As we've lost Mr. Connery today, a simple poll: "Who was the best James Bond?"

Who was the best James Bond?

  • Daniel Craig

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Pierce Brosnan

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Roger Moore

    Votes: 2 10.0%
  • Sean Connery

    Votes: 14 70.0%
  • Timothy Dalton

    Votes: 1 5.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
For me it was Roger Moore. He was the most suave. Not rugged, but dapper. Smooth with the ladies, never lost his cool, always a gentleman with a sense of humor. He was quite British and did them a solid with his interpretation.

Of late they have tried to be more edgy. I prefer the Roger Moore interpretation though the rugged spy is probably more realistic in 2020. Watching Moores movies as a kid, I thought: "now that's how I'd be a spy. I'd even keep the accent!"

I didn't see all of the older Bonds, so I only list the five I have seen.
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I'd have to go with Connery. However, I enjoyed Bronson's Bond a great deal. I had thought him a perfect Bond from back in the Remington Steele days.

Today, I'm not a fan of Craig and think that Cavil will make an excellent Bond.
For me it was Roger Moore. He was the most suave. Not rugged, but dapper. Smooth with the ladies, never lost his cool, always a gentleman with a sense of humor. He was quite British and did them a solid with his interpretation.

Of late they have tried to be more edgy. I prefer the Roger Moore interpretation though the rugged spy is probably more realistic in 2020. Watching Moores movies as a kid, I thought: "now that's how I'd be a spy. I'd even keep the accent!"

I didn't see all of the older Bonds, so I only list the five I have seen.
The man with the golden gun did it for me.
For me it was Roger Moore. He was the most suave. Not rugged, but dapper. Smooth with the ladies, never lost his cool, always a gentleman with a sense of humor. He was quite British and did them a solid with his interpretation.

Of late they have tried to be more edgy. I prefer the Roger Moore interpretation though the rugged spy is probably more realistic in 2020. Watching Moores movies as a kid, I thought: "now that's how I'd be a spy. I'd even keep the accent!"

I didn't see all of the older Bonds, so I only list the five I have seen.
The man with the golden gun did it for me.

Oddly, the one I remember most was I think his last as Bond, A View to a Kill.
Posted this on current events also. Besides Bond ,I enjoyed Connery's role in the Man Who Would Be King.
And like the above poster I will also have a martini, 'shaken not stirred. Connery was Bond.
Connery was the prototype, so I guess I've always compared all the other Bonds to him.

I will always remember him for Hunt for Red October:

and every time he played a "good king."
For me it's a toss up between Connery and Craig. Connery is iconic, but Craig gives Bond a certain menace. Dalton would be next, his portrayal has been much maligned for reasons I can't understand. Lazenby would be next, followed by Moore tied with David Niven. Brosnan is last on my list, he never really worked for me.
Connery so far out in front that it's a question of who is the next best: Roger Moore imo.

Dalton would be next, his portrayal has been much maligned for reasons I can't understand.
Just about every Flemingphile (is that a word?) thought Dalton was closest to Ian Fleming’s books. A guy who didn’t like his job and found killing distasteful, leading him to drink and carouse as a way to deal. Dalton really studied the books, and personally removed all the jokes and bad puns in the script.

He’s my personal favorite, and I wish they had gotten him sooner, as they tried, but he was always committed to stage projects. His two movies needed a better director, too.

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