"As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam."

We are not at war with Islam.

No, we are not... Officially... But they are at War with us.

But that's not my point...

"Ever" is a long time...

There may come a day when we have to Acknowledge that they are Warring with us on many Fronts and Engage it in Kind.

Until then the Dishonest and Blind will Continue to Compartmentalize all of the Attacks, from the Beltway to Ft. Hood... From 9/11 to Hostage Crisis...

Those same Blind and Dishonest Americans will continue to say it's not Islam's Fault until we are looking at the Remains of one of our Cities...

That will come... Almost Certainly.

And then the War will be Fought and Won, and Islam will be Reformed by the very Sword it makes War with us with now...

Only the Sleeping, and currently Delusional Giant's Sword is something that only the Japanese and Germans can tell Nations of Islam about.

They will Cross a Line...

Either with us or Israel.

Until then we will Continue to see Blood Shed by their Cowardly Soldiers who hide behind Women and Children and Lies while our Liberals Excuse them, Rationalize and Justify it.

After all, we are the ones bringing it on ourselves, Correct?...

I will Continue to Pray for an Awakening in this Country before that Awakening is in the form of 10's, if not 100's of Thousands Dead in one Attack.

They will continue to Oppress and Murder their own in the name of Allah and Islamic Law from the Kingdom to Iran, and those same Islamic Leaders will extend their Oppression and Murder beyond their Borders while our President Bows and Apologizes to them for the Americans who REFUSE to Lie to themselves about Reality.

Fuck him and those who Excuse this Religion of War and all of it's Murder and Oppression around the World, by Individuals and the Governments who Inspire them in the name of Allah.

Not on this Day... I will NOT bite my Tongue.


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And we must never provoke in protest, TV, or teddy bears because the Religion of Peace may become "perpetually outraged". Don't make them mad because they might blow shit up, even though they are far more decent than Christians, or Republicans, or tea partiers, or...people with brains. And souls.
And we must never provoke in protest, TV, or teddy bears because the Religion of Peace may become "perpetually outraged". Don't make them mad because they might blow shit up, even though they are far more decent than Christians, or Republicans, or tea partiers, or...people with brains. And souls.

no you are just getting desperate and pathetic. "protest, TV, or teddy bears" is quite different than decades of bombings, coupes, sanctions, mass deaths, "collateral damage", destabilization, etc
"As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam." ~ Barry Obama.

Not EVER?... No matter what?...



Why yes, you see we have freedom of religion here and to declare war on a religion we would have to outlaw it's practice in the US.
Fuck Islam. I think over the last 1500 years they have established they convert by the sword and seek to control the world in any way possible.

I think in the last 1500 years they have established their MO, which is to first befriend, then oppress, those they see as enemies..and they see anyone who is not Muslim as an enemy.

I think over the last 1500 years they have proven that they habitually and institutionally abuse children, women, and people of different religions., and that they can justify any vile behavior with their koran.

Fuck them.

Just like Christians did fight major bloody battles under them, so did Muslims.
There were even Muslim dynasties, which solely did fought other Muslim dynasties not coming in touch with any other faith.

I really question your knowledge in history, because you make very weak arguments over a period - as you say - of 1500 years in 5 text lines.

"I think we'd all be more interested in looking at [violence of other religions] and looking at life of Moses and what the Old Testament teaches if Jews [and Christians] were flying planes into skyscrapers, shouting 'Allahu akbar,' slaughtering thousands of innocent Americans."
Ann Coulter, 11-26-02

"The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as 'Behead Those Who Insult Islam,' 'Europe, you will pay, extermination is on the way,' and 'Butcher those who mock Islam.' They warn Europe of their own impending 9/11 with sighs that say 'Europe: Your 9/11 will come'- which is ironic, because they almost had me convinced the Jews were behind the 9/11 attack."
Ann Coulter, 2-08-06

Let me try something

"The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as 'Thank God for Dead Soldiers,' 'God caused 9/11' and 'pray for more dead kids' They warn the US of their own impending apocalypse with sighs that say 'Fags Doom Nations'- which is ironic, because they almost had me convinced the gays were behind the terrorist attacks.""

So PC will you start treating Christians in a similar fashion or not?
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Just like Christians did fight major bloody battles under them, so did Muslims.
There were even Muslim dynasties, which solely did fought other Muslim dynasties not coming in touch with any other faith.

I really question your knowledge in history, because you make very weak arguments over a period - as you say - of 1500 years in 5 text lines.

"I think we'd all be more interested in looking at [violence of other religions] and looking at life of Moses and what the Old Testament teaches if Jews [and Christians] were flying planes into skyscrapers, shouting 'Allahu akbar,' slaughtering thousands of innocent Americans."
Ann Coulter, 11-26-02

"The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as 'Behead Those Who Insult Islam,' 'Europe, you will pay, extermination is on the way,' and 'Butcher those who mock Islam.' They warn Europe of their own impending 9/11 with sighs that say 'Europe: Your 9/11 will come'- which is ironic, because they almost had me convinced the Jews were behind the 9/11 attack."
Ann Coulter, 2-08-06

Let me try something

"The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as 'Thank God for Dead Soldiers,' 'God caused 9/11' and 'pray for more dead kids' They warn the US of their own impending apocalypse with sighs that say 'Fags Doom Nations'- which is ironic, because they almost had me convinced the gays were behind the terrorist attacks.""

So PC will you start treating Christians in a similar fashion or not?

First, let's remind readers that neither I nor Ms. Coulter wrote the above. Father Slime did.

And of course, the unspoken implication is that there is some sizeable portion of the Christian population that would subscribe to or carry the above as placards, as there is a sizeable portion of the Moslim population that supports sentiments as written in the original quote (see below).

This is, of course, false and defamatory, and represents the constant attempts of the left to indict religious folks for imagined infractions.

The size of the group that would carry your placards would fit comfortably into the cardboard box in which you reside.

Now, make your position clear: you are defending and supporting savages who proclaim:
"The little darlings brandish placards with typical Religion of Peace slogans, such as 'Behead Those Who Insult Islam,' 'Europe, you will pay, extermination is on the way,' and 'Butcher those who mock Islam.' They warn Europe of their own impending 9/11 with signs that say 'Europe: Your 9/11 will come'..."

Isn't that why you have attempted to change the subject and the thrust of the quote?
Or would you rather backtrack and scamper away with your tail between your legs?
No I was wondering that if you were apparently going to condemn Muslims for the actions of extremists whether or not it was OK to treat Christians the exact same way.

Since you pulled off a hissy fit my guess is no.

And we must never provoke in protest, TV, or teddy bears because the Religion of Peace may become "perpetually outraged". Don't make them mad because they might blow shit up, even though they are far more decent than Christians, or Republicans, or tea partiers, or...people with brains. And souls.

no you are just getting desperate and pathetic. "protest, TV, or teddy bears" is quite different than decades of bombings, coupes, sanctions, mass deaths, "collateral damage", destabilization, etc

Desperate and pathetic? Projection doesn't work on me.

So, you, like Rauf, blame America for 9/11? Got it.
"As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam." ~ Barry Obama.

Not EVER?... No matter what?...



Why yes, you see we have freedom of religion here and to declare war on a religion we would have to outlaw it's practice in the US.

There is no Specific Provision in the Constitution, and you are not a Majority of Justices, so THANKS for your Opinion.


Fuck Islam. I think over the last 1500 years they have established they convert by the sword and seek to control the world in any way possible.

I think in the last 1500 years they have established their MO, which is to first befriend, then oppress, those they see as enemies..and they see anyone who is not Muslim as an enemy.

I think over the last 1500 years they have proven that they habitually and institutionally abuse children, women, and people of different religions., and that they can justify any vile behavior with their koran.

Fuck them.

You do realize you just described the first >1500 years of Christianity too, don't you?
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And we must never provoke in protest, TV, or teddy bears because the Religion of Peace may become "perpetually outraged". Don't make them mad because they might blow shit up, even though they are far more decent than Christians, or Republicans, or tea partiers, or...people with brains. And souls.

no you are just getting desperate and pathetic. "protest, TV, or teddy bears" is quite different than decades of bombings, coupes, sanctions, mass deaths, "collateral damage", destabilization, etc

Desperate and pathetic? Projection doesn't work on me.

So, you, like Rauf, blame America for 9/11? Got it.

"blame america" is a cop out, I blame people who create our policies not the everyday people of our country
"As Americans, we will not or ever be at war with Islam." ~ Barry Obama.

Not EVER?... No matter what?...



Why yes, you see we have freedom of religion here and to declare war on a religion we would have to outlaw it's practice in the US.

There is no Specific Provision in the Constitution, and you are not a Majority of Justices, so THANKS for your Opinion.



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' ~ Barry Obama from 'Audacity of Hope'...



Again... That is your President.



the president was correct as was baby bush when he said similar things.

of course, psychos who want to villify every member of a belief system and, thereby, endanger everyone else, want to criticize for political points
Why yes, you see we have freedom of religion here and to declare war on a religion we would have to outlaw it's practice in the US.

There is no Specific Provision in the Constitution, and you are not a Majority of Justices, so THANKS for your Opinion.



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Who said Warring with Islam in the Middle East would keep Muslims in the US from Practicing and Supporting their Country from the Heretics abroad?...

"You are either with us... Or AGAINST us..."

Sounds different from Barry's Take, don't it? ;)


'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.' ~ Barry Obama from 'Audacity of Hope'...



Again... That is your President.



the president was correct as was baby bush when he said similar things.

of course, psychos who want to villify every member of a belief system and, thereby, endanger everyone else, want to criticize for political points

Are you calling me a Psycho now, Jillian?... ;)

"baby bush"... That's Adorable.

Don't Reference him if you can't Respect him, mmmkay. :lol:


“They may seek to spark conflict between different faiths, but as Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam. It was not a religion that attacked us that September day — ]it was al-Qaeda, a sorry band of men which perverts religion. And just as we condemn intolerance and extremism abroad, so will we stay true to our traditions here at home as a diverse and tolerant nation.”

Obama: U.S. not at war with Islam; 'sorry band of men' hit us on 9/11 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with terrorists. It's no longer an "overseas contingency operation" or a "man made disaster".

We are simply fighting a "sorry band of men".

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“They may seek to spark conflict between different faiths, but as Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam. It was not a religion that attacked us that September day — ]it was al-Qaeda, a sorry band of men which perverts religion. And just as we condemn intolerance and extremism abroad, so will we stay true to our traditions here at home as a diverse and tolerant nation.”

Obama: U.S. not at war with Islam; 'sorry band of men' hit us on 9/11 - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

We are not at war with Islam. We are not at war with terrorists. It's no longer an "overseas contingency operation" or a "man made disaster".

We are simply fighting a "sorry band of men".


And in between Executing Women for being Raped, Islam is Laughing at us...



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