Are You Still Puffing?


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
The war on smokers seems to be working. Less people in the US are lighting up cigarettes. Some that smoke menthols are SOL because of the ban on them.
Those menthol smokers are finding ways to get them, but at a high price. Knowing someone in another State who will ship them to you is one of the ways, but at $110.00 per carton + shipping. Ouch. Especially if you smoke a pack a day.

My brand was Camel filters. When the price hit $8.00 a pack I said that would help me quit. It didn't. Get on a smoking cessation program. I did and I quit. Took me a year wearing a Nic patch. 21mg for 6 months and a 14mg for 6 more months, which I got for free for being in the program. I also get an annual chest CT scan to check for lung cancer, which is also FOC.

"Here’s some good news: Cigarette smoking hit record lows in the US, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. An estimated 11.1 percent of American adults were regular cigarette users in 2022—a drop from the 14.4 percent reported in 2019"

When I grew up in the 60s, 40 percent of the public smoked. Those who smoked did two or more packs a day. They were free to smoke anywhere they pleased…, school, movie theaters, elevators, bars, restaurants.
It was considered rude to ask someone not to smoke.

Times have changed. Smokers are now outcasts. They can’t smoke in public…even beaches. Many can’t even smoke in their own homes or cars. The number of smokers is down to around 10 percent and those smokers have so little opportunity to smoke that a pack a day is a lot
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When I grew up in the 60s, 40 percent of the public smoked. Those who smoked did two or more packs a day. They were free to smoke anywhere they pleased…, school, movie theaters, elevators, bars, restaurants.
It was considered rude to ask someone not to smoke.
When I started smoking, cigs were $0.35 a pack at the gas station. Most everyone I knew smoked.
In the 1950's cigs were 25 cents in machines and over the counter, $2/carton. Even then guys would bring them up from down south and sell them for much less.

The cheapest I ever bought them was at Elmendorf Air Force base in Anchorage, Alaska (enroute to Korea, 1963), 11 cents a pack, no state or fed taxes on military bases. Put 15 cents in machine, out came pack of Lucky's with 4 pennies taped to side of pack.
The war on smokers seems to be working. Less people in the US are lighting up cigarettes.

It doesn't seem to be catching on in the rest of the world, though. I see a lot of smokers every time I'm in Europe and it's still very common in southern Asia.
Back in the day when I was in the Navy, smokes were so cheap that the joke was if you didn’t smoke, you were losing money.
When I grew up in the 60s, 40 percent of the public smoked. Those who smoked did two or more packs a day. They were free to smoke anywhere they pleased…, school, movie theaters, elevators, bars, restaurants.
It was considered rude to ask someone not to smoke.

Times have changed. Smokers are now outcasts. They can’t smoke in public…even beaches. Many can’t even smoke in their own homes or cars. The number of smokers is down to around 10 percent and those smokers have so little opportunity to smoke that a pack a day is a lot
Luckily I never had a habit. When I was about 10 years old, I took a pack of my dad's Salems and shared them with my friends.

When he found out, he made me smoke a whole pack.

I got so sick, I never touched another cigarette again.
It doesn't seem to be catching on in the rest of the world, though. I see a lot of smokers every time I'm in Europe and it's still very common in southern Asia.

That is because in Europe, they smoke real, quality tobacco and not the total CRAP they sell here in the USA. Years ago, I used to smoke cigarettes imported from India and there was no comparison between them and any cigarette I've ever bought in the USA.
The war on smokers seems to be working. Less people in the US are lighting up cigarettes. Some that smoke menthols are SOL because of the ban on them.
Those menthol smokers are finding ways to get them, but at a high price. Knowing someone in another State who will ship them to you is one of the ways, but at $110.00 per carton + shipping. Ouch. Especially if you smoke a pack a day.

My brand was Camel filters. When the price hit $8.00 a pack I said that would help me quit. It didn't. Get on a smoking cessation program. I did and I quit. Took me a year wearing a Nic patch. 21mg for 6 months and a 14mg for 6 more months, which I got for free for being in the program. I also get an annual chest CT scan to check for lung cancer, which is also FOC.

"Here’s some good news: Cigarette smoking hit record lows in the US, according to a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey. An estimated 11.1 percent of American adults were regular cigarette users in 2022—a drop from the 14.4 percent reported in 2019"

In my heavy party days, I could smoke nearly 3 packs in a day. But normally, I was a pack a day smoker. I quit cold turkey in 2002.
That is because in Europe, they smoke real, quality tobacco and not the total CRAP they sell here in the USA. Years ago, I used to smoke cigarettes imported from India and there was no comparison between them and any cigarette I've ever bought in the USA.

They'll both slowly kill you.
Two years ago I had my 1st chest CT scan and 12 benign nodules were found on my right lung. None on my left lung.

A friend died from lung cancer. Never smoked.
They'll both slowly kill you.

Like all things, Taz, not if used in moderation. The trick is to allow the body to recover and clear itself regularly.

The government lies to you about covid, they lie to you about J6, they lie to you about the Kennedy Assassination, they lie to you about climate change, and they lie to you about tobacco. The tobacco industry (in the USA at least) has simply fallen out of favor with the FDA, all based on biased studies done on the crap they let sold to you in the first place as if all tobacco were alike. Meanwhile, there are tobaccos out there you've never even heard of.

Even poison is safe if taken slow enough.

Meanwhile, you can die of overeating gourmet food.

Besides, something will get you sooner or later so you might as well enjoy life, and fine tobacco, like fine wine and fine food and fine women are all a pleasure.

And deadly. :SMILEW~130:

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