As long as Jews control the media, we will never end immigration

inquiring minds want to know.


And they'll believe ANYTHING...
So this means anybody who criticizes Jews are 'out there'?

For believing that Jews (or any other ethnic group) act concertedly to control the world is about as 'out there' as you can get.
I'd have more respect for someone who thought they were carrying Big Foot's baby.
So this means anybody who criticizes Jews are 'out there'?

For believing that Jews (or any other ethnic group) act concertedly to control the world is about as 'out there' as you can get.
I'd have more respect for someone who thought they were carrying Big Foot's baby.
why should truly superior Persons care? they should Love to Compete, just for Fun and Practice.

Ask Boss or Ding.
There is something in the Jew that is fanatical about importing non-whites into historically white areas.
  • George Soros, a billionaire Jew, is the driving force behind the Muslim invasion of Europe, and has, for years, spent millions ensuring continued mass immigration to the US.
  • When Carl Pope, a Jew, was head of the Sierra Club, he accepted a massive donation by a Jew in return for guaranteeing the Sierra Club took took no immigration position.
  • When the Jerusalem Post opposed Donald Trump's candidacy, it was because Trump wanted to adopt immigration policies similar to Israel's.
  • The Southern Poverty Law Center, led by Jews, demonizes any white person who opposes mass immigration.
  • The ACLU, led by Jews, along with the heavily Jewish American Immigration Lawyers' Association, provides legal muscle to resist efforts to curtail immigration.
  • The Ford Foundation, run by Jews, bankrolls pro-mass immigration propaganda.
  • Jews in Congress were the driving force behind the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, which kicked off the demographic disaster we are currently facing.
  • The mass media is overwhelmingly pro-mass immigration, refusing to include the immigration status of criminals, running bogus scare stories about labor shortages and crops rotting in the fields, and refusing to perform its duty to inform the American people about important topics. For example, how many Americans are aware of this important fact:

The simple fact of the matter is immigration will continue until one of two things happens: either we stand up and put a stop to it, or this country is no longer a desirable place to live.

Unfortunately, we will be unable to choose the first as long as Jews control media because we will lack the means to broadcast an effort to organize, the reasons for organizing will not be broadcast to the public, and any effort to organize will be demonized as racistxenophobicantisemetic.

Simple truth.

Did you know every keyboard has a built in recording device that sends everything you type to Mossad?
Look, Trump, I told you not to blurt that out!
psssst -- Nelson. I'm going to whisper this to you quietly so nobody else hears, but have you checked out your windows lately/? You see those little smudges on the glass?

Yep -- it's Jew nose prints. They're on to you, man. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


It may be time to be afraid, before we lose our country


I don't think we are about to lose our country to paranoid schizophrenics raving about Jews.

So you deny that most of the media is controlled by jews who control our media, and the media is extremely pro immigration?
If you were a member of the media feeding off free travel and the more variety in population the more stories, you'd also have an insane urge for open borders.
psssst -- Nelson. I'm going to whisper this to you quietly so nobody else hears, but have you checked out your windows lately/? You see those little smudges on the glass?

Yep -- it's Jew nose prints. They're on to you, man. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


It may be time to be afraid, before we lose our country
We've already lost it. For example, there was no American interest at stake when we invaded Iraq.
The Stock Market skyrocketed.
The "Jewish" Dick Cheney made a fortune.
psssst -- Nelson. I'm going to whisper this to you quietly so nobody else hears, but have you checked out your windows lately/? You see those little smudges on the glass?

Yep -- it's Jew nose prints. They're on to you, man. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


It may be time to be afraid, before we lose our country


I don't think we are about to lose our country to paranoid schizophrenics raving about Jews.

So you deny that most of the media is controlled by jews who control our media, and the media is extremely pro immigration?
If you were a member of the media feeding off free travel and the more variety in population the more stories, you'd also have an insane urge for open borders.
They like to cover humanitarian activities, like, "Doctors without Borders".
psssst -- Nelson. I'm going to whisper this to you quietly so nobody else hears, but have you checked out your windows lately/? You see those little smudges on the glass?

Yep -- it's Jew nose prints. They're on to you, man. Be afraid. Be very afraid.


It may be time to be afraid, before we lose our country


I don't think we are about to lose our country to paranoid schizophrenics raving about Jews.

So you deny that most of the media is controlled by jews who control our media, and the media is extremely pro immigration?
If you were a member of the media feeding off free travel and the more variety in population the more stories, you'd also have an insane urge for open borders.
They like to cover humanitarian activities, like, "Doctors without Borders".
Well, yeah.
Jews were involved in the Russian Revolution because the Czars Calvary had been using them for sword practice for a couple decades.
Let me guess. Jews were model citizens, good neighbors, productive and civic-minded to a man. Perfect in every way. Then, one Tuesday afternoon, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, the Tsar's calvary started using them for sword practice.

Is that the history?
So this means anybody who criticizes Jews are 'out there'?

For believing that Jews (or any other ethnic group) act concertedly to control the world is about as 'out there' as you can get.
I'd have more respect for someone who thought they were carrying Big Foot's baby.
Really? Your God commands it.

For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow; and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee. (Deuteronomy 28:13)

When thou comest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that is found therein shall be tributaries unto thee, and they shall serve thee. And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it: And when the LORD thy God hath delivered it into thine hands, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword: But the women, and the little ones, and the cattle, and all that is in the city, even all the spoil thereof, shalt thou take unto thyself; and thou shalt eat the spoil of thine enemies, which the LORD thy God hath given thee. (Deuteronomy 20:11)

Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities which are very far off from thee, which are not of the cities of these nations. (Deuteronomy 20:15)
Jews were involved in the Russian Revolution because the Czars Calvary had been using them for sword practice for a couple decades.
Let me guess. Jews were model citizens, good neighbors, productive and civic-minded to a man. Perfect in every way. Then, one Tuesday afternoon, for absolutely no reason whatsoever, the Tsar's calvary started using them for sword practice.

Is that the history?
Pretty much. Jews in Russia had zero influence. They were reviled and more often than not, the victims of Pogroms.

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