Ask a Progressive

On the right, the nuts are on the fringe.

For the left, the nuts are mainstream.
your questions may as well have come from the desk of Harry Reid or Van Jones himself. You have a side, just like I do. It just doesn't match a political party because one doesn't exist that encompasses all your desires.
I don't happen to see Holder as a "lefty". Obama seems to have wandered off the reservation as well. I have no idea who the fuck Maddow is -- a sports announcer with a beer belly? IMO, Pelosi is a waste of space.

And how the fuck is Ayers relevant?

If you don't know who Maddow is, well ............
I don't happen to see Holder as a "lefty". Obama seems to have wandered off the reservation as well. I have no idea who the fuck Maddow is -- a sports announcer with a beer belly? IMO, Pelosi is a waste of space.

And how the fuck is Ayers relevant?
Ayers is relevant due to his connection to Obama through being neighbors, friends and having ghost written one of his books. The man is a radical leftist and anarchist who seeks to destroy this nation and it's constitution, replacing it with a communist system... of course with himself and his buddies in control.

He bombed NYC Police Plaza and the Pentagon and thought he did not do enough.

A man like this connected to any president should have ended his political run.
Well, whether Obama's past association with Ayers should have ended his political career or not, it hasn't -- life goes on.
Ok. Just remember that if a conservative candidate has an association to a person of questionable or outright documented terrorist activity. Oh well... it's just his friend.

You don't think that the thoughts, and behaviors and philosophies of friends rub off on one another, do you? Aren't you influenced by your friends?

What does that do to your opinion of Ayers now?
Republicans deregulated Wall Street.

This allowed the mortgage market to move from Freddie/Fannie to Wall Street where they literally GAVE mortgages away, bundled them together, insured them as "securities", sold the securities overseas to unsuspecting investors and then collected the insurance when the securities tanked.

This resulted in a world wide economic meltdown.

If we kept following the Republican policies that started this disaster, we would be in a Great Depression rather than slowly coming out of a Great Recession.

Obama's only mistake was trying to reach across the isle and work with people who have publicly announced they want him to fail.

The Republican Party has become so dirty. Lying to the American People. The White Wing Conservative Confederate Republican Party of Teabags.

Why you haven't been banned yet for being the biggest troll on here is beyond me.
Big Fitz wrote:

Ok. Just remember that if a conservative candidate has an association to a person of questionable or outright documented terrorist activity. Oh well... it's just his friend.

You don't think that the thoughts, and behaviors and philosophies of friends rub off on one another, do you? Aren't you influenced by your friends?

What does that do to your opinion of Ayers now?

Big Fitz, the men and women Obama appointed to his cabinet concern me, not some past association. If you have evidence Ayers broke the law, turn him in.
Here's a clue:

Go to rdean's profile, select the "Statistics" tab, and then click on "find all posts by redean"
Big Fitz wrote:

Ok. Just remember that if a conservative candidate has an association to a person of questionable or outright documented terrorist activity. Oh well... it's just his friend.

You don't think that the thoughts, and behaviors and philosophies of friends rub off on one another, do you? Aren't you influenced by your friends?

What does that do to your opinion of Ayers now?

Big Fitz, the men and women Obama appointed to his cabinet concern me, not some past association. If you have evidence Ayers broke the law, turn him in.
He got pardoned by Bill Clinton IIRC along with his wife. Otherwise they'd still be in hiding.
And? I should give a fuck why?
So you agree with or don't care what Tim McVeigh did?

Ayers was just more incompetent at it, but got more tries.

There's an equivalency I can see pretty damn clear. Both desired to kill random innocent people that they hated for the sake of social change.
3. If mankind is warming the planet with CO2 how come you can't replicate the results in even a single laboratory experiment?

You mean an experiment showing CO2 causes a greenhouse effect? We've known that for a while. It's why Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being further from the sun.

I'm not sure just what you're asking for.
Well, whether Obama's past association with Ayers should have ended his political career or not, it hasn't -- life goes on.
Ok. Just remember that if a conservative candidate has an association to a person of questionable or outright documented terrorist activity. Oh well... it's just his friend.

You don't think that the thoughts, and behaviors and philosophies of friends rub off on one another, do you? Aren't you influenced by your friends?

What does that do to your opinion of Ayers now?

Look up G. Gordon Liddy and John McCain...
And? I should give a fuck why?

You don't care about the fact that our President is on a first name basis with a terrorist?

Just using alarming nouns and adjectives is not enough to get me up outta my chair, ConHog. Explain to me how Ayers is influencing the President NOW or take this silly non-issue and shove it up your ass.

It worries me MUCH more that Obama still takes Pelosi's calls than that he once knew Bill Ayers.
This thread is definitive proof that there is no such thing as objective truth to a k00k progressive.

Look at the responses by the k00ks to question #4........................

not AT ALL inmportant to them!!!!

Mostly because it doesnt have to be. Its not important because these peoople have no real responsibilities in life except paying the rent bill, making sure they make it to work on time ( if they even have a job) and funding their illicit drug habit. Of course they are not going to give a shit about the future of our children.

When you have a job of high responsibility, a bunch of kids, a mortgage, bills, concerns with the direction of the culture.........the inmplications of unfunded debt mean everything. This is something the k00ks simply cant comprehend.
This thread is definitive proof that there is no such thing as objective truth to a k00k progressive.

Look at the responses by the k00ks to question #4........................

not AT ALL inmportant to them!!!!

Mostly because it doesnt have to be. Its not important because these peoople have no real responsibilities in life except paying the rent bill, making sure they make it to work on time ( if they even have a job) and funding their illicit drug habit. Of course they are not going to give a shit about the future of our children.

When you have a job of high responsibility, a bunch of kids, a mortgage, bills, concerns with the direction of the culture.........the inmplications of unfunded debt mean everything. This is something the k00ks simply cant comprehend.

Your scurrilous description of 'these peoople' only serves as a window into YOUR character.

Unfunded mean like the trillion dollar cost of two wars with no war tax to fund them, and instead, you lower taxes for the top 1%?

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