As Rep. Nunes stated, "[Trump is] a neophyte"

Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat!

What are you Progressives afraid of? It's obvious at this point that Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi are leading a full court press to prevent Trump from governing because Democrats have come to the realization that if Trump succeeds in fixing things in Washington then their party will lose not only the next midterm elections but elections for decades to come. The Washington elite are freaked out right now...and rightly so!
Claiming someone is the worst President ever...when he's only been in office for less than two months and the opposition party won't even let him seat his Cabinet an amusing concept, Nat!

What are you Progressives afraid of? It's obvious at this point that Chuck Shumer and Nancy Pelosi are leading a full court press to prevent Trump from governing because Democrats have come to the realization that if Trump succeeds in fixing things in Washington then their party will lose not only the next midterm elections but elections for decades to come. The Washington elite are freaked out right now...and rightly so!

It's call payback.

The progressive liberals like Pelosi felt that the last six years that Obama was in office the GOP with the blessing of the Tea Party obstructed Obama, so they feel it is payback time.

Will it work or backfire on then!?!

Might work in liberal states like New York and California but it could backfire in swing states and cost them seats that few blue dogs still have control of...
The progressive liberals like Pelosi felt that the last six years that Obama was in office the GOP with the blessing of the Tea Party obstructed Obama, so they feel it is payback time.
No they didn't. That was just their whiny little false narrative that they always create for the American people. It's called propaganda. The Tea Party and the GOP didn't "obstruct" anything. They did exactly what they were sent to Washington by the American to do. They campaigned on a platform and they actually kept those promises. What a radical concept, uh? One that is unfathomable to nitwit Dumbocrats like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. And so of course they needed to create a false narrative about it.
The progressive liberals like Pelosi felt that the last six years that Obama was in office the GOP with the blessing of the Tea Party obstructed Obama, so they feel it is payback time.
No they didn't. That was just their whiny little false narrative that they always create for the American people. It's called propaganda. The Tea Party and the GOP didn't "obstruct" anything. They did exactly what they were sent to Washington by the American to do. They campaigned on a platform and they actually kept those promises. What a radical concept, uh? One that is unfathomable to nitwit Dumbocrats like Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. And so of course they needed to create a false narrative about it.

What part of " They felt " did you not understand!?!

I know I am suppose to suckle the balls of Donald John Trump and believe and write everyone is Thy enemy unless they do the same, but alas I can not nor will I become the partisan nutter you would like me to be!

They and not me believe you and your candidates obstructed Obama. I also wrote it could backfire on them in swing states and lose seats, but please keep on telling me how wrong I am while not realizing what I wrote is my opinion of the thought process of progressive liberals like Pelosi...
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
I agree and have said from the time the Republicans chose Donald Trump to be president that he will not see-out his term. I also indicated that the Ides of March are getting closer.
You lost.

I fought against the orange clown....and, YES, I lost

You supported the douche bag....and, YES, you lost too, but are too dumb to realize it.......

I can sleep better for being smarter in recognizing slime.

The typical insecurity of a progressive twat that has to go with the "uze guyze are teh dumbs and i amz teh smartz" over-compensation.

How droll.
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
I agree and have said from the time the Republicans chose Donald Trump to be president that he will not see-out his term. I also indicated that the Ides of March are getting closer.

Nothing like assassination fantasy from some tin-pot wanna be revolutionary to get the morning started.
If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.
President Trump is flat out getting the job done. At this pace, he will go down as one of the GREATEST presidents ever...
  • Employment in the private sector surged by 298,000 for the month, with goods producers adding 106,000, ADP and Moody's Analytics said. Construction jobs swelled by 66,000 and manufacturing added 32,000.
  • In addition to the construction and manufacturing positions, mining and natural resources also contributed 8,000 to the total. Trump has promised to restore mining jobs as well.
  • The most construction jobs created in 11 years
Job creation posts blowout month in February
You are being rather selective in your list of Donald Trump's record. Do you not read the papers or watch channels other than Fox News on TV?
What part of " They felt " did you not understand!?!
What part of "no they didn't" and "false narrative" did you not understand? I realize you are a hypersensitive little bitch, but I was not attacking you at all (and especially wouldn't for not bowing to Trump). My point, that you missed in your hypersensitive meltdown, is that they didn't actually feel that way. That was just the narrative they created for political purposes. Next time, read what was written instead of being emotional and defensive.
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
I agree and have said from the time the Republicans chose Donald Trump to be president that he will not see-out his term. I also indicated that the Ides of March are getting closer.

Nothing like assassination fantasy from some tin-pot wanna be revolutionary to get the morning started.
Who said anything about assassination?
The reference to the Tides of March is that on that date the senators turned on Caesar. Likewise, the Republican senators will treacherously betray Trump. They will have to as the Democrats alone do not have the numbers to pull down the tyrant.
There are more ways than one to skin a cat.
Which is why 33 Electoral Districts voted for him.

What did we get with "Establishment Politicians?"

  • An oppressive and fiscally irresponsible government.
  • A Mandate nobody wanted, and that we had to completely dismantle the Partisan Legislation was so bad.
  • An Administration that was a government to itself, with multiple scandals and only themselves to investigate them and cover them up.
  • Russians giving Clinton and Obama $209 Million dollars.
  • Iran-Russian-Uranium-Ransom Gate
  • Fast & Furious
  • The IRS Scandal
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • Benghazi Gate
  • Clinton Server Gate
  • Clinton and Obama giving Classified Information to Unauthorized People.
  • Our Government Paying Terrorists to assassinate Qaddafi and then having those same terrorists attack The Benghazi Outpost\Weapons Depot
  • Blumenthal
  • Lies about The DNC server.
  • Illegal Taps on President Trump's Team.
  • Liberal Moles in out Intellgence Community.
  • 11 Trillion added to The National Debt.
  • Jobs moving overseas and skyrocketing health care.
  • Global Warming Hoax & Carbon Tax Scam

Liberals Believing Lying Every Day is a Virtue.
You are being rather selective in your list of Donald Trump's record. Do you not read the papers or watch channels other than Fox News on TV?
Uh-oh....clearly someone didn't click the link. If they had, they would have seen that the link was from CNBC. :eusa_whistle:
You are correct; I didn't click the link as my eyes glaze-over when economists blather-on.
Let's look at what he actually said-

"The president is a neophyte to politics. He’s been doing this a little over a year, and I think a lot of the things he says, you guys sometimes take literally. Sometimes he doesn’t have 27 lawyers and staff looking at what he does, which is I think at times refreshing and at times can also lead us to have to be sitting at a press conference like this… But at the end of the day, I think tweets are a very transparent way for a politician of any rank to communicate with their constituents. So I don’t think we should attack the president for tweeting."

Much different than your statement. By the way, a political neophyte is someone new to politics that doesn't yet know how the game is played. I'd much rather have someone not already indoctrinated into the ways of Washington, than a seasoned veteran.

As Nunez said, it can also be refreshingly transparent. He also stated that others need to quit taking everything so literally.
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
Which is why 33 Electoral Districts voted for him.

What did we get with "Establishment Politicians?"

  • An oppressive and fiscally irresponsible government.
  • A Mandate nobody wanted, and that we had to completely dismantle the Partisan Legislation was so bad.
  • An Administration that was a government to itself, with multiple scandals and only themselves to investigate them and cover them up.
  • Russians giving Clinton and Obama $209 Million dollars.
  • Iran-Russian-Uranium-Ransom Gate
  • Fast & Furious
  • The IRS Scandal
  • Travel Gate
  • FBI File Gate
  • Benghazi Gate
  • Clinton Server Gate
  • Clinton and Obama giving Classified Information to Unauthorized People.
  • Our Government Paying Terrorists to assassinate Qaddafi and then having those same terrorists attack The Benghazi Outpost\Weapons Depot
  • Blumenthal
  • Lies about The DNC server.
  • Illegal Taps on President Trump's Team.
  • Liberal Moles in out Intellgence Community.
  • 11 Trillion added to The National Debt.
  • Jobs moving overseas and skyrocketing health care.
  • Global Warming Hoax & Carbon Tax Scam

Liberals Believing Lying Every Day is a Virtue.
I cannot predict how long the list of Trump failures and scandals will look like should he be able to put the Ides of March behind him and stay his full term.
Likewise, the Republican senators will treacherously betray Trump. They will have to as the Democrats alone do not have the numbers to pull down the tyrant. There are more ways than one to skin a cat.
And why will Republicans "have to" turn on Trump? :uhh:

Barack Obama was unquestionably the worst tyrant in U.S. history. The Dumbocrats didn't "turn" on him because they love a good tyrant. Conversely, all President Trump has done is restore power to Congress and the states. He has actually reveresed all of the Executive Orders issued by Obama which illegally shifted powers to the Oval Office. He's been the least tyrannical of any president since the 20th century in his first two months.

The fact that you view a president who actually rejects power as "tyrannical" speaks volumes about what a partisan hack you are.
Let's look at what he actually said-

"The president is a neophyte to politics. He’s been doing this a little over a year, and I think a lot of the things he says, you guys sometimes take literally. Sometimes he doesn’t have 27 lawyers and staff looking at what he does, which is I think at times refreshing and at times can also lead us to have to be sitting at a press conference like this… But at the end of the day, I think tweets are a very transparent way for a politician of any rank to communicate with their constituents. So I don’t think we should attack the president for tweeting."

Much different than your statement. By the way, a political neophyte is someone new to politics that doesn't yet know how the game is played.

As Nunez said, it can also be refreshingly transparent. He also stated that others need to quit taking everything so literally.
Whether Nunes knew it or not, he pegged Trump as being someone who has NO place to inhabit the oval office.

If right wingers on here would abandon their pride for just a second, they'd agree that Trump is certainly on his way to be judged as the WORST president ever.....and we've had some bad ones in our history.

I would just add to republican Nunes' characterization of Trump as not only a neophyte, but given Trump's behavior, a neonate also.

Unless Trump's behavior changes dramatically, he will not last his 4 years in office.
It is doubtful that anyone criticizes President Trump for tweeting. Rather for what he tweets.

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