gotten wrong how many times through-out History.

History has proven that liberal progressiveness has come to fix the fuck ups of conservatives and its inbreeding ideology!!!

Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed February 12, 2015 By Allen Clifton 12 Comments confederate-flag-south Rarely does a day go by where I don’t have some sort of interaction with a conservative proclaiming that they, and the Republican party, are the ones fighting for a Constitutional America.

Unfortunately for them, that’s a claim that our nation’s history soundly disputes. When it comes to “patriotism,” conservatives seem to believe that they’re the only true patriots. You know, because us liberals clearly hate America and our Constitution. Even though looking back throughout our history, liberals are almost always on the right side of it – which is something conservatives can’t say. But I must make one point very clear – when I say “conservatives,” I mean conservatives. Republicans haven’t always been conservatives. In fact, it wasn’t until the 1950’s and 60’s when the Republican party decided to embrace the South’s blatant racism, hoping to lure white voters to their side, that the GOP become the “party of Southern conservatives.” Because, as we all know, conservatives love to point out that Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves and he was a Republican. That’s true, but he wasn’t a conservative. It’s as if conservatives willfully ignore the fact that the states which fought with the South during the Civil War are also the states that opposed integration, voting rights and the Civil Rights Act – and now almost every single one of them is strongly Republican.

Clearly the party has changed quite a bit since the days of Abraham Lincoln. In fact, if you go along our nation’s history and look at the evolution of the Republican party, as Democrats moved away from racism and bigotry, Republicans were more than willing to swoop right in there and carry that torch. It’s the same ignorance and intolerance we’ve seen for generations; the parties just switched.

The South didn’t magically “evolve,” and for many of them to deny the indisputable facts proving this massive shift in political ideologies within the last century only prove their ignorance (or flat-out denial) of reality. But let’s take a moment and look at a few of the freedoms Southern conservatives (modern day Republicans) have opposed throughout our nation’s history:

Freeing the slaves Allowing women to vote Desegregation Interracial marriage The Civil Rights Act The Voting Rights Act Women’s rights Same-sex marriage That’s quite the list of ignorance, bigotry and racism. History shows it hasn’t mattered if it’s 1860, 1960 or 2014, states like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia and South Carolina all opposed (or currently oppose in the case of ongoing battles on women’s rights and same-sex marriage) every single one of those fights for freedom listed above.

And “shockingly” every single one of those states is strongly Republican. And one of the saddest aspects is, on almost every single one of those issues conservatives used their religion as a defense for their ignorance. So, the next time you come across a conservative family member or friend and engage them in some kind of political debate, I suggest you reference this article to showcase just how ignorant conservative ideology has been throughout American history. Because looking back, conservatives are almost always on the wrong side of history.

Read more at: Always on the Wrong Side of History: A Look at Many of the Constitutional Rights Conservatives Have Opposed
Trump is a Goof

Donald Trump flip flops, asks DC National Guard chief to stay past inauguration, but chief refuses

this is from Palmer Report which is not a news report but Bill Palmer has been right on on lots of stories. If anyone has anything from official news, post it please. TMP posted that the head of the Washington DC would be fired the minute Trump was President. Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony Trump Orders DC National Guard Chief To Leave In Middle Of Inaugural Ceremony

In a bizarre move, Donald Trump has demanded that the commanding officer of the Washington, D.C. National Guard resign from his post in the middle of the Inauguration ceremony, even though the general will be in the middle of helping oversee the event's security, the Washington Post reported on Friday

Palmer reports Major General will leave the moment Trump is president:

One day after the Donald Trump administration announced that the head of the Washington DC National Guard would be fired in the middle of the inauguration at the precise moment Trump was sworn in, prompting a firestorm of controversy and questions about what might truly be behind the move, the story has taken yet another turn. In the wake of the backlash, the Trump team has now asked Major General Errol R. Schwartz to stay on for an extra few days after the inauguration. But even that has now backfired.

Schwartz is now refusing Donald Trump’s request to stay on, and has decided to go ahead and vacate his post the minute Trump is sworn in, as he’d originally been told he would have to. The Major General’s reasoning? According to the Washington Post, he had already finished “packing up his office and notified his staff” of his impending exit.

Donald Trump flip flops, asks DC National Guard chief to stay past inauguration, but chief refuses

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