Arrest in attempted MLK Day bombing in Spokane


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2008
Hating Hatters
The FBI has made an arrest in connection with the attempted bombing along the route of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in downtown Spokane.
An FBI source in Washington, D.C., said one man was arrested Wednesday northeast of Spokane. Agents, including a bomb expert from Quantico, Va., were preparing to search a house where others associated with the suspect were living, the source said.
The suspects are apparently affiliated with white supremacists, the source said.

Local News | Arrest in attempted MLK Day bombing in Spokane | Seattle Times Newspaper
The backpack, left on a metal bench along the route of the annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade in downtown Spokane, contained a bomb that, had it gone off, would have sprayed the crowd with lead pellets coated with rat poison. Investigators believe the bomb was placed in such a way as to maximize casualties.


Many rat poisons contain the chemical warfarin, an anticoagulant. There have been media reports that some suicide bombers in the Middle East pack their bombs with rat poison in hopes of making them more lethal.

I remember reading on here that the Idaho/Washington/Oregon area has become the headquarters for white nationalist groups like the Aryan Nation. It's disgusting that people can hate another race so much that it drives them to murder.

Maybe one of the board's resident racists will come along and explain why this is a great example of why we should still be segregated.
I wonder what this failed bombing attempt says about the IQ of white supremacists.
Frankly, I'm just glad that any hate-filled bigot asshole who would plant a bomb at a Dr. King Day parade managed to be enough of a fuck-up to plant a failed bomb and then dumb enough to get caught! :clap2: If they got the right scumbag, then I hope the prosecution roasts the fucking skell (figuratively speaking, of course) over a hot roasty toasty fire until he is "done" to perfection.

Can you say "LONG PRISON SENTENCE?" If he did it, that's what we should all be hoping he gets.
no, you actually maligned yourself, but hey, its your thread...;) get down with your funky self.
:lol: You don't know what you're talking about...but that's okay. IanC or xsited1 will be along any minute to explain how white supremacists have large IQs.
See what?

what she said, I don't know what the opinions of Ian or Xsited are on this....I have her commentary alone to remark upon. *shrugs*
I think you are out in left field somewhere, with your head stuck down a gopher hole.

What point are you trying to make about what I said?

I thought that possibly he was making light of your modifier. For the mentality of a white supremacist bomber is no different than the mentality of a black liberation army bomber. Any fuckwad willing to use bombs at a parade where the fucking things are likely to kill innocent people, including children, is a lowlife scumbag moron.

In other words, the modifier "white supremacist" before "bomber" is irrelevant. True, they are fucking idiot scumbags, but so would be ANYbody willing to do that regardless of their skin color or the basis of their vile hatreds.

Of course, Trajan might not agree with how I phrased any of this. He can proverbial kick my ass for speaking out of turn.
what she said, I don't know what the opinions of Ian or Xsited are on this....I have her commentary alone to remark upon. *shrugs*
I think you are out in left field somewhere, with your head stuck down a gopher hole.

What point are you trying to make about what I said?

I thought that possibly he was making light of your modifier. For the mentality of a white supremacist bomber is no different than the mentality of a black liberation army bomber. Any fuckwad willing to use bombs at a parade where the fucking things are likely to kill innocent people, including children, is a lowlife scumbag moron.

In other words, the modifier "white supremacist" before "bomber" is irrelevant. True, they are fucking idiot scumbags, but so would be ANYbody willing to do that regardless of their skin color or the basis of their vile hatreds.

Of course, Trajan might not agree with how I phrased any of this. He can proverbial kick my ass for speaking out of turn.
Could comment was directed at our resident white supremacists, the ones that start thread after thread about how skin color determines intelligence.
I think you are out in left field somewhere, with your head stuck down a gopher hole.

What point are you trying to make about what I said?

I thought that possibly he was making light of your modifier. For the mentality of a white supremacist bomber is no different than the mentality of a black liberation army bomber. Any fuckwad willing to use bombs at a parade where the fucking things are likely to kill innocent people, including children, is a lowlife scumbag moron.

In other words, the modifier "white supremacist" before "bomber" is irrelevant. True, they are fucking idiot scumbags, but so would be ANYbody willing to do that regardless of their skin color or the basis of their vile hatreds.

Of course, Trajan might not agree with how I phrased any of this. He can proverbial kick my ass for speaking out of turn.
Could comment was directed at our resident white supremacists, the ones that start thread after thread about how skin color determines intelligence.

I've seen a few posts by dopes of different races, here, who subscribe to such idiot notions. A pox on their houses. Well, that might be going a bit far.

How about a little prayer instead? May wisdom, enlightenment and humility invade the darkest corners of their pinheads.
It's nice to see people being so upset and speaking out against racial violence, I feel the same way.
not at all Bluto, (you're on a roll...;) especially right behind a classic JB troll... ( which I really don't see as a bad troll, actually) fact you can go any number of ways here, JB alludes to a point where in Islam supposedly takes a hit on a report of a bombing or possible bombing, then we get ravi's follow up on whitey suppey who has no protection what so ever because some see it as always fashionable to name that spade a spade.:eek::lol:

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