Aren't Private Companies In The Business Of Making Profit?

Question for the Moonbats: If all corporations became Non Profits, who would you tax to fund your Big Government Spending Dreams?

Link to ANY post that someone has said ALL corporations should become non-profits?

Alrighty then.

Which corporations deserve profits and which don't?

They all should be able to profit.....except for health insurance companies, not how they are currently structured. I am not for the profiting off of the denial of health care to people.
If you knew business and the insurance industry in general, you would understand why that would NOT work without government subsidizing it.

When the shareholders are compensated, that 4% profit they make is down to barely nothing.

Without the shareholders, they would not exist.

Your biggest complaint are the salaries and bonuses of the executives....but when you add them up and divide it by the amount insured, it is pennies per insured.

That being said, a non profit insurance company would go bankrupt during the first flu outbreak.

Um, do you understand the term "co-op"? Well, obviously not. It would be the same idea as private insurance minus profts and shareholers... you know, sane and logical, where healthcare for most Americans is concerned. There is still boutique insurance left for the private parasites to fight over. I have no love lost for anyone in that industry from personal experience.

And you are aware that premiums will go most....4%...and being non profit, you will have lower salaries for the employees...including the lower quality of service....

So is that worth it for the 4% you will save on the premium?
Ooh! I know this one!

How about: Dropping people from their policy when they get seriously ill and then forcing that person to sue them for coverage and then dragging out the trial and settlement for years and years until the person either gives up or dies. VERY innovative. Douchebag parasites... We must have a public option... government or not, we must.

So it will magically become better when we replace the corporate burecrat with some government burecrat? At least with a company you can take your business elsewhere. Try that with a single government entitiy.

My insurance company dropped me and I have Stage 4 lung cancer. May I buy a policy please?

Hey! I tried to take my business elsewhere!

The gap between academics, ideology and real life is staggeringly wide and unfathomably deep.

Why did they drop you? What was the reason, unless you are just being snarky and made this up.

Also, with government health care, they can just ignore you instead of dropping you. See the DMV on how effective government agencies can be at ignoring thier customer base.
So tell does a private company make a profit out of taking care of old ladies with cancer?
Revenue > Cost

There seems to be a contradiction between providing the care these vulnerable people need and making the profit that comes from not paying for the care these vulnerable people need.
False premise.
Profit can be made while paying for the care people need.
So it will magically become better when we replace the corporate burecrat with some government burecrat? At least with a company you can take your business elsewhere. Try that with a single government entitiy.

You obviously don't understand the concept of "option". And most people do NOT have a choice of insurance. They either buy what is offered from their workplace (if offered) or they go without. The average person cannot afford stand-alone private health insurance, especially on declining salaries and the cost of living rising the way it is. I know I couldn't afford it on my own.

Will say it again.....cause you refuse to admit it...

Based on the numbers you have thrown out most certainly CAN afford just simply opt to spend your money elsewhere

Insurance for single coverage can be bought for 3500 a year.....that is tax it is equivalent to the spending power of about 2500 a year...or 200 a month...about 50 a week....about 7 bucks a day.

Now...seeing as health insurance is no longer insurance....and it is USED to be it is used to pay for any medical cost....even your semi annual visit....the average 600 bucks a year that you should be paying on your own to your doctor for regular check ups should be deducted from that number (we will say 400 as that, too, was tax deductable)...the extra cost in spendable dollars to you is 2100 per year....or about 40 a week....or a little over 5 bucks a day.....

Yep....5 bucks a day so you can be assured to have any catastrophic medical situation not destroy you financially...

Bet you spend more than that for coffee each day....yet you complain about it being too expensive for your health?

LOL....talking points.....just analyze it and you will see how silly you sound.

Unfathomable lack of grasp of the tax codes and economics. Medical expenses (ie: insurance) are not deductable until you have spent 7.5% of your AGI on it. An AGI of 47K would not allow you to deduct the first 3500 in expenses, or in this case, your med. insurance.

So it will magically become better when we replace the corporate burecrat with some government burecrat? At least with a company you can take your business elsewhere. Try that with a single government entitiy.

My insurance company dropped me and I have Stage 4 lung cancer. May I buy a policy please?

Hey! I tried to take my business elsewhere!

The gap between academics, ideology and real life is staggeringly wide and unfathomably deep.

Why did they drop you? What was the reason, unless you are just being snarky and made this up.

Also, with government health care, they can just ignore you instead of dropping you. See the DMV on how effective government agencies can be at ignoring thier customer base.


So not everyone who wants a license can get one?
Link to ANY post that someone has said ALL corporations should become non-profits?

Alrighty then.

Which corporations deserve profits and which don't?

They all should be able to profit.....except for health insurance companies, not how they are currently structured. I am not for the profiting off of the denial of health care to people.

the only ones they deny (withhe exception of clerical errors) are those with pre-existing conditions.

And that is not the fault of the insurance companies.

That is the fault of the greed of the people.

Many used to NOT buy insurance until AFTER they found out they had a condition.

So such had to be stopped.

Dont blame the industry...blame the greed of the people. ANd now we must suffer the consequences.
Link to ANY post that someone has said ALL corporations should become non-profits?

Alrighty then.

Which corporations deserve profits and which don't?

They all should be able to profit.....except for health insurance companies, not how they are currently structured. I am not for the profiting off of the denial of health care to people.

But grocery stores make money by denying food to people who don't pay for it.

Isn't that EVUL?
Are you willing to put your life savings into a co-op pool without any return on your capital?

I am not ASKING for a return on capital - just guaranteed insurance due to pooling millions of my fellow Americans. You really don't grasp this co-op concept, do you? Picture 3 million Americans all paying in $20-50 a month every month for simple basic insurance. Will all of those people have claims every month? NO. Will many of those people just have one checkup a year? YES. But they know that they have guaranteed insurance when they need it. Why would anyone want to pay 4x more just so the executives can all have 7 figure salaries, high overhead and company jets. Oh, and we can't forget worrying about the shareholders, as that would be US.
An INNOVATION of Insurance company: pooling risk so that we can be insured against catastrophic loss.

If you don't value it, then you can forgo coverage.

LOL, do you understand what the word innovation means? You keep describing how the concept of insurance works.

You said

A company's ability to make profit enables it to make the innovations to provide more care to more people, bub.

So, what innovations have insurance companies come up with that has provided more care to more people?

No offense...but do you know what the term "insurance" means?

Hasnt anyone noticed that the OIbama adminsitration and the democrats no longer refer to it as insurance?

It is now called "health care"...cost of health care.

It is NO LONGER INSURANCE......and once it is no longer insuyrance, risk is no longer used to determine premuims.....COSTS are used to determine them.

Of course I do, I agree that how medical care in this country is delivered is severely flawed. That's an entirely different topic. But insurance companies have embedded themselves in to the entire process. They offer nothing to the equation when paying customers aren't even being insured. It's a fucked system that needs a drastic overhaul.
You obviously don't understand the concept of "option". And most people do NOT have a choice of insurance. They either buy what is offered from their workplace (if offered) or they go without. The average person cannot afford stand-alone private health insurance, especially on declining salaries and the cost of living rising the way it is. I know I couldn't afford it on my own.

Will say it again.....cause you refuse to admit it...

Based on the numbers you have thrown out most certainly CAN afford just simply opt to spend your money elsewhere

Insurance for single coverage can be bought for 3500 a year.....that is tax it is equivalent to the spending power of about 2500 a year...or 200 a month...about 50 a week....about 7 bucks a day.

Now...seeing as health insurance is no longer insurance....and it is USED to be it is used to pay for any medical cost....even your semi annual visit....the average 600 bucks a year that you should be paying on your own to your doctor for regular check ups should be deducted from that number (we will say 400 as that, too, was tax deductable)...the extra cost in spendable dollars to you is 2100 per year....or about 40 a week....or a little over 5 bucks a day.....

Yep....5 bucks a day so you can be assured to have any catastrophic medical situation not destroy you financially...

Bet you spend more than that for coffee each day....yet you complain about it being too expensive for your health?

LOL....talking points.....just analyze it and you will see how silly you sound.

Unfathomable lack of grasp of the tax codes and economics. Medical expenses (ie: insurance) are not deductable until you have spent 7.5% of your AGI on it. An AGI of 47K would not allow you to deduct the first 3500 in expenses, or in this case, your med. insurance.


Interesting....since I do not have a grasp of what an accountant does for a living I am worthy of ridicule?

Are you implying that everyone should know exactly what is and what is not a deduction...and at what point based on what income?

Or are you just showing off?

I bety I can talk cricles around you in regard to other topics I know pemty about...and I would not ridicule you.

Why must you act so childish?
Are you willing to put your life savings into a co-op pool without any return on your capital?

I am not ASKING for a return on capital - just guaranteed insurance due to pooling millions of my fellow Americans. You really don't grasp this co-op concept, do you? Picture 3 million Americans all paying in $20-50 a month every month for simple basic insurance. Will all of those people have claims every month? NO. Will many of those people just have one checkup a year? YES. But they know that they have guaranteed insurance when they need it. Why would anyone want to pay 4x more just so the executives can all have 7 figure salaries, high overhead and company jets. Oh, and we can't forget worrying about the shareholders, as that would be US.

Whose money is going to be in the pool and why would they have any confidence that it is managed properly so that when they need health care, money will be available to pay for it?

And given that a pool of money is, by its very nature, finite - who decides how much care each member of the pool should receive? If one person's health care consumed 10% of the pool, should the pool pay for it?
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Yes, and I also understand it is merely a stepping stone to a single payer system. Please dont insult other's intellect by stating otherwise.

Absolutely FALSE. Whatabout a non-profit public insurance co-op? I think that could work EXTREMELY well for this nation.

If you knew business and the insurance industry in general, you would understand why that would NOT work without government subsidizing it.

When the shareholders are compensated, that 4% profit they make is down to barely nothing.

Without the shareholders, they would not exist.

Your biggest complaint are the salaries and bonuses of the executives....but when you add them up and divide it by the amount insured, it is pennies per insured.

That being said, a non profit insurance company would go bankrupt during the first flu outbreak.

My wife belongs to a non profit insurance CO-OP that has existed quite well for over 100 years.
LOL, do you understand what the word innovation means? You keep describing how the concept of insurance works.

You said

So, what innovations have insurance companies come up with that has provided more care to more people?

No offense...but do you know what the term "insurance" means?

Hasnt anyone noticed that the OIbama adminsitration and the democrats no longer refer to it as insurance?

It is now called "health care"...cost of health care.

It is NO LONGER INSURANCE......and once it is no longer insuyrance, risk is no longer used to determine premuims.....COSTS are used to determine them.

Of course I do, I agree that how medical care in this country is delivered is severely flawed. That's an entirely different topic. But insurance companies have embedded themselves in to the entire process. They offer nothing to the equation when paying customers aren't even being insured. It's a fucked system that needs a drastic overhaul.

For my employees and my family, I had what I believed to be a solid plan...a fair plan.....but we took a survey when the policy was approaching expiration and found that the ijnsurer tended to argue every claim. They never won the argument as the terms were the terms and the coverage was the coverage....but the physicians had to regile for the claim with a better explanation, and they were always paid,

However, I did not like the way they handled things...making it difficult for me, my employees and my we did not renew with them.

They came backl to me two years later with assurance that they had fine tuned their systems...and asked me to reconsider...and I did...and they are much better now....

That is pure competition at its best...the consumer dictated the level of servie and the cost.
I just want to be sure that you understand that with a public option you are still free to choose whatever insurance plan you want. You have the option of private or government plans. Many on this site can't comprehend the difference even what the PPACA that has passed and a "goverment takeover", nevermind how a public option is different and still not a single payer system.

We comprehend the difference just fine. Ignoring the topic of government control and wealth redistribution and just addressing your point on there still being private insurance, there are three obvious issues:

1) The public option doesn't need to make money, private carriers do. The government can just tax more to pay for it. How can private carriers compete with that? They will go out of business because they have to make a profit, they can't just confiscate someone's money as government can.

If private insurance companies are so wonderful and offered a great product they wouldn't have to fear a government option. According to you guys private companies ALWAYS do things better then government programs, right? Sooo, the only people who would choose a government plan are those who wanted a low cost, no frills plan. Is FedEx or UPS in danger of being put of business by the post office?

And if hoards of people did choose the public option, what does that tell you about the quality of the offering of private insurance??

Actually I don't say private companies always do better then government options. I markets...always do better then government options. Government healthcare is not choice, it is removal of choice. Private companies that are regulated by government are no better then government. It's not the private that makes them better, it's the free. Though while "private" doesn't make markets better, it does make "charity" better.
Absolutely FALSE. Whatabout a non-profit public insurance co-op? I think that could work EXTREMELY well for this nation.

If you knew business and the insurance industry in general, you would understand why that would NOT work without government subsidizing it.

When the shareholders are compensated, that 4% profit they make is down to barely nothing.

Without the shareholders, they would not exist.

Your biggest complaint are the salaries and bonuses of the executives....but when you add them up and divide it by the amount insured, it is pennies per insured.

That being said, a non profit insurance company would go bankrupt during the first flu outbreak.

My wife belongs to a non profit insurance CO-OP that has existed quite well for over 100 years.

Then why isnt everyone joining it?
Alrighty then.

Which corporations deserve profits and which don't?

They all should be able to profit.....except for health insurance companies, not how they are currently structured. I am not for the profiting off of the denial of health care to people.

But grocery stores make money by denying food to people who don't pay for it.

Isn't that EVUL?

So the middle class can't afford food now?
Most of the middle class has health coverage, bub.

And you still have not adequately explained Which Corporations Deserve Profits and Which Don't.

I'd also like to know who you think should decide which corporations belong to which category.
A company's ability to make profit enables it to make the innovations to provide more care to more people, bub.

Don't waste your time explaining anything to these fools. It's a very simple concept that they frankly, can't get their tiny little minds around.

Can't explain it, huh? ROFLMAO. YOu have been one of the loudest, emptiest wagons that posts on this board.

Empty vessels make the most noise was proven by that summama...!
Are you willing to put your life savings into a co-op pool without any return on your capital?

I am not ASKING for a return on capital - just guaranteed insurance due to pooling millions of my fellow Americans. You really don't grasp this co-op concept, do you? Picture 3 million Americans all paying in $20-50 a month every month for simple basic insurance. Will all of those people have claims every month? NO. Will many of those people just have one checkup a year? YES. But they know that they have guaranteed insurance when they need it. Why would anyone want to pay 4x more just so the executives can all have 7 figure salaries, high overhead and company jets. Oh, and we can't forget worrying about the shareholders, as that would be US.

Whose money is going to be in the pool and why would they have any confidence that it is managed properly so that when they need health care, money will be available to pay for it?

And given that a pool of money is, by its very nature, finite - who decides how much care each member of the pool should receive? If one person's health care consumed 10% of the pool, should the pool pay for it?

I dont believe Peepers understands how those insurance companies operate.

She sees it as money comes in and put in the bank....not invested or "lent"....

Funny thing is...if they really understood, the compaint should not be about the insurance companies....the real complaint are the cost of the healthcare professionals.....

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