Asian Americans waking up to the fact that the democrats are racists, and they are the targets...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The democrat party is a party of racism.... everything they do is built around race.... and if you are a minority without numbers to drive voting, to give democrats power... you are going to be the ones to get hurt..... the democrats know that Asians are a tiny percent of the they can be ignored and discriminated against with impunity by the democrat race party....

Asian Americans need to wise up and end our blind loyalty to the Democratic Party

For all their smarts, Asian Americans can be pretty dumb.

They support Democrats in droves, and Democrats support race-based affirmative action. Last week, a lawsuit revealed just how discriminatory that kind of decision-making can be. At Harvard, racial balancing — in the guise of a personality score for applicants — appears to be systematically reducing the admission of Asian American students to the university.

The Harvard scandal contains a lot of takeaways, but here’s the one I hope sticks with my fellow Asian Americans: It’s time for us to end our blind loyalty to the Democratic Party and support instead politicians who will promote our interests.

The Democratic Party has rewarded this unwavering support with an unyielding defense of race-based school admissions and government programs such as the one that’s been working against Asian Americans at Harvard.

Every Supreme Court justice appointed by a Democratic president has upheld race-based school admissions programs in the name of diversity. Democratic administrations have aggressively supported these same programs in court.


University admissions is not the only thing over which Asian Americans and Democrats should disagree. Democrats have led the resistance to the Republican Congress’ tax cuts and to the Trump administration’s deregulation platform; Asians, meanwhile, run the mom-and-pop stores and small businesses that suffer the most from growing government. As court cases about wedding cakes and healthcare coverage have shown, Democrats have waged federal and state war on the right of some religious people to refuse to obey laws supporting abortion rights or gay marriage; Asians are among the most fervent of evangelical Christians.

As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
— appears to be systematically reducing the admission of Asian American students to the university.
This Appears To Be Common Across The University System
They Get Points Knocked Against Them
For Their High Scholastic Achievement

We've All Heard Reports Where Asians Come Here Legally
Thrown Into Our Schools Without A Syllable Or Letter Of English
And Consistently Out Perform American Born Students
These Are The 'Dreamers' We Should All Want

Their Scholastic Achievement Could, Conceivably
Raise Educational Standards
Instead Of Constantly Lowering Them
To Accommodate Those That Probably Have No Business In College To Begin With
— appears to be systematically reducing the admission of Asian American students to the university.
This Appears To Be Common Across The University System
They Get Points Knocked Against Them
For Their High Scholastic Achievement

We've All Heard Reports Where Asians Come Here Legally
Thrown Into Our Schools Without A Syllable Or Letter Of English
And Consistently Out Perform American Born Students
These Are The 'Dreamers' We Should All Want

Their Scholastic Achievement Could, Conceivably
Raise Educational Standards
Instead Of Constantly Lowering Them
To Accommodate Those That Probably Have No Business In College To Begin With

Asians as a group are very smart. That's why they overwhelmingly vote Democratic.
Asians as a group are very smart. That's why they overwhelmingly vote Democratic.
Think Of The Culture And Political Climate They Were Raised In
It's The Same With Those From Central America
And The Rest Of The World Too, For That Matter

The United States Is The Last Hold-Out...
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.

The reason why Democrats make everything about race is because they are racist.
Asians as a group are very smart. That's why they overwhelmingly vote Democratic.
Think Of The Culture And Political Climate They Were Raised In
It's The Same With Those From Central America
And The Rest Of The World Too, For That Matter

The United States Is The Last Hold-Out...

I'm sure they understand the culture is different here, and they are free to decide as they please.
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
Affirmative action is for fucking racists.... fact
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.

The reason why Democrats make everything about race is because they are racist.

** Insert right wing talking point HERE **

As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
ROTFL... "torturing children" It is deeply, deeply troubling that parents would put their families in such obvious peril, knowingly... The fact remains that, though there is no replacement for family, these kids have a tremendous amount of resources lavished out on them... many US children would pine for a fraction of these personal enrichment and sustenance benefits...
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
Affirmative action is for fucking racists.... fact

Such a childish remark.
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
ROTFL... "torturing children" It is deeply, deeply troubling that parents would put their families in such obvious peril, knowingly... The fact remains that, though there is no replacement for family, these kids have a tremendous amount of resources lavished out on them... many US children would pine for a fraction of these personal enrichment and sustenance benefits...

His beliefs were stated long before the current child separation tragedy.

CASSEL: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
YOO: No treaty.
CASSEL: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.
YOO: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

You can listen to the audio of Yoo making that case here:
Asian-Americans sure do have a place in the Democrat sheep. Not a single member of the DUM party gives a crap about an Asian-American unless they are from a heavily populated Asian-American district. In 2018 and beyond it is about one thing........the Hispanic vote, thus, open borders. Duh
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
ROTFL... "torturing children" It is deeply, deeply troubling that parents would put their families in such obvious peril, knowingly... The fact remains that, though there is no replacement for family, these kids have a tremendous amount of resources lavished out on them... many US children would pine for a fraction of these personal enrichment and sustenance benefits...

His beliefs were stated long before the current child separation tragedy.

CASSEL: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
YOO: No treaty.
CASSEL: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.
YOO: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

You can listen to the audio of Yoo making that case here:

Having the latitude, authority, prerogative etc. etc. to do something is a far cry from actually doing "it".... or, furthermore, making a policy of doing "it". lol
Same could be said for sending black ops in to vaporize an entire community... he has the same latitude, authority etc. to do that as well... All at his whimsical fancy U might say... That's part and parcel with being 'Commander & Chief'.
Asian-Americans sure do have a place in the Democrat sheep. Not a single member of the DUM party gives a crap about an Asian-American unless they are from a heavily populated Asian-American district. In 2018 and beyond it is about one thing........the Hispanic vote, thus, open borders. Duh

Since Asian-Americans usually vote Democratic, I would say they disagree with you.
As a whole, Asians are a pretty smart group. Smart enough to not fall for some opinion piece by an idiot that thinks it's legal to torture children. You might want to Google John Yoo, the writer of the opinion you quoted, for yourself. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how nuts he is.
ROTFL... "torturing children" It is deeply, deeply troubling that parents would put their families in such obvious peril, knowingly... The fact remains that, though there is no replacement for family, these kids have a tremendous amount of resources lavished out on them... many US children would pine for a fraction of these personal enrichment and sustenance benefits...

His beliefs were stated long before the current child separation tragedy.

CASSEL: If the President deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
YOO: No treaty.
CASSEL: Also no law by Congress. That is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo.
YOO: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

You can listen to the audio of Yoo making that case here:

Having the latitude, authority, prerogative etc. etc. to do something is a far cry from actually doing "it".... or, furthermore, making a policy of doing "it". lol
Same could be said for sending black ops in to vaporize an entire community... he has the same latitude, authority etc. to do that as well... All at his whimsical fancy U might say... That's part and parcel with being 'Commander & Chief'.

Right. You think the president has the right to crush a kids balls. That is the belief of the idiot this thread is based on. Trump must really love you.
Asian-Americans sure do have a place in the Democrat sheep. Not a single member of the DUM party gives a crap about an Asian-American unless they are from a heavily populated Asian-American district. In 2018 and beyond it is about one thing........the Hispanic vote, thus, open borders. Duh

Since Asian-Americans usually vote Democratic, I would say they disagree with you.

The point of the article is they are getting "Woke" to the racism of the democrats party, in particular the racism directed at Asian Americans...
Asian-Americans sure do have a place in the Democrat sheep. Not a single member of the DUM party gives a crap about an Asian-American unless they are from a heavily populated Asian-American district. In 2018 and beyond it is about one thing........the Hispanic vote, thus, open borders. Duh

Since Asian-Americans usually vote Democratic, I would say they disagree with you.

The point of the article is they are getting "Woke" to the racism of the democrats party, in particular the racism directed at Asian Americans...

Yes. That is what the article said. The article by a guy that said it was fine if the president literally crushed the testicles of his enemy's children. Sorry, but I won't be one of his biggest supporters.

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