As predicted, the (announced) exit "in Afghanistan results in slaughter


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Thanks again, Obama.

"The rush for a withdrawal from Afghanistan has created the conditions to allow the Taliban to infiltrate the local security forces, Afghan and some Western military commanders insist, with around 7,000 recruits for the Afghan police and army having to be processed every month. Since the rise in the "green on blue" attacks, vetting has been tightened up, and one in 35 applicants is said to have been rejected. One Afghan official said 420 out of the 15,000 who applied to join the army in the last seven months appeared to have the sole aim of murdering Western troops."

Another day, another disaster: So what now for Afghanistan? - Asia - World - The Independent

Because they're okay with it.

People need to accept that our president and our left wing are okay with Americans being killed. They are committed to it. They LIKE it.

They're rubbing their hands together and cackling over this. They're ghouls.
I don't know why we ever announce Military actions to anyone, fuck when we invaded Iraq CNN had the cameras rolling before we even 1 US Troop set foot into Iraq.
Thanks again, Obama.

"The rush for a withdrawal from Afghanistan has created the conditions to allow the Taliban to infiltrate the local security forces, Afghan and some Western military commanders insist, with around 7,000 recruits for the Afghan police and army having to be processed every month. Since the rise in the "green on blue" attacks, vetting has been tightened up, and one in 35 applicants is said to have been rejected. One Afghan official said 420 out of the 15,000 who applied to join the army in the last seven months appeared to have the sole aim of murdering Western troops."

Another day, another disaster: So what now for Afghanistan? - Asia - World - The Independent

So, staying (and possibly adding more troops to the mix) would lead to less US soldier deaths? You suck at math.
Shut up, you piece of shit. Nobody wants to hear your claptrap about how it's cool that Islamofascists are slaughtering us.
Every general told obama this was going to happen. The ones who complained loudest got forcibly retired.
This Dumbo-N-Chief doesn't know what the hell he's doing.. Like Lindsey Graham just said on Fox.. He never created a job, hell never even held one except for Community Organizing.. He is and was a media creation.. An abject ignoramous who has become a danger to this nation with his willful stupidity on National Security and domestic policy. His merry band of nitwits only cement just how demented these dummies are.
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If we are going to bomb the pants off some third world shit hole, we should just do it. If we are going to invade someone, just do it. If we are going to bring the troops home, just do it. Don't announce it to the world a year in advance, god we are so fucking stupid.
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Who gives a shit? The taliban never went away like the yapping heads in the msm want you to believe if the Afghan people want the Taliban to disappear then they will...its none of our damn business...same shit happened and is happening in Iraq we in the US invade a stable country overthrow its leaders and then throw a fit when its time to leave and shit is more fucked up now than it was before we went in.
Shut up, you piece of shit. Nobody wants to hear your claptrap about how it's cool that Islamofascists are slaughtering us.

Let me guess, you are thinking "surge" right about now. Yeah, that worked out so fucking well in Iraq. Look at how peaceful that Democracy is these days....dipshit.
obama knew that reducing troop strength to a level that would not permit self defense would result in more deaths. That's why he did it.
Shut up, you piece of shit. Nobody wants to hear your claptrap about how it's cool that Islamofascists are slaughtering us.

Let me guess, you are thinking "surge" right about now. Yeah, that worked out so fucking well in Iraq. Look at how peaceful that Democracy is these days....dipshit.

You really are a stooge with no facts. EVERYone admits the surge worked in Iraq. Boooooooooosh took a lot of shit from you liberals and your media fawners over that but in the end, EVERYONE said it worked. When Booooooooooosh let office, Iraq was free and doing just fine... NOT NOW.. You can't blame the stupidity of this IGNORANT ASS President on Boooooooosh.. NO ONE IS BUYING YOUR LEFTIST KOOLAID.. NO ONE.

Peter Mansoor - How The Surge Worked

The CLUSTERFUCK came when your Idiot-N-Chief removed ALL forces without a remaining stability in the region.. IT'S CALLED FAIL FAIL FAIL.. All of the treasure, lives.. all pissed away by this Appeasement President whose policy of arab ass licking is blowing up in our fucking faces.
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Death is part of war, if you have no stomach for it then don't support the military or the govt. The main reason that it is good to keep on in Afghanistan is that we are next to Iran, and have a better launching point to hit Iran with air and missle attacks, or a land invasion. You know that Iran is very nervous having US forces and bases on two sides of them.
Afghanistan is not like Iraq in the sense that there are many differnt tribes amoungst the populace, Iraq had fewer.Auxillary troops are going to turn on the power that occupies that nation, no suprise, even our own troops turn on their own military.
This is the active season for the terrorist to strike, they made their profit from the sale of heroin and opium.
Oh look, a lefty telling us we should expect and welcome these deaths and trying to pretend they have nothing to do with bad policy.

Piece of shit.
This is the active season for the terrorist to strike, they made their profit from the sale of heroin and opium.

Is there no end to liberal stupidity??? Do all the liberal zombie herd get together and come up with the most asinine excuses to cover for your messiah?? Do you realize you sound like an ABSOLUTE stoopid fool????
Death is part of war, if you have no stomach for it then don't support the military or the govt. The main reason that it is good to keep on in Afghanistan is that we are next to Iran, and have a better launching point to hit Iran with air and missle attacks, or a land invasion. You know that Iran is very nervous having US forces and bases on two sides of them.

<Knocks on his pea sized brain> Ambassador Stevens and the 3 others did not have to die.. The State Dept, Obama and his Administration, HIILARY ROTTEN CLINTON, totally dropped the fucking ball... even after being warned and on 9-11 no less.. THAT'S TOTAL FUCKING INCOMPETENCE.. Ambassador Stevens was tortured and died a grizzley death... Obama slept.. went to Vegas. Liberals are bottom dwellers because it doesn't get more grotesque than this... and now you're making excuses and stating, Oh well, death happens??" REALLY????????????????

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