Arkansas GOP Senator Tenacious Tom Cotton was right: Corona came from a Chinese lab

Are the Chinese guilty of Crimes Against Humanity?

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An investigation COLLECTS EVIDENCE... and that collection is mounting..

There are legitimate questions regarding the lab in Wuhan that should be investigated. And maybe there's something to it. And the criticisms of China are spot on.

But of course, Orange Jesus worshippers take the huge leap that, indeed, it is responsible, and maybe it's to unleash biological warfare. There is no tangible evidence of the former and zero evidence of the latter.

These are people who to this day believe Obama was born in Kenya. So they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
There are two kinds of evidence Direct and Circumstantial.

The direct evidence of genome splicing is seen in the virus as there are THREE different strains that can not naturally occur or the chances that they could naturally occur are so astronomical to be seen as impossible.

Circumstantial evidence is BEHAVIORAL and indirect. Why did they stop all internal travel yet allow the sick to continue internationally? Why did they conceal the origin of the virus? Why did they use every decontamination tool from their military to scrub the city? Why are they hiding the number of dead? Why did they vacuum up PPE in the month that the WHO was covering for them?

Like we said, there is a huge pile of evidnece pointing to culpability and deception.
"The CDC reported there are definite signs that it came from a lab but said it finds no evidence to believe it was unleashed intentionally. Based on the scientific experts at the CDC and other facts, I believe this was China's biological Chernobyl."

China's CRIME was not in unintentionally leaking an infectious disease it was studying. Shit happens...and when you're working with some of the nastiest things on the planet that can kill you when 'shit happens' its usually on a HUGE scale.

China's crime was almost every step it took after that - hiding the news for weeks, refusing to stop International travel from Huwan, refusing to report it, reporting it late, not giving the WHO all of the information, refusing to allow the CDC in quickly to assess and assist, refusing to share time-sensitive analytical data...

In an event like this TIME = LIVES. China puts its pride and international reputation / status above concern for thousands of lives that have been lost.
And according to reliable conservative sources, the Tooth Fairy and Easter Bunny were involved too. More important news to follow.

"I want to argue for something which is controversial, although I believe that it is also intuitive and commonsensical. My claim is this: Oliver believes what he does because that is the kind of thinker he is or, to put it more bluntly, because there is something wrong with how he thinks. The problem with conspiracy theorists is not, as the US legal scholar Cass Sunstein argues, that they have little relevant information. The key to what they end up believing is how they interpret and respond to the vast quantities of relevant information at their disposal. I want to suggest that this is fundamentally a question of the way they are. Oliver isn’t mad (or at least, he needn’t be). Nevertheless, his beliefs about 9/11 are the result of the peculiarities of his intellectual constitution – in a word, of his intellectual character."

The intellectual character of conspiracy theorists | Aeon Essays

Your chink eyed totalitarian masters thank you for your service, faggot.
An investigation COLLECTS EVIDENCE... and that collection is mounting..

There are legitimate questions regarding the lab in Wuhan that should be investigated. And maybe there's something to it. And the criticisms of China are spot on.

But of course, Orange Jesus worshippers take the huge leap that, indeed, it is responsible, and maybe it's to unleash biological warfare. There is no tangible evidence of the former and zero evidence of the latter.

These are people who to this day believe Obama was born in Kenya. So they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
I have no idea where Obama was born. And I have never suggested this was a weapon.
Strike(diversion) 3 comming up?

Others in your branch have
It sure would be interesting to see what happened if this kind of thing turned out to be true.

How would the world react? How would China react? How would they be held responsible, exactly? If at all?
It's unlikely we will ever know the full truth. This idea helps explain why China REFUSED entry into the country by US experts to help with the catastrophe.
You'll never get straight answers from an authoritarian regime.
An investigation COLLECTS EVIDENCE... and that collection is mounting..

There are legitimate questions regarding the lab in Wuhan that should be investigated. And maybe there's something to it. And the criticisms of China are spot on.

But of course, Orange Jesus worshippers take the huge leap that, indeed, it is responsible, and maybe it's to unleash biological warfare. There is no tangible evidence of the former and zero evidence of the latter.

These are people who to this day believe Obama was born in Kenya. So they're not the sharpest knives in the drawer.
There are two kinds of evidence Direct and Circumstantial.

The direct evidence of genome splicing is seen in the virus as there are THREE different strains that can not naturally occur or the chances that they could naturally occur are so astronomical to be seen as impossible.

Circumstantial evidence is BEHAVIORAL and indirect. Why did they stop all internal travel yet allow the sick to continue internationally? Why did they conceal the origin of the virus? Why did they use every decontamination tool from their military to scrub the city? Why are they hiding the number of dead? Why did they vacuum up PPE in the month that the WHO was covering for them?

Like we said, there is a huge pile of evidnece pointing to culpability and deception.

Culpability and deception are certain. But that’s the nature of the CPC. That was true regardless the origin of the virus.
In the end, it will be apparent that these dog eating communists got exactly what they wanted. After all, they're the only country in the world that is back to normal. What I'm wondering is what will we do about it? But the way things stand right now with us being dependent on them for so many needed products, I wouldn't be surprised if we covered their bullshit up until we were better able to supply our own needs. We can thank every asshole President since Kennedy for being in this idiotic position, especially the Bushes.
Like it or not right now we are linked at the hip to China. Because we are currently relying on them for many critical needs we are walking on eggshells.

That's where you are wrong. China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start.

Bad actors screwing everyone else, to include those who have tried to help them?

"After telling the world that it would donate masks, face guards and testing equipment to Italy, China quietly backtracked and sold the Mediterranean country desperately-needed medical equipment, according to a report. What's worse is that the personal protective equipment (PPE) China forced Italy to buy was actually the same PPE Italy donated to China before coronavirus rushed its own shores and killed nearly 16,000 people."

China sells the UK defective CPOVID-19 material

The CDC declared in a report that if China had sounded the alarm right away and had halted international travel form Huwan as soon as they knew they had a problem 95% of all of this infection and death could have been avoided.

They haven't just been secretive and refused to share time-sensitive, life-saving information, they have ben f*ing the entire world this whole time....

Anyone who trusts China right now, as they CONTINUE to lie / hide data / screw other nations has a death wish.
"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".
That is the nature of Chinese Communists or any other Communist for that matter, whether involve in a nefarious plot or not. At it's heart, it is a closed society, no matter what the surface interactions with the world in the name of commerce may be. Does not in any way suggest, they did anything intentional, accept hide like a frightened child from their mistake. Those that advocate otherwise, without concrete evidence are equally or possibly more dangerous to the world.
Just because CNN reports on it doesn't mean the theory holds water,

"The theory has been pushed by supporters of the President, including some congressional Republicans, who are eager to deflect criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic."

The belief that Trump "mishandled" the pandemic is more fake news and a lie. He's doing a great job.

The number of wagons that circle the self proclaimed all powerful leader is shrinking.
I have consistently had the position that this virus originated in a Wuhan lab. I have also been repeatedly mocked by the left on here for peddling conspiracy theories.
Well now even CNN is waking up to the increasing likelyhood that this came out of a lab and not from a wet market which incidentally doesn't even sell the bat because it's not native to the area. In fact the closest location of these bats in question is roughly 600 miles away.

I had a link to a video that was very well done and supported, and the scientists say there's no way it was natural, it was reverse engineering. The link is broken, the video was removed.
"The CDC reported there are definite signs that it came from a lab but said it finds no evidence to believe it was unleashed intentionally. Based on the scientific experts at the CDC and other facts, I believe this was China's biological Chernobyl."

Ya think? A way of saying it was manufactured while not saying it directly.

I'm still not convinced it was accidental as they stopped internal travel but not international travel. It would not be the first time a Marxist regime used its expendable citizens in a way that could be construed as an attack to cover up their intentions. We in the west would never do this due to our morals but the Chinese have no problem using people or killing them to further their goals.
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Just because CNN reports on it doesn't mean the theory holds water,

"The theory has been pushed by supporters of the President, including some congressional Republicans, who are eager to deflect criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic."

The belief that Trump "mishandled" the pandemic is more fake news and a lie. He's doing a great job.

The number of wagons that circle the self proclaimed all powerful leader is shrinking.

You sidestepped content and took your feelings route. Why would that be PROG?
Investigators follow?

And sometimes they look for evidence, when there is yet none. Right?

So, basically, you dont know if there is any new evidence, but you loved the sound of it and decided to make it the thread title anyway. I sense Rubber Room in this threads future.
"China has done nothing but lie, deceive, hide, engage in secrecy and misinformation, and has refused to share any data on COVID-19 from the start".

Trumpybear disagrees.

Feb. 23

"I think President Xi is working very, very hard. I spoke to him. He's working very hard. I think he's doing a very good job. It's a big problem. But President Xi loves his country. He's working very hard to solve the problem, and he will solve the problem. OK?"

Feb. 26

“China is working very, very hard. I have spoken to President Xi, and they’re working very hard. And if you know anything about him, I think he’ll be in pretty good shape. They’re — they’ve had a rough patch, and I think right now they have it — it looks like they’re getting it under control more and more. They’re getting it more and more under control.”
When I was a kid my mom had a favorite figurine that rested under a fragile, near see-through crystal dome sitting on top of a small wooden pedestal. One day she grounded me for doing something I shouldn't have been doing and she made me stay inside instead of letting me play ball with the neighborhood kids. The next day, still grounded I was still pissed and started throwing a tennis ball against a wall in the house before my mom got home....I knew better but did it anyway....

On one throw the ball hit in just the right spot where the floor met the wall that it took a weird bounce backwards....straight for the figurine. Yeah - wipe out. I knew I was a dead man.

I came up with this great idea, though. I wouldn't tell her - I could get away with this (I thought). The crystal dome was unsalvageable so I tossed it. I glued the pieces of the figurine back together, placed it back on top of the pedestal, and stuck the whole thing back on the table where it originally was, nestled amongst her other knickknacks. She would never know...and if she ever discovered it I would deny it or blame my brother....

Like a small child not wanting to own up to what they had done, like I did, China 'broke the figurine' and instead of immediately fessing up, they hid it, hoping no one would notice. When someone finally did, China attempted to blame the US military in China for bringing it into the country.....a lie that fell apart quickly....and the repercussions, as I found out, got a lot worse the longer they tried to hide it.

I broke a figurine...China unleashed a global pandemic.

Just because CNN reports on it doesn't mean the theory holds water,

"The theory has been pushed by supporters of the President, including some congressional Republicans, who are eager to deflect criticisms of Trump's handling of the pandemic."

The belief that Trump "mishandled" the pandemic is more fake news and a lie. He's doing a great job.

The number of wagons that circle the self proclaimed all powerful leader is shrinking.

You sidestepped content and took your feelings route. Why would that be PROG?

I quoted the CNN article the OP linked to.


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