Are you right with christ?


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004

While the term "Antichrist" is a vague one to many people in these days of neo-evangelical and liberal theology, yet to the early church and to all Bible students it speaks of the last and greatest of all the enemies of God and of His Christ. As we study the Bible we find these facts clearly set forth:

1. Before the end of the Age of Grace, there will be apostasy which will not only be a corruption of the Christian faith, but a total denial of it. It will substitute "the lie" for "the truth". It will be a counterfeit faith.

2. That the last representative and leader of this apostasy will be a man - the Antichrist, "the man of sin," "the wicked one," "the son of perdition."

3. That during the Tribulation Period of seven years, following the rapture of the Church, this man will attain universal dominion, all nations being subject to him. The world today is looking for such a man of peace, a man that can unite the nations, a man who will control the world.

4. The Antichrist will claim honours for himself and will persecute all who uphold the faith of Christ. He will suppress, as far as possible, all genuine Christian worship.

5. That at the beginning of the Tribulation Period the Jews as a whole will receive Antichrist, but later on he will turn on Israel and persecute the Jews even unto death.

6. That Antichrist and his adherents will be destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ at His appearance, at the end of the Tribulation Period.

The Bible teaches that Antichrist will take the place of God and will lead mankind to the worship of himself. We read in 2 Thessalonians 2:4, "Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped: so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." He will be known as God. He will be one of the most important theologians of all times. he will teach all humanity to believe "the lie". Men will turn from the truth of God's Word.

We can see the stage being set today for the theology of Antichrist to take over the thinking of the unsaved peoples of the world. We are living in a day of naturalism which denies the supernatural. The naturalist theory teaches that scientific laws within nature account for all phenomena. It rejects the revelation of God as the means of attaining truth. It denies the existence of a personal God. Naturalism teaches that if there be a God, He is "one with nature for all nature is God's body." This does away with the Bible, with miracles, with supernatural power, and with eternal life.

This has always been the desire of the Devil. He told Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden: "Ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." The devil wants to make gods out of men and he himself wants to be the chief god. This will come to a climax during the Tribulation Period. Mankind will not have the man Christ Jesus to rule over them now, but in time they will choose another man - a man who is humanity's representative - a man who finally ascends the throne in the temple of God showing himself that he is God.

We can easily see that the Great Tribulation Period will have its religion. The false worldwide ecumenical church will be the church of the Tribulation Period. In Revelation 17:1-6 we see an adulterous woman sitting upon a scarlet coloured beast. This is a picture of the ecumenical church bringing together all the apostates who have entered this period of time. We know that the present ecumenical movement will succeed. But since all true believers will be taken away at the Rapture, the ecumenical church will be nothing more than a federation of unbelievers.

This is the reason why God calls His own children out of the ecumenical movement today. How can truly born again believers support or encourage or help the ecumenical movement in any way when they know from the Bible that it is the church of the Antichrist. hear God's call in Revelation 18:4, "And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues." Are we going to remain true to our church or to our Christ? Are we going to follow the teaching of men regarding the ecumenical movement or the teaching of God in His Word?

The next step is for the harlot, the ecumenical church system, to be destroyed. All kinds of deception and lies and wonders will be employed by Antichrist to obtain worship from a man, and terrible persecution will fall upon those who refuse to give him the place he demands.

The Great Tribulation is set forth in the Bible under various terms. In Daniel 12:1 it is described as "a time of trouble." In Matthew 24:21-29 it is called "great tribulation." In Luke 21:34-36 it is referred to as "that day." In Jeremiah 30:4-7 it is called "that day" and "the time of Jacob's trouble."
dmp said:
Except some believe Christ won't rapture his Church until during or AFTER the 7 years of tribulation.

And some don't believe in this stuff at all. RWA what's the point of this post?
Nuc said:
And some don't believe in this stuff at all. RWA what's the point of this post?

And? So what? If you don't believe, then what's the piont of your reply? Take note of the subforum in which you're participating.
Said1 said:
Crack isn't good for geriatrics. Now go drink your metamusil and take a nap, you senial old fool. :)

BAAAHAAA! Othay. :thanks:
How great is the deception in the world! The god of this world, our adversary the devil, is busy at work.

Many who proclaim to be Christians will be rebuked, and Christ will tell them "I never knew you".

How simple is the gift of eternal life, and how simple is the faith! Believe in Him (Jesus Christ) and accept Him into your life as your personal savior and be given the gift of eternal life, and have a place prepared for you in His kingdom!

As Jesus was beaten, as His saving blood was spilled, every evil in the hearts of mankind were beaten with Him, for you.

Every sin was placed on Jesus as he hung on the cross, both in the past in in the future were placed upon Him.

Praise God, and let every knee bend, every head bow before Him, and every tounge confess that He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings, the way, the truth and the life!
dmp said:
And? So what? If you don't believe, then what's the piont of your reply? Take note of the subforum in which you're participating.

So only so-called believers have a right to discuss religions and gods? Grow up. I suppose only Canadians are allowed to peruse the "Canada" forum. :gross2: :baby: :read: :cof:
So what do you believe is the "ecumenical movement"? Is it all liberal Christian churches, is something New Age, or is there something more specific? Can you give an example?
Nuc said:
So only so-called believers have a right to discuss religions and gods? Grow up. I suppose only Canadians are allowed to peruse the "Canada" forum. :gross2: :baby: :read: :cof:

yeah. Pretty much. You knew the nature of the thread, and only replied to try to stir shit up. Just relax.
dmp said:
yeah. Pretty much. You knew the nature of the thread, and only replied to try to stir shit up. Just relax.

You relax, knob! All I said was some people don't believe in any of it. And a lot of us are disgusted with all the infighting between Christians. They frequently tell the rest of us we are all going to hell, yet despite worshiping the same god and sub-god, they can't even get along. Put your own house in order before criticizing me for saying, "What is this about?" Because all I see is bickering between people whose ideas correlate about 98%. If pointing this out "stirs shit up" you are a bunch of pansies.
Keep in mind that what you see happening with some Christians does not represent true Christianity, and true followers of Christ. Sadly, the image of what has become "mainstream Christianity" has the effect of turning away many individuals who might have come to know the Lord if they had been greeted with compassion, and spirit of the Lord. I know of many people who have become dissolusioned with their large "megachurches", and are coming away from them to worship the Lord Jesus Christ in their own homes with friends and family because of this. They see the hypocrisy of "Christian" Pat Robertson calling for the assasination of Hugo Chavez, they see the anti-Christian nature of many televangalists in the name of God shaking down old ladies for an extra coin. They have developed the discernment given to them by the holy spirit, that the spirit of the Lord is not within many of these large churches. They are worthy none the less of coming to know the Lord, and are in need of sincere prayer.

Liars, murderers, adulterers, thieves, all sinners, you are all loved by God and are offered freely the gift of eternal life, and have the free will to choose or reject it.
Nuc said:
Hey Said1,

I'm in Wisconsin. <b>If only <u>we</u> were just a little bit luckier</b> we'd be part of Canada! Don't rub in our misfortune!

:duh3: :beer: :thup: :bow2:

Speak for yourself. :tng:

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