Are You Supporting Institutionalized Forced Slavery? Look Close, You Probably Are.


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
This is less about racism and more about slavery, real, actual slavery, not the kind that Blacks so often whine about happening to their great, great, great grand-fathers . . . maybe. I kinda turn a deaf ear to Blacks calling for reparations who have never known slavery and hold one of the highest standards of living in the world, while more has been done to make right kissing their ass than any other race in history.

No, I'm talking about REAL SLAVERY going on today, that many of us including many blacks probably support without even realizing it, using the excuse "I just didn't know any better" while condemning the plantation owners of the 1700s and 1800s who also didn't know any better because that was just how things were done in the day. They were bad people but you are OK, right?

Who makes the best slave-owners? Not the whites, not the rich, but the big capitalist conglomerates, the government, and "the system" too big to know what the other hand is doing. Now one might argue that a lot of that is rich white people, but that would be only partly true.

And who makes the best slaves? The poor, the very poor, especially poor women. And perhaps the worst people in all of this are those who exploit them.

So, if you want to know who are the slaves, and how to avoid the slave owners and reward those careful to avoid slave labor, read on.

Did a slave make your sneakers? The answer is: probably

Our world is literally being run off of slave forced labor and too many companies just look the other way. This, I care deeply about.
Don't care. Many times the bowl of rice a day fed to slaves is the only food they get. Of course the slaves can always become free prostitutes. There is that.

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