Arizona Audit and its benefit to the GOP.

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
Following the release of the fraudit results there is a real chance for the GOP to draw a line under this nonsense and try to regain some semblance of being a political party.

They need to leave clear water between them and trump and his nihilist policies. Otherwise they face a long period in opposition.
I think that they lack the leadership to reject trumpism. They need to concentrate on their core values of cruelty and racism. Forget all this jewish space laser crap.
What is "trumpism"? Can you define it for me? I hear the word, but nobody has ever said exactly what it means.
When you see someone behaving like a pig. No manners, no decency and no honesty. That is trumpism.
The above is a good example of someone afflicted with TDS....all he and his ilk can do is throw out childish pejoratives with no substantiation....not realizing how it puts his irrational hatred of Trump on full display.

So pathetic.

Oh yeh......dat orange man is a bad, bad boy. hehheh
When you see someone behaving like a pig. No manners, no decency and no honesty. That is trumpism.

I didn't know you were a Trump fan, Tommy! Will you be having a family reunion at the next rally?

I am far left and anti-Trump, but clearly the elections are being done all wrong.
Simply NEVER use voting machines.
They obvious are always easily hacked and only destroy election credibility.
Anyone claiming there is any purpose or advantage to voting machines at all, is just lying.
They do get results quicker to the media, but that is bad, in that early preliminary results may dissuade others from voting later.
That is a very bad thing.
Get rid of all the voting machines, or else there is obvious intent to defraud.
When you see someone behaving like a pig. No manners, no decency and no honesty. That is trumpism.
So trumpism is your frustration and ill will against people of a political ideology?

Hate to say it, but the traits you describe exist across all ideological spectrums.
Following the release of the fraudit results there is a real chance for the GOP to draw a line under this nonsense and try to regain some semblance of being a political party.

They need to leave clear water between them and trump and his nihilist policies. Otherwise they face a long period in opposition.
Well first, the GOP is stuck with Trump and his rubes for at least the short term. He owns the party, and the only thing that could change that would be so many losses that the "rigged election" excuse stopped working.

And second, the GOP has a very good chance of gaining back Congress in 2022 and Trump could very well win again in 2024. Especially if the Democrats can't repeat their turnout of 2020.

This orange stain on our history isn't going anywhere, at least for a while.

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